Alternative Styles


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I have added a couple alternative styles for those people who are like me that don't particularly like blue. The default style will stay the same. I wanted to get the site back as close to original as I could and blue was the color used back then.

If you prefer to use one of the alternate styles you can use the style selector on the bottom left of each page. The 2 alternate styes are Free PC Help Forum Alt and Free PC Help Forum Alt Dark.
I can easily change that style to red. I haven't because I plan to have a red style create either by me or by a designer.

The default style is about as close as I could get it to the original. The guy I contracted to do the style did a great job on the original. I have talked to him about doing another, but, he only takes on a few jobs a year.
The Red and black is fine Bob, that is what I meant to say and is what I am using. I like it because I do and because I have seen no other forum use these colors so I think it is distinctive.