BSOD 0x050 Dump please

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Hello Everyone!

First time posting and ofcourse its cause i'm in a jam

I think i have it figured out that it is a csrss.exe that is causing
the error but i am not sure and plus, i really dont know what to do
about it. I would re-install normally but time is of the essence and
alot of very special configs have to be redone (so much CAD
stuff...ouch). Can someone help me avoid the -Format- option?
Please...pretty please ?

Opened log file 'c:\debuglog.txt'

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.6.0007.5
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Loading Dump File [C:\Documents and Settings\afata\Desktop\dump
Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available

Symbol search path is: SRV*c:\symbols*
Executable search path is: C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS
\system32 \drivers
Windows XP Kernel Version 2600 (Service Pack 1) UP Free x86 compatible
Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS
Built by: 2600.xpsp2.050301-1526
Kernel base = 0x804d4000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0x8054c850
Debug session time: Tue Jun 5 17:35:16.234 2007 (GMT-4)
System Uptime: 0 days 0:00:12.843
Loading Kernel Symbols
................................................... .................................................. .........
Loading User Symbols
Loading unloaded module list
* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 35, {81fee008, 0, 0, 0}

*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for wpfb_nv4_disp.dll
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for
Probably caused by : wpfb_nv4_disp.dll ( wpfb_nv4_disp+be93 )

Followup: MachineOwner

kd> !analyze -v;r;kv;lmtn;.logclose;q
* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *

A higher level driver has attempted to call a lower level driver
the IoCallDriver() interface, but there are no more stack locations in
packet, hence, the lower level driver would not be able to access its
parameters, as there are no parameters for it. This is a disasterous
situation, since the higher level driver "thinks" it has filled in the
parameters for the lower level driver (something it MUST do before it
it), but since there is no stack location for the latter driver, the
has written off of the end of the packet. This means that some other
has probably been trashed at this point.
Arg1: 81fee008, Address of the IRP
Arg2: 00000000
Arg3: 00000000
Arg4: 00000000

Debugging Details:




PROCESS_NAME: csrss.exe

LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from 805174bb to 8052b591

f56fb5b0 805174bb 00000035 81fee008 00000000 nt!KeBugCheckEx+0x19
f56fb5c8 bf8745f1 0000000c 00030101 f56fb9c0 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x17
f56fb5f8 bf85d1e4 81f5d960 0023f774 f56fb644 win32k!GreDeviceIoControl
f56fb61c bf9c3e93 81f5d960 0023f774 f56fb644 win32k!EngDeviceIoControl
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may
be wrong.
f56fb9cc bf85c9d3 00000000 00000001 e150da18 wpfb_nv4_disp+0xbe93
f56fb9e4 bf85c850 e1541870 81f66778 f56fba0c win32k!ldevGetDriverModes
f56fba14 bf85cf01 00000000 00000000 f56fbbb0 win32k!DrvBuildDevmodeList
f56fba9c bf85cbc3 e150da18 f56fbbfc f56fbbd8 win32k!
f56fbc00 bf85c56c 00000000 00000000 00000001 win32k!DrvCreateMDEV
f56fbcf4 bf85ba9b 00000000 00000000 00000000 win32k!
f56fbd30 bf85bc22 00000000 f56fbd64 0015fda4 win32k!InitVideo+0x31
f56fbd4c bf85bb59 804dad01 00050000 00000058 win32k!UserInitialize
f56fbd50 804dad01 00050000 00000058 0000005c win32k!NtUserInitialize
f56fbd50 7ffe0304 00050000 00000058 0000005c nt!KiSystemService+0xc4
0015fdbc 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 SharedUserData!


bf9c3e93 ?? ???



