Windows 2003 Add second Print Server

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jim
  • Start date Start date


In a W2003 domain, with one Print server. I want to add a second print
server. I want to have about 15 of the many printers put on the second print
I proabably can recreate or use a print manager utility to backup/restore
the printers onto the second print server. How can I have the client machines
access the same printer as they are configured for that is now on a different
print server without touching there machines? Tks, Jim
To backup/restore, the best tool:
Print Migrator 3.1

For switching users, the easy way is a vbscript at logon.
the vbscript will read a text file on netlogon that gives the current
printer server.
When you want to switch them, you change the txt and make them log again to


"Jim" <> wrote in message
> In a W2003 domain, with one Print server. I want to add a second print
> server. I want to have about 15 of the many printers put on the second
> print
> server.
> I proabably can recreate or use a print manager utility to backup/restore
> the printers onto the second print server. How can I have the client
> machines
> access the same printer as they are configured for that is now on a
> different
> print server without touching there machines? Tks, Jim
I have to same senario, but haven't used a script to give them acces to the
printers. Is it a matter of creating the script first apply to users then
change the script and migrate to new server?
Just trying to stop the "I cannot print" calls coming in, It would be a
matter of assuming which users need which printers as well?

"Mathieu CHATEAU" wrote:

> Hello,
> To backup/restore, the best tool:
> Print Migrator 3.1
> For switching users, the easy way is a vbscript at logon.
> the vbscript will read a text file on netlogon that gives the current
> printer server.
> When you want to switch them, you change the txt and make them log again to
> switch.
> --
> Cordialement,
> Mathieu CHATEAU
> "Jim" <> wrote in message
> > In a W2003 domain, with one Print server. I want to add a second print
> > server. I want to have about 15 of the many printers put on the second
> > print
> > server.
> > I proabably can recreate or use a print manager utility to backup/restore
> > the printers onto the second print server. How can I have the client
> > machines
> > access the same printer as they are configured for that is now on a
> > different
> > print server without touching there machines? Tks, Jim


the vbscript will scan already installed printer and migrate only installed
Depending how is your OU & co, you may put 50% of users on each server.
So you will only have 50% of users that need to log in again to print.

You may also put two vbscript (print_serverA.vbs print_serverB.vbs) on
their workstation so they can switch themself.


"Ian Zahn" <> wrote in message
>I have to same senario, but haven't used a script to give them acces to the
> printers. Is it a matter of creating the script first apply to users then
> change the script and migrate to new server?
> Just trying to stop the "I cannot print" calls coming in, It would be a
> matter of assuming which users need which printers as well?
> "Mathieu CHATEAU" wrote:
>> Hello,
>> To backup/restore, the best tool:
>> Print Migrator 3.1
>> For switching users, the easy way is a vbscript at logon.
>> the vbscript will read a text file on netlogon that gives the current
>> printer server.
>> When you want to switch them, you change the txt and make them log again
>> to
>> switch.
>> --
>> Cordialement,
>> Mathieu CHATEAU
>> "Jim" <> wrote in message
>> > In a W2003 domain, with one Print server. I want to add a second print
>> > server. I want to have about 15 of the many printers put on the second
>> > print
>> > server.
>> > I proabably can recreate or use a print manager utility to
>> > backup/restore
>> > the printers onto the second print server. How can I have the client
>> > machines
>> > access the same printer as they are configured for that is now on a
>> > different
>> > print server without touching there machines? Tks, Jim

I like the vbscript solution. But, I do not know scripting. How can I get a
quick vbscript to change some users to a different print server?

"Mathieu CHATEAU" wrote:

> Hello,
> the vbscript will scan already installed printer and migrate only installed
> one.
> Depending how is your OU & co, you may put 50% of users on each server.
> So you will only have 50% of users that need to log in again to print.
> You may also put two vbscript (print_serverA.vbs print_serverB.vbs) on
> their workstation so they can switch themself.
> --
> Cordialement,
> Mathieu CHATEAU
> "Ian Zahn" <> wrote in message
> >I have to same senario, but haven't used a script to give them acces to the
> > printers. Is it a matter of creating the script first apply to users then
> > change the script and migrate to new server?
> > Just trying to stop the "I cannot print" calls coming in, It would be a
> > matter of assuming which users need which printers as well?
> >
> > "Mathieu CHATEAU" wrote:
> >
> >> Hello,
> >> To backup/restore, the best tool:
> >> Print Migrator 3.1
> >>
> >>
> >> For switching users, the easy way is a vbscript at logon.
> >> the vbscript will read a text file on netlogon that gives the current
> >> printer server.
> >> When you want to switch them, you change the txt and make them log again
> >> to
> >> switch.
> >>
> >> --
> >> Cordialement,
> >> Mathieu CHATEAU
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> "Jim" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > In a W2003 domain, with one Print server. I want to add a second print
> >> > server. I want to have about 15 of the many printers put on the second
> >> > print
> >> > server.
> >> > I proabably can recreate or use a print manager utility to
> >> > backup/restore
> >> > the printers onto the second print server. How can I have the client
> >> > machines
> >> > access the same printer as they are configured for that is now on a
> >> > different
> >> > print server without touching there machines? Tks, Jim
> >>
> >>


