Can CHKDSK run at the time of start up on drives that do not have an assigned drive letter? If yes,


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I have Windows 7 and Windows 8 installed separately on two different hard disks. Each OS is unaware of the presence of the other. Booting with each OS, I removed the hard drive letter assigned to the disk that contains the other OS. For example, when
I boot using Windows 7, I do not see the drive containing Windows 8 and vice-versa.
I believe I cannot use the CHKNTFS /X option to exclude one OS from checking the disk containing the other OS at the time of start-up as the drive containing the other OS does not have an assigned drive letter i.e. it is hidden.
I do not want Windows 8 checking Windows 7 disk at the time of booting for errors. The same expectation holds true when I boot using Windows 7 (no check for errors on disk containing Windows 8).
In this set-up, can CHKDSK run at the time of start-up on drives that do not have an assigned drive letter? If yes, how can I disable it?

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