MODULE_NAME: wpfb_nv4_disp

IMAGE_NAME: wpfb_nv4_disp.dll


SYMBOL_NAME: wpfb_nv4_disp+be93

FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: 0x35_wpfb_nv4_disp+be93

BUCKET_ID: 0x35_wpfb_nv4_disp+be93

Followup: MachineOwner

eax=ffdff13c ebx=00000035 ecx=00000000 edx=81fee008 esi=00000008
eip=8052b591 esp=f56fb598 ebp=f56fb5b0 iopl=0 vif nv up ei ng nz na pe
cs=0008 ss=0010 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0030 gs=0000 efl=00080286
8052b591 5d pop ebp
ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
f56fb5b0 805174bb 00000035 81fee008 00000000 nt!KeBugCheckEx+0x19
(FPO: [Non-Fpo])
f56fb5c8 bf8745f1 0000000c 00030101 f56fb9c0 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x17
(FPO: [0,0,1])
f56fb5f8 bf85d1e4 81f5d960 0023f774 f56fb644 win32k!GreDeviceIoControl
+0x91 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
f56fb61c bf9c3e93 81f5d960 0023f774 f56fb644 win32k!EngDeviceIoControl
+0x1d (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may
be wrong.
f56fb9cc bf85c9d3 00000000 00000001 e150da18 wpfb_nv4_disp+0xbe93
f56fb9e4 bf85c850 e1541870 81f66778 f56fba0c win32k!ldevGetDriverModes
+0x19 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
f56fba14 bf85cf01 00000000 00000000 f56fbbb0 win32k!DrvBuildDevmodeList
+0xa2 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
f56fba9c bf85cbc3 e150da18 f56fbbfc f56fbbd8 win32k!
DrvProbeAndCaptureDevmode+0x3e3 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
f56fbc00 bf85c56c 00000000 00000000 00000001 win32k!DrvCreateMDEV
+0x367 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
f56fbcf4 bf85ba9b 00000000 00000000 00000000 win32k!
DrvChangeDisplaySettings+0x2b4 (FPO: [11,48,3])
f56fbd30 bf85bc22 00000000 f56fbd64 0015fda4 win32k!InitVideo+0x31
(FPO: [Non-Fpo])
f56fbd4c bf85bb59 804dad01 00050000 00000058 win32k!UserInitialize
+0xe8 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
f56fbd50 804dad01 00050000 00000058 0000005c win32k!NtUserInitialize
+0x86 (FPO: [3,0,0])
f56fbd50 7ffe0304 00050000 00000058 0000005c nt!KiSystemService+0xc4
(FPO: [0,0] TrapFrame @ f56fbd64)
0015fdbc 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 SharedUserData!
SystemCallStub+0x4 (FPO: [0,0,0])
start end module name
804d4000 806c6400 nt ntoskrnl.exe Tue Mar 01 20:33:24 2005 (422517E4)
806c7000 806e6380 hal halaacpi.dll Thu Aug 29 04:05:02 2002 (3D6DD5AE)
bf800000 bf9b7580 win32k win32k.sys Mon Oct 03 21:38:07 2005
bf9b8000 bf9cb000 wpfb_nv4_disp wpfb_nv4_disp.dll Wed Jul 02 18:56:31
2003 (3F03631F)
bff80000 bff90d80 dxg dxg.sys Thu Aug 29 06:40:42 2002 (3D6DFA2A)
ebc7c000 ebc9f700 Fastfat Fastfat.SYS Thu Aug 29 05:12:45 2002
ecd82000 ecd86000 watchdog watchdog.sys Thu Aug 29 04:32:20 2002
ecd86000 ecd88900 Dxapi Dxapi.sys Fri Aug 17 16:53:19 2001 (3B7D843F)
ecda2000 ecda4f80 mouhid mouhid.sys Fri Aug 17 16:47:57 2001
ecda6000 ecda9680 kbdhid kbdhid.sys Fri Aug 17 16:48:01 2001
ee599000 ee602c00 mrxsmb mrxsmb.sys Fri May 05 05:31:01 2006
ee603000 ee62bb00 rdbss rdbss.sys Fri May 05 05:40:30 2006 (445B1D8E)
ee62c000 ee650700 netbt netbt.sys Tue Jul 08 19:48:51 2003 (3F0B5863)
ee651000 ee6a4200 tcpip tcpip.sys Thu Apr 20 07:38:42 2006 (444772C2)
ee6a5000 ee6b7280 ipsec ipsec.sys Sat May 13 06:13:30 2006 (4465B14A)
