Alright, enough, i'm going to nail all errors, this time: Event 3036, Search


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
Should you accept this error is observed in in Event Viewer, seen right after re-boot:

Log Name: ApplicationSource: Microsoft-Windows-SearchDate: 2/24/2013 9:06:07 PMEvent ID: 3036Task Category: GathererLevel: WarningKeywords: ClassicUser: N/AComputer: INTLDescription:The content source &ltcsc://{S-1-5-21-1774062075-2583609465-3080350998-1000}/&gt cannot be accessed.
Context: Application, SystemIndex Catalog
Details: The URL was already processed during this update. If you received this message while processing alerts, then the alerts are redundant, or else Modify should be used instead of Add. (HRESULT : 0x80040d0d) (0x80040d0d)
Event Xml:&ltEvent xmlns=""&gt &ltSystem&gt &ltProvider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Search" Guid="{CA4E628D-8567-4896-AB6B-835B221F373F}" EventSourceName="Windows Search Service" /&gt &ltEventID Qualifiers="32768"&gt3036&lt/EventID&gt &ltVersion&gt0&lt/Version&gt &ltLevel&gt3&lt/Level&gt &ltTask&gt3&lt/Task&gt &ltOpcode&gt0&lt/Opcode&gt &ltKeywords&gt0x80000000000000&lt/Keywords&gt &ltTimeCreated SystemTime="2013-02-25T02:06:07.000000000Z" /&gt &ltEventRecordID&gt3757&lt/EventRecordID&gt &ltCorrelation /&gt &ltExecution ProcessID="0" ThreadID="0" /&gt &ltChannel&gtApplication&lt/Channel&gt &ltComputer&gtINTL&lt/Computer&gt &ltSecurity /&gt &lt/System&gt &ltEventData&gt &ltData Name="ExtraInfo"&gt
Context: Application, SystemIndex Catalog
Details: The URL was already processed during this update. If you received this message while processing alerts, then the alerts are redundant, or else Modify should be used instead of Add. (HRESULT : 0x80040d0d) (0x80040d0d)&lt/Data&gt &ltData Name="URL"&gtcsc://{S-1-5-21-1774062075-2583609465-3080350998-1000}/&lt/Data&gt &lt/EventData&gt&lt/Event&gt

Your assistance is requested and appreciated in defining and resolving.

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