Athlon 64 3000+ released

Wow, that is a deal. In a couple months when I build my new computer I'm pretty sure I'm going with the Athlon64, better performance, backwards compatible and with a price like that how can you not go for it.
Thats exactly what I was thinking. We are considering putting together a new system, and this looks like the perfect time to get an Athlon 64

It is about time...

I have been eyeing a cheap and simple AMD Barton 2500+ on Abit NF7-S with 1 Gig. It is not for demonic worship of games, but more of a progressive upgrade of my programming workstation at home which is:

Intel PIII 667 - 512 PC133 SDRAM with 128MB GeForce 4200 chipset dual output to 2 x 21" Fujitsu. Programming workstation.

Now, that article makes me think again...

Does anyone know how well nForce 3 motherboards performing and any reliability issues?

If it is as sweet as i think it is... i believe i might head down to Athlon 64 3000+ myself.

Or maybe i should just hop over to the AMD plant 30 minutes away and do some dumpster diving...
From what I'm hearing the nForce chipset performs well, better than AMDs and VIAs. I'm not sure on availabilty however. Only x86/64 boards I have seen are with AMDs chipset.
With MS decision to roll out service pack 2 for XP and delaying XP x86/64 it might be a while before many boards are put into mass production. While Suse and Mandrake have a port for x86/64 until MS gets in the game not many people will be in a hurry to switch.
Rumors abound that MS is slowing development because Intel is going to get in the game.

My suggestion would be to wait a few months to see what shakes out.