ef7d8000 ef7e8480 nvarm nvarm.sys Wed Mar 03 17:20:52 2004 (40465A44)
ef7e9000 ef89cf00 nvmcp nvmcp.sys Wed Mar 03 17:20:53 2004 (40465A45)
ef89d000 ef8bdc80 portcls portcls.sys Thu Aug 29 05:00:58 2002
ef8be000 ef90c480 nvapu nvapu.sys Wed Mar 03 17:20:55 2004 (40465A47)
f34f3000 f34fb700 HIDCLASS HIDCLASS.SYS Thu Aug 29 04:32:40 2002
f3503000 f350b880 Fips Fips.SYS Fri Aug 17 21:31:49 2001 (3B7DC585)
f3513000 f351b180 netbios netbios.sys Thu Aug 29 04:35:45 2002
f3523000 f352b360 aswTdi aswTdi.SYS Mon Apr 30 11:38:46 2007
f3563000 f3571200 drmk drmk.sys Thu Aug 29 04:32:30 2002 (3D6DDC1E)
f36aa000 f36b0e00 usbccgp usbccgp.sys Thu Jul 03 20:53:24 2003
f36b2000 f36b7500 USBSTOR USBSTOR.SYS Thu Aug 29 04:32:50 2002
f36ba000 f36c1380 Npfs Npfs.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:50:03 2001 (3B7D837B)
f3728000 f3731480 NDProxy NDProxy.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:55:30 2001
f3934000 f3936580 hidusb hidusb.sys Fri Aug 17 17:02:16 2001
f3954000 f3956280 rasacd rasacd.sys Fri Aug 17 16:55:39 2001
f3a10000 f3a11100 dump_WMILIB dump_WMILIB.SYS Fri Aug 17 17:07:23 2001
f3adb000 f3adf680 Msfs Msfs.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:50:02 2001 (3B7D837A)
f3ae3000 f3ae7d00 vga vga.sys Thu Aug 29 04:32:03 2002 (3D6DDC03)
f3aeb000 f3af0c80 HIDPARSE HIDPARSE.SYS Fri Aug 17 17:02:04 2001
f3af3000 f3af7940 Aavmker4 Aavmker4.SYS Mon Apr 30 11:37:19 2007
f572c000 f5739580 dump_nvatabus dump_nvatabus.sys Tue Sep 02 21:11:55
2003 (3F553FDB)
f5f50000 f5f59000 pivotmou pivotmou.sys Wed Jul 02 18:56:32 2003
f5f60000 f5f6e000 arp1394 arp1394.sys Thu Aug 29 04:33:29 2002
f5f70000 f5f78200 wanarp wanarp.sys Fri Aug 17 16:55:23 2001
f73f1000 f7412780 update update.sys Fri Aug 17 23:53:56 2001
f7905000 f7931880 rdpdr rdpdr.sys Thu Aug 29 04:06:34 2002 (3D6DD60A)
f7932000 f7942200 psched psched.sys Thu Aug 29 04:35:54 2002
f7943000 f7958600 ndiswan ndiswan.sys Thu Aug 29 04:58:38 2002
f7959000 f796b900 parport parport.sys Thu Aug 29 04:27:29 2002
f796c000 f797d500 VIDEOPRT VIDEOPRT.SYS Thu Aug 29 04:32:03 2002
f797e000 f7bd6940 nv4_mini nv4_mini.sys Mon Jul 12 20:27:39 2004
f7bd7000 f7bf6d00 ks ks.sys Wed Dec 04 12:09:38 2002 (3DEE36D2)
f7bf7000 f7c0c600 NVENET NVENET.sys Wed Oct 29 16:31:09 2003
f7c0d000 f7c2ee00 USBPORT USBPORT.SYS Thu Jul 03 20:49:27 2003
f7c97000 f7ca3f80 usbhub usbhub.sys Thu Jul 03 20:52:56 2003
f802b000 f8034400 termdd termdd.sys Thu Aug 29 04:40:32 2002
f803b000 f8043400 msgpc msgpc.sys Fri Aug 17 16:54:19 2001 (3B7D847B)
f837f000 f8398680 Mup Mup.sys Thu Aug 29 05:12:53 2002 (3D6DE595)
f8399000 f83c2100 NDIS NDIS.sys Sat Oct 04 03:54:08 2003 (3F7E7CA0)
f83c3000 f844c300 Ntfs Ntfs.sys Thu Aug 29 05:13:37 2002 (3D6DE5C1)
f844d000 f8460780 KSecDD KSecDD.sys Fri Aug 17 16:50:01 2001
f8461000 f8477080 SCSIPORT SCSIPORT.SYS Thu Aug 29 04:27:47 2002
f8478000 f848fc80 SI3112r SI3112r.sys Wed May 12 17:01:17 2004
f8490000 f84a5380 atapi atapi.sys Thu Aug 29 04:27:48 2002 (3D6DDB04)
f84a6000 f84c9b80 dmio dmio.sys Fri Aug 17 16:58:27 2001 (3B7D8573)
f84ca000 f84e8880 ftdisk ftdisk.sys Fri Aug 17 16:52:41 2001
f84e9000 f8514c80 ACPI ACPI.sys Thu Aug 29 04:09:03 2002 (3D6DD69F)
