Box nonresponsive after remote desktop connection - new video card

  • Thread starter Thread starter CapCity
  • Start date Start date


I have a Windows XP (kept updated) machine at home that I regularly connect
to via remote desktop connection from elsewhere. Been doing it for a couple
of years with no issues.

I recently had to replace the video card in the machine. I still can connect
to it remotely OK. But when I get home the machine is completely
nonresponsive (if I had connected remotely). Screen is blank, ctrl-alt-del
does nothing. I have to power down using the button on the tower and then
start it back up again.

I checked the power settings, thinking maybe it's going into sleep mode, but
those settings are what they were before. I do not recall the brand of video
card off hand but I'm hoping this isn't specific to the video card I
purchased. It's not high-end.

I googled and was able to find an instance or two where someone had this
same issue, but no resolution was posted.

Anyone have any thoughts? Thanks