Asus Eee PC Reviewer Dumps Linux for Windows...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Moshe Goldfarb
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Moshe Goldfarb

"The only problems I experienced with the Eee PC came in the form of more
complicated "power user" needs and specific applications required for my
work. I often need to use Bluetooth devices and Bluetooth connections just
aren't easy to manage using the included Linux on the Eee PC. Likewise,
tethering my smartphone to my Eee PC for use as a broadband wireless modem
was also problematic under Linux. After about a month I decided to wipe the
internal 4GB flash drive and install Microsoft Windows XP SP2."

"Windows has the down side of taking up more space on the internal storage,
but with an 8GB SDHC card inside the Eee PC's built-in card reader I have
plenty of space for all my applications (even Photoshop CS2) and enough
extra space for games and movies. I've also added a Mac OS X Leopard theme
to Windows XP and the Stardock ObjectDock which makes using XP much more

The part Roy Schestowitz leaves out of his SPAM post BTW.

And this guy is only one of what I predict will be a very high percentage
of people dumping Linux on the Asus for Windows.

Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
Please visit The Hall of Linux Idiots:
Re: Asus Eee PC Reviewer finds downside of Windows...

Micoshaft Corporation's Fraudster and Asstroturfer Moshe Goldfarb wrote on
behalf of Micoshaft Corporation:

> "The only problems I experienced with the Eee PC came in the form of more
> complicated "power user"

Windummy retard knows the EEE is for a windowps power user?

> needs and specific applications required for my
> work. I often need to use Bluetooth devices and Bluetooth connections just
> aren't easy to manage using the included Linux on the Eee PC. Likewise,
> tethering my smartphone to my Eee PC for use as a broadband wireless modem
> was also problematic under Linux. After about a month I decided to wipe
> the internal 4GB flash drive and install Microsoft Windows XP SP2."

Good grief! A windummy in the wild spotted finally!
I'm sure this retard will be giving up his windopws any day now that
he begins to appreciate the downside - his beautiful laptop is
ruined by installing Micoshaft expee Crap.

I'm surprised he didn't try PISTA crap as well!!!


> "Windows has the down side of taking up more space on the internal
> storage, but with an 8GB SDHC card inside the Eee PC's built-in card
> reader I have plenty of space for all my applications (even Photoshop CS2)
> and enough extra space for games and movies. I've also added a Mac OS X
> Leopard theme to Windows XP and the Stardock ObjectDock which makes using
> XP much more enjoyable."

This windummy doesn't know what he's missing.
See and search for compiz and beryl on the EEE
Yes you can get that on the EEE.

Loads of other Linux here - free to copy and install, distribute,
on as many PCs as you like - and micoshaft is fearing it - so
socks like Moshe Goldfarb, an asstroturfer for micoshaft, have
to be employed to bring to you anti-linux messages.
Linux is not only free to copy, but it also comes with with source code - so
you can learn it and modify to heart's content. Linux now
selling 3 million+ embedded Linux gadgets PER DAY because its much easier to
copy and use than windummy crapola.