Automate Disk Partitioning


Nov 21, 2004

I was wondering if there is a way to automate disk partitioning. I am working on upgrading some pc's and at the moment it is taking a long time trying to fdisk every pc (over 300 pcs in total)

after the partitioning i am going to put images that i have already created using ghost.

I have had a look at disk part and trying to find an easy way of doing it but looks kinda complicated.

Also was hoping if there is an automatic way of automattically formatting partitions into ntfs as this will be needed.

Cheers for any help

You may be able to create some kind of batch script that you can put on your boot floppy in the autoexec; that way you just need to insert the disk and restart. I've never played with sending commands to fdisk before; not sure how amiable it is to that. Perhaps there is another command-line partition tool that would be more adaptable?
If they are all the same partition table, which it sounds like they are, then why don't you image the disk instead of partiton? When restoreing it will restore partition table, MBR, and formating. You will loose all data on drive being over written though.