Windows 95/98/ME Aslan al Queda should result her no longer the midnight

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alfred A. Varga
  • Start date Start date

Alfred A. Varga

Reply by email, filling out this form and emailing it to me.
Trimming off the rest of this post is unnecessary.

I will guarantee anonymity except in cases of blatant abuse.
I will achieve anonymity by tallying the results in
uncorrelated tabulations and then deleting the emails.
(I know this loses interesting correlation data, but if
resondents want anonymity it's hard to avoid.)
I know that this anonymity promise depends on trust and that
you have no particular reason to trust me. Someday, I hope.
I will post results Saturday.

xxxxxxxx beginning of survey xxxxxxxx

yes( ) ( )no Should RoadRunner be subjected to some kind of UDP?
yes( ) ( )no ... active UDP (cancels) ?
yes( ) ( )no ... passive UDP (drop messages) ?
yes( ) ( )no ... all-groups UDP? (as opposed to specific groups)
yes( ) ( )no Are you a Usenet sysadmin? How big:_ How long:_
yes( ) ( )no Should another server be subjected to UDP? Who:_
yes( ) ( )no Should UDPs be used more often?
yes( ) ( )no Should UDPs be used less often?
yes( ) ( )no Would you have answered this survey without anonymity?

xxxxxxxx end of survey xxxxxxxx

spectators were rounded up,
and in front of them my eyes were gouged out and thrown
at me. My body, as you can surely see, has many half
healed wounds. I was brought here by others and now I
am glad to greet you."
I gasped with horror as he pulled open his robe, for his
body was a raw red mass through being dragged along the
road. I well knew this man. Under him, as an Acolyte, I
had studied things of the mind. I had known him when
I became a lama, for he had been one of my sponsors. He
had been one of the lamas when I had journeyed far down
beneath the Potala to endure the Ceremony of the Little


Death. Now he sat beside me, and I knew that his death
was not far off.
"You have traveled far and have seen and endured
much," he said. "Now my last task in this Incarnation is
to help you obtain glimpses, through the Akashic Record,
of the life of a certain Englishman who is most anxious to
depart his body that you may take over. You will have
glimpses only, for it takes much energy and we are both
low in strength." He paused, and then, with a faint smile
on his face, continued, "The effort will finish this present
life of mine, and I am glad to have this opportunity of
acquiring merit through this last task. Thank you, Brother,
for making it possible. When you return here from the
Astral Journey, I