cables to use router with gateway


Active Member
Jan 4, 2013
Silver Spring MD
I am running Win 10 x 64
I bridged my gateway and ran Ethernet cables.
I ran the top router cable to #1 port of the gateway and the printer and desktop to my router. If I run the PC to the gateway I can only get "public" as an option and the Ethernet's display SSID is the same as the gateway's router.
Is my configuration as it should be? I wonder as I always thought the desktop should run directly to the gateway or modem but it seems not to work that way. When I click Ethernet I get no choice for private which I want.
Any other set up and I see public instead of private showing the SSID from the gateway.
All runs well but I don't want a destructive loop or breach of security.

So it is cable to top #1 port of gateway from router and, desktop and printer go to the router. OK or not?
It sounds like you have it right. You should have cable from gateway to router. Should be plugged in WAN port. Then each device gets plugged into the open ports on the router. If the gateway is one of those gateway/router combos then each device gets plugged into it.