Association de fichiers /file association

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cidtheo
  • Start date Start date


Bonjour à tous,

je rencontre, sur le PC d'une amie, un problème persistant concernant

l'association de fichiers sous Vista dont je n'arrive pas à venir à


Tous ses documents .doc s'ouvrent avec Wordpad et non Winword ... J'ai

tenté de réassocier par le panneau de configuration, en passant par la

création d'un fichier null.exe vide, par le clic-droit "ouvrir avec"


Rien n'y change, je peux changer le programme (maintenant le .doc

"s'ouvrent" avec null.exe) mais IM-PO-SSI-BLE d'associer WINWORD ...

J'ai également désintallé/réinstallé MSOffice 2003, puis 2007. Toujours

rien !

Pour info les .docm, .docx et autres s'ouvrent impeccablement avec


L'un de vous aurait-il une solution à me proposer ???

Merci d'avance




Posted via
On 5/17/10, Cidtheo posted:

> Bonjour à tous,

> je rencontre, sur le PC d'une amie, un problème persistant concernant

> l'association de fichiers sous Vista dont je n'arrive pas à venir à

> bout.

> Tous ses documents .doc s'ouvrent avec Wordpad et non Winword ... J'ai

> tenté de réassocier par le panneau de configuration, en passant par la

> création d'un fichier null.exe vide, par le clic-droit "ouvrir avec"

> ...

> Rien n'y change, je peux changer le programme (maintenant le .doc

> "s'ouvrent" avec null.exe) mais IM-PO-SSI-BLE d'associer WINWORD ...

> J'ai également désintallé/réinstallé MSOffice 2003, puis 2007. Toujours

> rien !

> Pour info les .docm, .docx et autres s'ouvrent impeccablement avec

> Winword.

> L'un de vous aurait-il une solution à me proposer ???

> Merci d'avance

> Cidtheo

You might need to set something in the registry, but I don't know how

or what to do. Especially in another language :-(

Meanwhile, it should be possible to open Word, and go into the File

menu, click on Open file, and navigate to the correct folder choose the

desired file from there. It is less convenient, but it is not very


I did not try to use the French words for the above, because I don't

know which words are used in Windows in French.

File = fichier

Open = ouvrir

Menu = menu

Click = clic

Folder = ? Je n'sais pas...

(peut être)


Gene E. Bloch (Stumbling Bloch)
On 5/17/10, Stan Starinski posted:

> Gene,

> That person doesn't speak Englush, he accidentally posted here but what he

> meant is the same Newsgroup except with '"FR" in its name - there's a group

> right next to this one, but it speaks French. That's where he wanted to

> post, but accidentlaly did here.

I didn't know you knew him.

He doesn't have to speak English, he only has to be able to read it.

That's why I wrote so clearly (just kidding).

Anyway, the guy in the room down the hall from him can translate what I



Gene E. Bloch (Stumbling Bloch)
Mr. Cidtheor,

Parlez-vous Anglais?

Please copy/paste your question to: Group., instead of here.

You accidentally posted it to an ENGLISH speaking group so most folks here

can't read it. I can read some b/c was born in Europe and know multiple

languages L)

Bon Apettite!


Stan Starinski

Web: Currently OFF for


Consulting Engineer (EE+ME, ECAD+MCAD [3D/2D]), R&D + Prototype,

Embedded/Firmware ["C" or ASM for Microcontrollers], computers).

That person doesn't speak Englush, he accidentally posted here but what he

meant is the same Newsgroup except with '"FR" in its name - there's a group

right next to this one, but it speaks French. That's where he wanted to

post, but accidentlaly did here.

A tu essayez pour associat le fichier avec Word. Le fichier doc ne pas associe avec

Winword seulement avec Word du Office.

Pet etre assayez le Office converter pour doc,docm et .docx



Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others

Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

"Cidtheo" wrote in message


> Bonjour à tous,


> je rencontre, sur le PC d'une amie, un problème persistant concernant

> l'association de fichiers sous Vista dont je n'arrive pas à venir à

> bout.


> Tous ses documents .doc s'ouvrent avec Wordpad et non Winword ... J'ai

> tenté de réassocier par le panneau de configuration, en passant par la

> création d'un fichier null.exe vide, par le clic-droit "ouvrir avec"

> ..


> Rien n'y change, je peux changer le programme (maintenant le .doc

> "s'ouvrent" avec null.exe) mais IM-PO-SSI-BLE d'associer WINWORD ...


> J'ai également désintallé/réinstallé MSOffice 2003, puis 2007. Toujours

> rien !


> Pour info les .docm, .docx et autres s'ouvrent impeccablement avec

> Winword.


> L'un de vous aurait-il une solution à me proposer ???


> Merci d'avance


> Cidtheo



> --

> Cidtheo

> Posted via

Hi guys,

thank you for your replies : actually, my reading skills in English are

good enough to understand you !

I tried to convert the files into .docx through the path Gene gave :

but I knew it work(ed ?) (in the assocation files menu ony the .doc has

a bad association).

My problem is my friend possess a looooootttttt of .doc files .... you

know what I mean ^^ !

What is the issues I can encounter if I delete the specific

HKEY_CLASS_ROOT... in the Registry ??? I could try this if the only

problem is to reinstall MS Office.

Looking forward to hear from you


Matthieu (a.k.a. cidtheo)

P.S. : btw Gene, "Folder" translation is "Répertoire" and the rest was

right !



Posted via
On 5/18/10, Cidtheo posted:

> Hi guys,

> thank you for your replies : actually, my reading skills in English are

> good enough to understand you !

> I tried to convert the files into .docx through the path Gene gave :

> but I knew it work(ed ?) (in the assocation files menu ony the .doc has

> a bad association).

That was Peter Foldes, not me - I don't know enough to recommend much


> My problem is my friend possess a looooootttttt of .doc files .... you

> know what I mean ^^ !

> What is the issues I can encounter if I delete the specific

> HKEY_CLASS_ROOT... in the Registry ??? I could try this if the only

> problem is to reinstall MS Office.

> Looking forward to hear from you

> Regards,

> Matthieu (a.k.a. cidtheo)

> P.S. : btw Gene, "Folder" translation is "Répertoire" and the rest was

> right !

Mille grazie! Et merci bien aussi...

And I can see that your English is a great deal better than my French,



Gene E. Bloch (Stumbling Bloch)
"Cidtheo" wrote in message


> Hi guys,


> thank you for your replies : actually, my reading skills in English are

> good enough to understand you !


> I tried to convert the files into .docx through the path Gene gave :

> but I knew it work(ed ?) (in the assocation files menu ony the .doc has

> a bad association).


> My problem is my friend possess a looooootttttt of .doc files .... you

> know what I mean ^^ !


> What is the issues I can encounter if I delete the specific

> HKEY_CLASS_ROOT... in the Registry ??? I could try this if the only

> problem is to reinstall MS Office.


> Looking forward to hear from you


> Regards,


> Matthieu (a.k.a. cidtheo)


See if this key is present and pointing to Wordpad.


If it is, delete the key and retry setting the file association via the ' Open With ' dialog box.