here is a vbscript.
put a text file in \netlogon\printer\default.txt with just the target
printer server name.

It is from our script bu it stripped out things, can you test it ?

Const ForWriting = 2
Const ForReading = 1
Function GetDefaultPrinter()
sRegVal = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\Device"
sDefault = ""
On Error Resume Next
sDefault = objShell.RegRead(sRegVal)
sDefault = Left(sDefault ,InStr(sDefault, ",") - 1)
On Error Goto 0
GetDefaultPrinter = sDefault
End Function
On Error Resume Next
Set objNetwork = CreateObject ("Wscript.Network")
Set objShell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
Set objFSO = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

LogonServer = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%logonserver%")
UserName = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%username%")
Set objFileServer = objFSO.OpenTextFile (LogonServer &
"\netlogon\printer\default.txt", ForReading)

strComputer = "."
PrintServer = objFileServer.ReadLine
PrintServer = LCase (PrintServer)

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & _
"{impersonationLevel=Impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

If Err.Number Then
wscript.echo ("Error : " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description & VbCrLf)

ImpDefault = GetDefaultPrinter
Set colInstalledPrinters = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("SELECT * FROM Win32_Printer")
For Each objPrinter in colInstalledPrinters
PrinterArray = Split (objPrinter.Name , "\")

If (LCase(objPrinter.ServerName) <> "") and (LCase(objPrinter.ServerName)
<> "\\" & PrintServer) then

objNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection "\\" & PrintServer & "\" &
If Err.Number Then
wscript.echo ("Error : " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description &
End If

If ImpDefault = objPrinter.Name then
objNetwork.SetDefaultPrinter ("\\" & PrintServer & "\" &
If Err.Number Then
objFile.Write ("Error: " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description &
End If
End If

objNetwork.RemovePrinterConnection objPrinter.Name
End If
End If


"Jim" <> wrote in message
> Mathieu,
> I like the vbscript solution. But, I do not know scripting. How can I get
> a
> quick vbscript to change some users to a different print server?
> Jim
> "Mathieu CHATEAU" wrote:
>> Hello,
>> the vbscript will scan already installed printer and migrate only
>> installed
>> one.
>> Depending how is your OU & co, you may put 50% of users on each server.
>> So you will only have 50% of users that need to log in again to print.
>> You may also put two vbscript (print_serverA.vbs print_serverB.vbs) on
>> their workstation so they can switch themself.
>> --
>> Cordialement,
>> Mathieu CHATEAU
>> "Ian Zahn" <> wrote in message
>> >I have to same senario, but haven't used a script to give them acces to
>> >the
>> > printers. Is it a matter of creating the script first apply to users
>> > then
>> > change the script and migrate to new server?
>> > Just trying to stop the "I cannot print" calls coming in, It would be a
>> > matter of assuming which users need which printers as well?
>> >
>> > "Mathieu CHATEAU" wrote:
>> >
>> >> Hello,
>> >> To backup/restore, the best tool:
>> >> Print Migrator 3.1
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> For switching users, the easy way is a vbscript at logon.
>> >> the vbscript will read a text file on netlogon that gives the current
>> >> printer server.
>> >> When you want to switch them, you change the txt and make them log
>> >> again
>> >> to
>> >> switch.
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Cordialement,
>> >> Mathieu CHATEAU
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> "Jim" <> wrote in message
>> >>
>> >> > In a W2003 domain, with one Print server. I want to add a second
>> >> > print
>> >> > server. I want to have about 15 of the many printers put on the
>> >> > second
>> >> > print
>> >> > server.
>> >> > I proabably can recreate or use a print manager utility to
>> >> > backup/restore
>> >> > the printers onto the second print server. How can I have the client
>> >> > machines
>> >> > access the same printer as they are configured for that is now on a
>> >> > different
>> >> > print server without touching there machines? Tks, Jim
>> >>
>> >>
