Akamaihd Hijacking My Laptop

  • Thread starter Thread starter Linda Lou From Kalamazoo
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Linda Lou From Kalamazoo


I am having a severe problem with a site called Akamaihd hijacking my laptop to other sites every time I try to go to another site another site with their name on it will abruptly pop up and sometimes more than one and I have to delete the tab or tabs before I can get to the site I'm actually going to. It's driving me crazy because I've tried to clean out my programs, temp files and cookies, then restart my computer also to no avail. Have also tried using Microsoft Essentials to look for viruses etc., and have tried using restore on my computer, have gone to Microsoft site and used Mr. Fix and the Malware software and they also were to no avail.

I really need the help as I'm disabled and my computer is the most important thing in the world to me. I'm afraid I'm going to loose all of my important billing information (I always use my computer to pay my bills each month) and then there is medical information, pictures, and other odds and ends. In addition it seems to cause my computer to crash when I run the Malware software. It will get about halfway through the scan and shut my computer down. This problem also happens randomly from time to time too.

These problems are driving me nuts as I cannot get most things done before all of the above problems happen. I'm so afraid it's going to wreck my computer to where I cannot use it at all or that this site that's causing problems will infect everything. Yesterday while in my banking site a pop up appeared stating I was a member for 6 months and would I do a short survey and receive a present for participating. Not until I finished this questionnaire did I realize that sure enough they had tricked me into answering their questions. It seemed to be my bank as they had the logo on it and everything. I'm at a loss as to what to do. Could they be stealing my private information. If so how would I know?

Can someone please help me without having to replace all of my Software?

I've read many items on here and you always seem to be able to come up with help for all types of things.

I thank you in advance for your help.

God Bless you!


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