f8536000 f8545600 pci pci.sys Thu Aug 29 04:09:10 2002 (3D6DD6A6)
f8546000 f854ec00 isapnp isapnp.sys Fri Aug 17 16:58:01 2001
f8556000 f8563980 ohci1394 ohci1394.sys Thu Aug 29 04:33:19 2002
f8566000 f8572580 1394BUS 1394BUS.SYS Thu Aug 29 04:33:19 2002
f8576000 f857f280 MountMgr MountMgr.sys Fri Aug 17 16:47:36 2001
f8586000 f8592000 VolSnap VolSnap.sys Fri Aug 17 16:53:19 2001
f8596000 f85a3580 nvatabus nvatabus.sys Tue Sep 02 21:11:55 2003
f85a6000 f85ae400 disk disk.sys Thu Aug 29 04:27:56 2002 (3D6DDB0C)
f85b6000 f85c1500 CLASSPNP CLASSPNP.SYS Thu Aug 29 05:08:42 2002
f8686000 f868ff80 nvax nvax.sys Wed Mar 03 17:20:53 2004 (40465A45)
f8696000 f869fb80 imapi imapi.sys Thu Aug 29 04:28:05 2002 (3D6DDB15)
f86a6000 f86b1980 cdrom cdrom.sys Thu Aug 29 04:27:55 2002 (3D6DDB0B)
f86b6000 f86c3d00 redbook redbook.sys Thu Aug 29 04:27:45 2002
f86c6000 f86cf000 pivot pivot.sys Wed Jul 02 18:56:32 2003 (3F036320)
f86d6000 f86e5400 serial serial.sys Thu Aug 29 05:08:27 2002
f86e6000 f86f1d00 rasl2tp rasl2tp.sys Thu Aug 29 05:06:36 2002
f86f6000 f86ff800 raspppoe raspppoe.sys Fri Aug 17 16:55:33 2001
f8706000 f8711480 raspptp raspptp.sys Tue Oct 01 20:52:28 2002
f8716000 f8724280 nic1394 nic1394.sys Thu Aug 29 04:33:29 2002
f87b6000 f87bbc80 PCIIDEX PCIIDEX.SYS Thu Aug 29 04:27:47 2002
f87be000 f87c2900 PartMgr PartMgr.sys Fri Aug 17 21:32:23 2001
f87c6000 f87ca900 nv_agp nv_agp.sys Wed Mar 19 20:13:47 2003
f87de000 f87e4280 usbehci usbehci.sys Thu Jul 03 20:50:45 2003
f87e6000 f87e7000 fdc fdc.sys unavailable (00000000)
f87ee000 f87f2580 ptilink ptilink.sys Fri Aug 17 16:49:53 2001
f87f6000 f87fa080 raspti raspti.sys Fri Aug 17 16:55:32 2001
f87fe000 f8803b80 kbdclass kbdclass.sys Thu Aug 29 04:26:59 2002
f8806000 f880b600 mouclass mouclass.sys Thu Aug 29 04:27:00 2002
f893e000 f8945780 processr processr.sys Thu Aug 29 04:05:03 2002
f8946000 f8949000 BOOTVID BOOTVID.dll Fri Aug 17 16:49:09 2001
f894a000 f894c800 SiWinAcc SiWinAcc.sys Wed Oct 15 14:28:16 2003
f8a16000 f8a19e80 usbohci usbohci.sys Thu Jul 03 20:51:14 2003
f8a1e000 f8a21a80 serenum serenum.sys Fri Aug 17 16:50:13 2001
f8a22000 f8a24580 ndistapi ndistapi.sys Fri Aug 17 16:55:29 2001
f8a26000 f8a29f80 TDI TDI.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:57:25 2001 (3B7D8535)
f8a36000 f8a37b80 kdcom kdcom.dll Fri Aug 17 16:49:10 2001 (3B7D8346)
f8a38000 f8a39100 WMILIB WMILIB.SYS Fri Aug 17 17:07:23 2001
f8a3a000 f8a3b700 dmload dmload.sys Fri Aug 17 16:58:15 2001
f8a5a000 f8a5b280 USBD USBD.SYS Fri Aug 17 17:02:58 2001 (3B7D8682)
f8af0000 f8af1f00 Fs_Rec Fs_Rec.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:49:37 2001
f8af2000 f8af3080 Beep Beep.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:47:33 2001 (3B7D82E5)
f8af4000 f8af5080 mnmdd mnmdd.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:57:28 2001 (3B7D8538)
f8af6000 f8af7080 RDPCDD RDPCDD.sys Fri Aug 17 16:46:56 2001
f8afe000 f8afed00 pciide pciide.sys Fri Aug 17 16:51:49 2001
f8b47000 f8b47b80 Null Null.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:47:39 2001 (3B7D82EB)
f8b8c000 f8b8cc00 audstub audstub.sys Fri Aug 17 16:59:40 2001
f8b91000 f8b92000 swenum swenum.sys Wed Dec 04 12:10:07 2002
f8be1000 f8be1d00 dxgthk dxgthk.sys Fri Aug 17 16:53:12 2001

