
Active Member
Jan 4, 2013
Silver Spring MD
If I want to upgrade my BIOS + got this PC as Win 7 yet am running 10 ,can I do it by reinstalling 7, upgrading the bios at dell then reinstalling 10?
Dell does not recognize my machine as 10 - it needs to be seven.

It is not hard doing the upgrade at Dell but I don't know the best way to get back to 10.

I don't think I can image because although the motherboard was upgraded, I think an image would negate the upgrade. Could I upgrade at seven then use one of my Win 10 discs to reinstall and still keep the upgraded BIOS?

So, if I reinstall 7 which it was when I bought it, upgraded the BIOS etc,how is the best way to keep the upgrades to get back to 10?
The BIOS is a type of hardware known as firmware which is installed on the system board (a.k.a. Mother board). It's called firmware because it's not so hard that it can't be changed. It's separate from whatever operating system you have on your hard drive or SSD.

If you make a mistake or there's a glitch while updating the BIOS, you can pretty much throw the computer out. Personally, I won't update the BIOS unless there is a need to do so.
I agree with Tony.
You can easily make your computer into a paperweight.

You are not experienced enough,Peter.

There is no way to reverse a wrong move.

Don't try and fix things that are not broke.
I am not persisting, really.
Hypothetically if I install 7 with the drivers on the disc, then upgrade the BIOS at Dell, if I image to ten would it all be negated or would I need to use a disc?
I can only learn little bits with big quetions
No, Peter, it would not be negated. BIOs are independent of the O/S. But what you are suggesting, even, hypothetically, are some fairly major tasks.
Thank you for your information. It is a day to remember Jimmy Doolittle and all those me of steel who gave their all so we could be free under Old Glory.
I don't know, Dougie.
I think Windows 10 is a lot faster than 7 or 8

Sent From My Windows Phone

Why the need for speed?

Windows7 is fast enough for most people.

What would you rather:

A faster OS Windows 10 that is unstable and spend all your free time getting the sucker to be user friendly.?

A whisper slower OS Windows7 that is stable and does what you ask it?

I know what I would rather.

I can't wait for Google to bring out their new OS.

Then M$ can go jump.

I have Windows 10 but pulled the Power cable months ago.

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