Cannot Disconnect/Remap Network Drives

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chaplain Doug
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Chaplain Doug

Windows XP SR2.

I have some network drives that are mapped on logon. At present when I
briong up My Computer, they show as "Disconnected Network Drive (G:)" (I see
the same for drive H: and J: as well). However, when I double-click the
icons, the network drive opens up just fine. I want to reset them so I do
not see the "Disconnected" message any more. However, I cannot disconnect
them (as I am told they are already disconnected) nor can I remap them (since
those drive letters are not available to map). How can I reset this mess?

Dr. Doug Pruiett
Good News Jail & Prison Ministry
this problem has been posted many many times in the past two weeks or so.
Evidently it started after that last round of Windows security updates. No
one has found a solution ( or at leasted posted one here, but here is a link
to my post here, with the various responces, One might work for you.

With the frequency of the smae trouble being posted here, i hope that
Microsoft will QUICKLY realize there is a problem here, and take us
seriuosly. This needs to be fixed ! ! !

"Chaplain Doug" wrote:

> Windows XP SR2.
> I have some network drives that are mapped on logon. At present when I
> briong up My Computer, they show as "Disconnected Network Drive (G:)" (I see
> the same for drive H: and J: as well). However, when I double-click the
> icons, the network drive opens up just fine. I want to reset them so I do
> not see the "Disconnected" message any more. However, I cannot disconnect
> them (as I am told they are already disconnected) nor can I remap them (since
> those drive letters are not available to map). How can I reset this mess?
> --
> Dr. Doug Pruiett
> Good News Jail & Prison Ministry