Apple Yanks iOS 8.0.1 After Reports of No Cell Service and Other Issues


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I got this update and didn't have a problem on 2 iPhones and a my iPad. I must have been one of the lucky ones.

Apple confirmed Wednesday it pulled its iOS 8.0.1 update amid widespread reports of major issues with the software, including users unable to access cell service or the TouchID fingerprint sensor.

“We have received reports of an issue with the iOS 8.0.1 update. We are actively investigating these reports and will provide information as quickly as we can. In the meantime we have pulled back the iOS 8.0.1 update," an Apple spokesperson told NBCNews via email Wednesday afternoon. Scores of users complained on Twitter about issues with the first update to iOS 8, Apple's most recent operating system. Apple initially released iOS 8 on September 17, ahead of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus release on September 19.

But it's unclear whether the problem affected only certain iPhones or certain wireless carriers, as others said they downloaded 8.0.1 with no issue. The 8.0.1 update was designed to fix a problem with Apple's HealthKit app and other bugs. While early versions of iOS and other operating systems are often filled with minor to medium technical issues, the problems are rarely as severe as disabled cell service.