BSOD Fatal Error Windows Logon Process

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mackemsarethetops
  • Start date Start date


Hi Everyone,

I have a Toshiba A100-225 Notebook, which has been running XP Home SP3. I had to do a clean reinstall.

Everything went smoothly--with help from Toshiba for some Drivers. Installed all necessary Progs All Updates via Windows Update completed without trouble.

Today--turned on --Boot got as far as the Windows Logo--then the black screen appears(you normally get just before the Arrow pointer appears ) but no pointer--sudden BSOD with following

"Stop: cx000021a (Fatal System Error)

The Windows Logon Process System Process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0x0000135 (0x00000000 0x00000000)

The system has been shut down.

I repeated the startup twice more---same result. I went through all the options of --Last known good config, Safe Mode Safe Mode with Command Prompt etc---all with same BSOD. I cannot get into Windows to do any investigation of the event logs..

I decided to do a new reinstall---The Install does not now function---I get a message during Setup asking for the SP2 CD for some missing file. I don't have such CD, and it wasn't required on the first reinstall. Ran this twice more--same problem. Then tried a reinstall using XP Pro SP2---same thing happens---SP2 Disk required. Removed the Install CD, rebooted---Windows Setup restarts, but I then get the same Stop Error as before except it has a different status value than for XP Home--this time 0x000012f

I now have a laptop with no working OS. How do I get to re-install my OS? What is preventing the reinstall setup from completing?

As I don't have a system, how do I cure the problem anyway?

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