BSOD - Win 7 - new mother board, clean install 5-11-14

  • Thread starter Thread starter JNickell_ks
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This is a home build: Discmaimer I am an amateur at PC builds.

AMD Phenom ii x6 1055T

New motherboard ASUS M5A78l-M usb3, clean install 5-11-14

Memory sticks, 2ea 2 gig (new), 2 ea 4 gig previous install

500 GB WD Barrcuda drive from pervious install

The previous build had issues and in working to resolve them I replaced the motherboard (keybd failure at boot up).

New build still has some instability.

Occasional BSOD .

MEMTEST ran fine, no errors

CHKDSK did not leave a report I can find, is there a place to look for it?

PRIME95 ran for over an hour

AMD OverDrive Stabiilty Test runs, but has failed twice with a hardware failure detected; temperature ranges 32 to 47 degrees C; voltages on spec.

Via BlueScreenView there is a consistent pattern, NTOSkrnl.exe +71f00 (address is stack e0e23 on last occasion) is involved. Bug check 0x00.... 9f, once NTFS.sys was highlighted in the crash.

I can post screen shots. The PS and drive are about 4 years old, though this computer had about 2 months of use on it, I usually just use it to do some special audio calculations that last minutes to many hours (EASE from AFMG). It's based on ray tracing that is then calculated to an impulse response for a particular location in a room.

Any thoughts or help are appreciated. I am at the point of junking it if it can't stabilize.



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