Unloaded modules:
f466b000 f466f000 kbdhid.sys
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
f3533000 f3540000 i8042prt.sys
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
f3af3000 f3af8000 Cdaudio.SYS
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
f466f000 f4672000 Sfloppy.SYS
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
f3afb000 f3b00000 Flpydisk.SYS
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
Closing open log file c:\debuglog.txt

Thanks (i'll owe you a virtual coffe or something ),

Try the xp update

"" wrote:

> Hello Everyone!
> First time posting and ofcourse its cause i'm in a jam
> I think i have it figured out that it is a csrss.exe that is causing
> the error but i am not sure and plus, i really dont know what to do
> about it. I would re-install normally but time is of the essence and
> alot of very special configs have to be redone (so much CAD
> stuff...ouch). Can someone help me avoid the -Format- option?
> Please...pretty please ?
> Opened log file 'c:\debuglog.txt'
> Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.6.0007.5
> Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
> Loading Dump File [C:\Documents and Settings\afata\Desktop\dump
> \Mini060507-05.dmp]
> Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available
> Symbol search path is: SRV*c:\symbols*
> download/symbols
> Executable search path is: C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS
> \system32 \drivers
> Windows XP Kernel Version 2600 (Service Pack 1) UP Free x86 compatible
> Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS
> Built by: 2600.xpsp2.050301-1526
> Kernel base = 0x804d4000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0x8054c850
> Debug session time: Tue Jun 5 17:35:16.234 2007 (GMT-4)
> System Uptime: 0 days 0:00:12.843
> Loading Kernel Symbols
> ................................................... .................................................. .........
> Loading User Symbols
> Loading unloaded module list
> ......
> **************************************************
> *****************************
> * *
> * Bugcheck Analysis *
> * *
> **************************************************
> *****************************
> Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.
> BugCheck 35, {81fee008, 0, 0, 0}
> *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for wpfb_nv4_disp.dll
> *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for
> wpfb_nv4_disp.dll
> Probably caused by : wpfb_nv4_disp.dll ( wpfb_nv4_disp+be93 )
> Followup: MachineOwner
> ---------
> kd> !analyze -v;r;kv;lmtn;.logclose;q
> **************************************************
> *****************************
> * *
> * Bugcheck Analysis *
> * *
> **************************************************
> *****************************
> A higher level driver has attempted to call a lower level driver
> through
> the IoCallDriver() interface, but there are no more stack locations in
> the
> packet, hence, the lower level driver would not be able to access its
> parameters, as there are no parameters for it. This is a disasterous
> situation, since the higher level driver "thinks" it has filled in the
> parameters for the lower level driver (something it MUST do before it
> calls
> it), but since there is no stack location for the latter driver, the
> former
> has written off of the end of the packet. This means that some other
> memory
> has probably been trashed at this point.
> Arguments:
> Arg1: 81fee008, Address of the IRP
> Arg2: 00000000
> Arg3: 00000000
> Arg4: 00000000
> Debugging Details:
> ------------------
> PROCESS_NAME: csrss.exe
> LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from 805174bb to 8052b591
> f56fb5b0 805174bb 00000035 81fee008 00000000 nt!KeBugCheckEx+0x19
> f56fb5c8 bf8745f1 0000000c 00030101 f56fb9c0 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x17
> f56fb5f8 bf85d1e4 81f5d960 0023f774 f56fb644 win32k!GreDeviceIoControl
> +0x91
> f56fb61c bf9c3e93 81f5d960 0023f774 f56fb644 win32k!EngDeviceIoControl
> +0x1d
> WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may
> be wrong.
> f56fb9cc bf85c9d3 00000000 00000001 e150da18 wpfb_nv4_disp+0xbe93
