ASUS Motherboard NO POST. desperate for help


Jan 21, 2004
My old Motherboard was finally dieing, so i got an ASUS P4PE-X Motherboard. I thought the first one didnt work, so I got a new one with the same problem, no POST or anything to the monitor, just a continuous loop of beeps. Here are my hardware specs
350 Watt power supply
P4 2.4 GHz Processor 400 MHz FSB
180 GB Western Digital HD
512 MB Kingston RAM @ 333MHz
256 MB Kingston RAM @ 300 MHz ( Ive tried both sticks seperatly)
Sound Blaster Audigy Sound card
VisionTec Xtasy GE Force 4 64 MB Video Card

Someone out there please help, im going nuts without my computer.
The beeps are actually a good sign ... its not totally dead. You've probably already tried this, but reseat everything. Try resetting the BIOS (mobo manual should indicate the appropriate jumper, or you can gank the battery and leave it out for a few hours). If you've got a spare mobo, try that in the case to make sure that one of the PSU lines isn't out of whack or something.

As I said, the beeps are a good thing ... the amount of stuff that needs to be working for that to happen is significant. The repeated beeps may actually be a POST code; check the POST code list for your mobo to see what it might mean.
Ive reseated everything and tried the motherboard and a replacement once since I returned the first assuming defective. As for what the beep means, ive tried 3 different sticks of RAM, so It cant be a video problem...
Ram has nothing to do with video. Reseat the video card. If you have onboard vid then put an agp or pci card in and disable onboard in bios.
While the odds of having multiple sticks of bad memory it can happen. Also could bethe memory isn't compatible with the board.
I have reseated the video card multiple times with no help... And it worked fine before I switched MoBo's the only thing was the old Motherboard was a PC Chips, and 1 in 3 of them are defective, mine was messed up since day 1, but the video card is working
look up the post code in your user manual, or on asus's website.

one or both should tell you what the code means.

i don't suppose asus has started using debugging led's like epox does, do they? comes in handy, lets you kn ow exactly what point the computer is failing at, and makes trouble shooting so much simpler.
I just built a new computer using an Asus P4C800-E Deluxe motherboard, and discovered that it is incompatible with Corsair XMS3200R / CMX1024RE-3200 ECC memory sticks. Both are the best model from each company. Go figure.

The error manifested itself as beeps (one long, two short, repeating) almost immediately after hitting the power switch. I found several websites that said in AMI BIOS one long, two short beeps means something wrong with the video system. Turns out they were wrong.

Try a completely different kind of memory stick. Rotsa ruck...