Buh Buh! Scott di Valerio Architect of Millions of Nearly 200 Mill Vista/XP Users with no Media

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chad Harris
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Chad Harris

Scottie D. Valerio MSFT OEM VP November 2005 to October 2007

"You ain't gettin' no stinkin' XP or Vista Media" sucuh!

It is with fond affection and exponential respect that those of us who want
to fix thousands of MSFT customers who have "No Boot Windows" bid Scott di
Valerio, one of the few MSFT employees whose office would take no calls
from the public a buh buh buh. Scottie D. Valerio very quietly left MSFT at
the end of October.

Scott endowed MSFT with the values to become indifferent to their customers
by pressuring the 300 named OEMs ***not to ship a Vista DVD or in the past
six years an XP CD with their purchase of expensive computers and other
hardware. Pre-loaded XP and Vista are in fact a mainstay and invaluable
sales asset to MSFT ranking with Office.

As far as I know, only Dell has stood out as an OEM who is making good on
their promise to ship Vista DVDs with purchased computers directly from

Since 2002 MSFT has had no less than four people for an average of one per
year in the OEM job.

Additionally if one evaluates phone support MSFT contracts with an outsource
company to provide (Convergys of Ohio in several cities in India and a much
smaller number in the Phillipines, the support is of the lowest quality
possible, which gives a number of us incentive to help MSFT customers in
these newsgroups.

To those of you who don't have media, while you can thank Mr. Divalerio,
backing up with something that actually works and is easily retrievable is
the alternative.

Buh buh buh buh Scottie D. Scottie D. can still have impact on someo f your
lives from his new bunker as Lenovo Sr.VP and President of the Lenovo
Americas group.

Hundreds of thousands of people who can't repair No Boot Vista or XP because
they lack the repair tools of a Repair Install, Startup Repair, or cmds from
the cmd prompt outside Windows pay you homage and thank you for their
formats as they fondly remember wiping and loading.