> f56fb9e4 bf85c850 e1541870 81f66778 f56fba0c win32k!ldevGetDriverModes
> +0x19
> f56fba14 bf85cf01 00000000 00000000 f56fbbb0 win32k!DrvBuildDevmodeList
> +0xa2
> f56fba9c bf85cbc3 e150da18 f56fbbfc f56fbbd8 win32k!
> DrvProbeAndCaptureDevmode+0x3e3
> f56fbc00 bf85c56c 00000000 00000000 00000001 win32k!DrvCreateMDEV
> +0x367
> f56fbcf4 bf85ba9b 00000000 00000000 00000000 win32k!
> DrvChangeDisplaySettings+0x2b4
> f56fbd30 bf85bc22 00000000 f56fbd64 0015fda4 win32k!InitVideo+0x31
> f56fbd4c bf85bb59 804dad01 00050000 00000058 win32k!UserInitialize
> +0xe8
> f56fbd50 804dad01 00050000 00000058 0000005c win32k!NtUserInitialize
> +0x86
> f56fbd50 7ffe0304 00050000 00000058 0000005c nt!KiSystemService+0xc4
> 0015fdbc 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 SharedUserData!
> SystemCallStub+0x4
> wpfb_nv4_disp+be93
> bf9c3e93 ?? ???
> FOLLOWUP_NAME: MachineOwner
> MODULE_NAME: wpfb_nv4_disp
> IMAGE_NAME: wpfb_nv4_disp.dll
> SYMBOL_NAME: wpfb_nv4_disp+be93
> FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: 0x35_wpfb_nv4_disp+be93
> BUCKET_ID: 0x35_wpfb_nv4_disp+be93
> Followup: MachineOwner
> ---------
> eax=ffdff13c ebx=00000035 ecx=00000000 edx=81fee008 esi=00000008
> edi=00000008
> eip=8052b591 esp=f56fb598 ebp=f56fb5b0 iopl=0 vif nv up ei ng nz na pe
> nc
> cs=0008 ss=0010 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0030 gs=0000 efl=00080286
> nt!KeBugCheckEx+0x19:
> 8052b591 5d pop ebp
> ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
> f56fb5b0 805174bb 00000035 81fee008 00000000 nt!KeBugCheckEx+0x19
> (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
> f56fb5c8 bf8745f1 0000000c 00030101 f56fb9c0 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x17
> (FPO: [0,0,1])
> f56fb5f8 bf85d1e4 81f5d960 0023f774 f56fb644 win32k!GreDeviceIoControl
> +0x91 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
> f56fb61c bf9c3e93 81f5d960 0023f774 f56fb644 win32k!EngDeviceIoControl
> +0x1d (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
> WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may
> be wrong.
> f56fb9cc bf85c9d3 00000000 00000001 e150da18 wpfb_nv4_disp+0xbe93
> f56fb9e4 bf85c850 e1541870 81f66778 f56fba0c win32k!ldevGetDriverModes
> +0x19 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
> f56fba14 bf85cf01 00000000 00000000 f56fbbb0 win32k!DrvBuildDevmodeList
> +0xa2 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
> f56fba9c bf85cbc3 e150da18 f56fbbfc f56fbbd8 win32k!
> DrvProbeAndCaptureDevmode+0x3e3 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
> f56fbc00 bf85c56c 00000000 00000000 00000001 win32k!DrvCreateMDEV
> +0x367 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
> f56fbcf4 bf85ba9b 00000000 00000000 00000000 win32k!
> DrvChangeDisplaySettings+0x2b4 (FPO: [11,48,3])
> f56fbd30 bf85bc22 00000000 f56fbd64 0015fda4 win32k!InitVideo+0x31
> (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
> f56fbd4c bf85bb59 804dad01 00050000 00000058 win32k!UserInitialize
> +0xe8 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
> f56fbd50 804dad01 00050000 00000058 0000005c win32k!NtUserInitialize
> +0x86 (FPO: [3,0,0])
> f56fbd50 7ffe0304 00050000 00000058 0000005c nt!KiSystemService+0xc4
> (FPO: [0,0] TrapFrame @ f56fbd64)
> 0015fdbc 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 SharedUserData!
> SystemCallStub+0x4 (FPO: [0,0,0])
> start end module name
> 804d4000 806c6400 nt ntoskrnl.exe Tue Mar 01 20:33:24 2005 (422517E4)
> 806c7000 806e6380 hal halaacpi.dll Thu Aug 29 04:05:02 2002 (3D6DD5AE)
> bf800000 bf9b7580 win32k win32k.sys Mon Oct 03 21:38:07 2005
> (4341DCFF)
> bf9b8000 bf9cb000 wpfb_nv4_disp wpfb_nv4_disp.dll Wed Jul 02 18:56:31
> 2003 (3F03631F)
> bff80000 bff90d80 dxg dxg.sys Thu Aug 29 06:40:42 2002 (3D6DFA2A)
> ebc7c000 ebc9f700 Fastfat Fastfat.SYS Thu Aug 29 05:12:45 2002
> (3D6DE58D)
> ecd82000 ecd86000 watchdog watchdog.sys Thu Aug 29 04:32:20 2002
> (3D6DDC14)
> ecd86000 ecd88900 Dxapi Dxapi.sys Fri Aug 17 16:53:19 2001 (3B7D843F)
> ecda2000 ecda4f80 mouhid mouhid.sys Fri Aug 17 16:47:57 2001
> (3B7D82FD)
> ecda6000 ecda9680 kbdhid kbdhid.sys Fri Aug 17 16:48:01 2001
> (3B7D8301)
> ee599000 ee602c00 mrxsmb mrxsmb.sys Fri May 05 05:31:01 2006
> (445B1B55)
