Best run tracking apps for iPhone: RunKeeper, Map My Run, Runtastic, and more!

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Allyson Kazmucha

Whether you're going for a personal best, trying to improve your pace, or training for your next 5K, these are the best running apps for iPhone​

Run tracking apps for iPhone can help you log all of your miles, attain all of your goals, and much more. Whether you're getting ready to run your first 5K or your third marathon, odds are there's a running app in the App Store to suit your needs. The best part? None of them require extra accessories like a fitness tracker — they simply use GPS or motion data from your iPhone. But which ones are the absolute best?


RunKeeper lets you track not only runs, but pretty much any kind of training you can think of from walking to cycling to strength training and more. You can track your personal records and set goals for yourself, whether it be a weight loss goal, a distance goal, or something else. You can then view your past goals, set future ones, and see which ones you achieved and which ones you didn't.

If your main focus is continuously setting goals, RunKeeper is a solid choice.

Map My Run+

Map My Run tracks even more activity types than RunKeeper, including intimacy, and provides many statistics including calories burned, distance, pace, and more. It can also tie in with services such as My Fitness Pal in order to sync nutrition and exercise data back and forth. If you choose to, you can track your nutrition data right within Map My Run instead. You can also tie in several different monitors from Polar, Garmin, and others in settings. You can even set up notifications for when friends complete workouts in case you need an extra push.

If you want lots of activity types to choose from and like to compete with friends on best times, look no further than Map My Run+.


Endomondo lets you create your own routes and either keep them for your own use or share them with the Endomondo community. You can also connect with My Fitness Pal in order to share data back and forth, similar to Map My Run. There is a section of Endomondo that offers fitness tests in order to test your fitness level, which is a nice feature for beginning runners. Endomondo also partners with many companies in order to provide sponsored challenges that are constantly changing.

If you want to compete in challenges with others around the country or want to see what your fitness level through various fitness tests, be sure to check out Endomondo.


Runtastic can track running, jogging, and walking activity. I've found the charts and information inside Runtastic to be some of the easiest to read. Runtastic also lets you purchase motivational stories inside the app to listen to while you run. They're updated regularly so you always have new ones to pick from.

If you want a run tracking app that's a little more human and less competitive, check out Runtastic.

Strava Run

Strava Run is one of the only run tracking apps that uses the motion co-processor in the iPhone 5s to track not only more data, but far more accurate data. You can link up all kinds of sensors in order to measure speed, cadence, heart rate, and more. Strava Run is one of the only run tracker apps that supports Bluetooth LE sensors. When it comes to actually tracking runs, just hit the start button and go. You can explore segments around you and complete them as well as join up on many challenges offered by the Strava community.

If you have an iPhone 5s and want the most accurate data possible, check out Strava Run.

Nike+ Running

Nike+ Running uses Nike's own NikeFuel system and lets you compete against friends, track runs, and complete coaching sessions. You can choose what kind of runner you are and let Nike tailor coaching sessions to your current level. Since Nike+ Running utilizes your current Nike ID, if you use any other Nike+ products such as a FuelBand SE and the FuelBand app, your points sync with your account.

If you're already tied into the Nike+ system or want a run tracking app with coaching that doesn't cost extra, check out Nike+ Running.

Your picks?

If you use run tracking apps on a regular basis, which ones do you use and why? Have they helped you improve times and beat personal goals? Let me know in the comments!



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