
Active Member
Mar 12, 2015
Pennsylvania, USA
Ratchet, have you resolved the blue screen problem?

Just in case I get the same blue screen again, I would
appreciate knowing what you tried and whether or not
you were successful.


Ratchet, I just got the "blue-screen/dump" problem again.

I restarted the computer, and WinPatrol PLUS notified
me that zsystemrroot\system32\dumpprep O - k
infiltrated my startup system (again!). It does not have
any information about it yet. I chose not to accept it in
startup. A check of WinPatrol's startup shows nothing
that should not be in there. (Last time there were quite
a few intrusions).

As mentioned earlier, the first time this happened, a
a tech "fixed" it by installing new RAM. He also did a
thorough malware search which came up clean. A week
later, same thing happened. I just deleted unwanted items
that showed up in startup, and it was fine until this morning.

This is the third occurrence. I'd appreciate feedback from
our gurus and and update from Ratchet.

I'm tempted to just repeat what I've done on my own until
I have to replace this aging computer (XP Pro). I can
live with this in the meantime, but I'm really curious as to
what causes the blue screen.

I just did a Search for dump which revealed:

Minidump ..................................C:\WINDOWS ....................5/12/2015 4:06 (3d blue dump screen, yesterday) ..C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch ..... 5/13/2015 9:01 (this morning, normal startup)
dumprep ....................................C:\WINDOWS\system32
savedump ................................C:\WINDOWS\system32
diskdump ..................................C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386
dumprep ................................. C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386
................................ C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386

All the items in blue were installed 4/14/2008. I assume they are part
of o/s and should not be messed with.

Should I delete the first two items? (They don't show up in WinPatrol's
jcgriff2, thanks for your efforts to get to the bottom of this blue-screen dump issue.

I'm not sure what you are asking me to do, and I don't know how to attach a file .. :doh:

A "dump" Search brought up the same information I previously posted:

"Minidump ..................................C:\WINDOWS ....................5/12/2015 4:06 (3d blue dump screen) ..C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch ..... 5/13/2015 9:01 (normal startup)
dumprep ....................................C:\WINDOWS\system32
savedump ................................C:\WINDOWS\system32
diskdump ..................................C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386
dumprep ................................. C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386
savedump ................................ C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386
diskdump ..................................C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers"

I clicked the first item (Minidump ... C:Windows), and it revealed these files which I can't open
*("Use the Web service to find the appropriate program or Select the program from a list):

Name ..........................Size..........Date Modified.................Date Created..........Date Accessed
Mini051215-01.dmp .. 88 KB .. 05/12/2015 04:06 PM .. 05/12/2015 04:06 PM ,, 05/13/2015 9:39 AM
Mini112814-01.dmp .. 88 KB .. 11/28/2014 10:34 AM .. 11/28/2014 10:34 AM .. 03/25/2015 2:40 PM
Mini112814-02.dmp .. 88 KB .. 11/28/2014 11:52 AM .. 11/28/2014 11:52 AM ..05/24/2015 1:36 PM
Mini120514-01.dmp .. 88KB .. 12/05/2014 10:04 AM .. 12/05/1014 10:04 AM .. 05/14/2015 1:37 PM
Mini122514-01.dmp .. 88KB .. 12/25/2014 01:47 PM .. 12/25/2014 01:47 PM .. 05/14/2015 1:38 PM

*The Web service took me here:

*I don't know the "list" from which to select the program.

To me, the above dates indicate the tech returned my computer to me (after replacing
RAM) on 12/05/14, the blue-screen dump reoccurred on Xmas day 12/25/2014, and
for the third time on 5/13/2015.

I'm sorry I don't know how to attach whatever you wanted. I hope my typing skills
are still in tact and that the above information is accurate and helps.

Again, thanks very much.