> ee603000 ee62bb00 rdbss rdbss.sys Fri May 05 05:40:30 2006 (445B1D8E)
> ee62c000 ee650700 netbt netbt.sys Tue Jul 08 19:48:51 2003 (3F0B5863)
> ee651000 ee6a4200 tcpip tcpip.sys Thu Apr 20 07:38:42 2006 (444772C2)
> ee6a5000 ee6b7280 ipsec ipsec.sys Sat May 13 06:13:30 2006 (4465B14A)
> ef7d8000 ef7e8480 nvarm nvarm.sys Wed Mar 03 17:20:52 2004 (40465A44)
> ef7e9000 ef89cf00 nvmcp nvmcp.sys Wed Mar 03 17:20:53 2004 (40465A45)
> ef89d000 ef8bdc80 portcls portcls.sys Thu Aug 29 05:00:58 2002
> (3D6DE2CA)
> ef8be000 ef90c480 nvapu nvapu.sys Wed Mar 03 17:20:55 2004 (40465A47)
> f34f3000 f34fb700 HIDCLASS HIDCLASS.SYS Thu Aug 29 04:32:40 2002
> (3D6DDC28)
> f3503000 f350b880 Fips Fips.SYS Fri Aug 17 21:31:49 2001 (3B7DC585)
> f3513000 f351b180 netbios netbios.sys Thu Aug 29 04:35:45 2002
> (3D6DDCE1)
> f3523000 f352b360 aswTdi aswTdi.SYS Mon Apr 30 11:38:46 2007
> (46360D86)
> f3563000 f3571200 drmk drmk.sys Thu Aug 29 04:32:30 2002 (3D6DDC1E)
> f36aa000 f36b0e00 usbccgp usbccgp.sys Thu Jul 03 20:53:24 2003
> (3F04D004)
> f36b2000 f36b7500 USBSTOR USBSTOR.SYS Thu Aug 29 04:32:50 2002
> (3D6DDC32)
> f36ba000 f36c1380 Npfs Npfs.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:50:03 2001 (3B7D837B)
> f3728000 f3731480 NDProxy NDProxy.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:55:30 2001
> (3B7D84C2)
> f3934000 f3936580 hidusb hidusb.sys Fri Aug 17 17:02:16 2001
> (3B7D8658)
> f3954000 f3956280 rasacd rasacd.sys Fri Aug 17 16:55:39 2001
> (3B7D84CB)
> f3a10000 f3a11100 dump_WMILIB dump_WMILIB.SYS Fri Aug 17 17:07:23 2001
> (3B7D878B)
> f3adb000 f3adf680 Msfs Msfs.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:50:02 2001 (3B7D837A)
> f3ae3000 f3ae7d00 vga vga.sys Thu Aug 29 04:32:03 2002 (3D6DDC03)
> f3aeb000 f3af0c80 HIDPARSE HIDPARSE.SYS Fri Aug 17 17:02:04 2001
> (3B7D864C)
> f3af3000 f3af7940 Aavmker4 Aavmker4.SYS Mon Apr 30 11:37:19 2007
> (46360D2F)
> f572c000 f5739580 dump_nvatabus dump_nvatabus.sys Tue Sep 02 21:11:55
> 2003 (3F553FDB)
> f5f50000 f5f59000 pivotmou pivotmou.sys Wed Jul 02 18:56:32 2003
> (3F036320)
> f5f60000 f5f6e000 arp1394 arp1394.sys Thu Aug 29 04:33:29 2002
> (3D6DDC59)
> f5f70000 f5f78200 wanarp wanarp.sys Fri Aug 17 16:55:23 2001
> (3B7D84BB)
> f73f1000 f7412780 update update.sys Fri Aug 17 23:53:56 2001
> (3B7DE6D4)
> f7905000 f7931880 rdpdr rdpdr.sys Thu Aug 29 04:06:34 2002 (3D6DD60A)
> f7932000 f7942200 psched psched.sys Thu Aug 29 04:35:54 2002
> (3D6DDCEA)
> f7943000 f7958600 ndiswan ndiswan.sys Thu Aug 29 04:58:38 2002
> (3D6DE23E)
> f7959000 f796b900 parport parport.sys Thu Aug 29 04:27:29 2002
> (3D6DDAF1)
> f796c000 f797d500 VIDEOPRT VIDEOPRT.SYS Thu Aug 29 04:32:03 2002
> (3D6DDC03)
> f797e000 f7bd6940 nv4_mini nv4_mini.sys Mon Jul 12 20:27:39 2004
> (40F32C7B)
> f7bd7000 f7bf6d00 ks ks.sys Wed Dec 04 12:09:38 2002 (3DEE36D2)
> f7bf7000 f7c0c600 NVENET NVENET.sys Wed Oct 29 16:31:09 2003
> (3FA0238D)
> f7c0d000 f7c2ee00 USBPORT USBPORT.SYS Thu Jul 03 20:49:27 2003
> (3F04CF17)
> f7c97000 f7ca3f80 usbhub usbhub.sys Thu Jul 03 20:52:56 2003
> (3F04CFE8)
> f802b000 f8034400 termdd termdd.sys Thu Aug 29 04:40:32 2002
> (3D6DDE00)
> f803b000 f8043400 msgpc msgpc.sys Fri Aug 17 16:54:19 2001 (3B7D847B)
> f837f000 f8398680 Mup Mup.sys Thu Aug 29 05:12:53 2002 (3D6DE595)
> f8399000 f83c2100 NDIS NDIS.sys Sat Oct 04 03:54:08 2003 (3F7E7CA0)
> f83c3000 f844c300 Ntfs Ntfs.sys Thu Aug 29 05:13:37 2002 (3D6DE5C1)
> f844d000 f8460780 KSecDD KSecDD.sys Fri Aug 17 16:50:01 2001
> (3B7D8379)
> f8461000 f8477080 SCSIPORT SCSIPORT.SYS Thu Aug 29 04:27:47 2002
> (3D6DDB03)
> f8478000 f848fc80 SI3112r SI3112r.sys Wed May 12 17:01:17 2004
> (40A2909D)
> f8490000 f84a5380 atapi atapi.sys Thu Aug 29 04:27:48 2002 (3D6DDB04)
> f84a6000 f84c9b80 dmio dmio.sys Fri Aug 17 16:58:27 2001 (3B7D8573)
> f84ca000 f84e8880 ftdisk ftdisk.sys Fri Aug 17 16:52:41 2001
> (3B7D8419)
> f84e9000 f8514c80 ACPI ACPI.sys Thu Aug 29 04:09:03 2002 (3D6DD69F)
> f8536000 f8545600 pci pci.sys Thu Aug 29 04:09:10 2002 (3D6DD6A6)
> f8546000 f854ec00 isapnp isapnp.sys Fri Aug 17 16:58:01 2001
> (3B7D8559)
> f8556000 f8563980 ohci1394 ohci1394.sys Thu Aug 29 04:33:19 2002
> (3D6DDC4F)
> f8566000 f8572580 1394BUS 1394BUS.SYS Thu Aug 29 04:33:19 2002 wrote:

