ASUS P5GD1 won't boot


Mar 17, 2005
We build, or are trying to, a new PC with the ASUS P5GD1 board (the standard), a PCI Express graphics ATI X700, and a Intel P4 650 processor.
We can't get the configuration to boot. We got a new ps for the case to solve the power problem on the 12v connector, but that made no difference. We have been switching video cards, plugging and unplugging every possible connection dozens of times, but all we get is one beep (Floppy controller failure, according to ASUS) but no video at all.
Has anyone ever dealt with something like that? Any ideas out there?
We built about a dozen computers a year since about a decade, so we got some experience.
To rule this out. Make sure the floppy drive is plugged in correctly. I know I have many times encountered the same error and everytime it was because I had the floppy plugged in the wrong way.
If you are sure it is plugged in correctly and can get in bios disable the floppy and try to boot again.
Thanks for your reply, but we didn't have a floppy in there at all, then we tried with floppy, same result. Yesterday evening ASUS tech support said we have a bad board, and we ordered a new one overnight. Lets see, new board new game, I am getting kind of tired of this, the combination of trying the new motherboards with the new Intels, and the new Graphics PCI express cards is a bit, eh, aggravating?

Thanks again
It could be worse; you could be trying to find a bad proc from a set of LGA775 P4's ... those 10 or so insertions before the socket disintegrates sure go quick!