>On Jul 5, 1:40 am, Andrew E. <> wrote:
>> Try the xp update
>> at:

>Thank you for the reply. Unfortunetaly it did not solve the problem :
>( Any other ideas?

Wiith Andrew E. you can be certain that any ideas he has will be
useless, irrelevant, or dangerous (or all three).

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP (1997 - 2008)
On-Line Help Computer Service
Syberfix Remote Computer Repair

"Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference
has never been in bed with a mosquito." wrote:

>Hello Everyone!
>First time posting and ofcourse its cause i'm in a jam
>I think i have it figured out that it is a csrss.exe that is causing
>the error but i am not sure and plus, i really dont know what to do
>about it. I would re-install normally but time is of the essence and
>alot of very special configs have to be redone (so much CAD
>stuff...ouch). Can someone help me avoid the -Format- option?
>Please...pretty please ?
>Opened log file 'c:\debuglog.txt'

Okay, now you have me confused (which admittedly doesn't take much).

In your subject line you refer to "BSOD 0x050.." which I
automatically assume is a reference to STOP 0x00000050:

However the detailed information in your message seems to be with
regard to a STOP 0x00000035: NO_MORE_IRP_STACK_LOCATIONS error, which
would be an entirely different matter.

Can you please clarify exactly which STOP code we are dealing with,
and what the 4 parameter values are for that STOP code?


Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP (1997 - 2008)
On-Line Help Computer Service
Syberfix Remote Computer Repair

"Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference
has never been in bed with a mosquito."