Active desktop recovery woes

  • Thread starter Thread starter greg.dent
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Since we upgraded our domain machines to IE 7, Active desktop recovery has been rearing it's head every 5 minutes on numerous machines.

We apply our companies wallpaper using group policy, which has never caused a problem until IE7. Suddenly nearly all my users are randomly getting the active desktop recovery page appear as their background. There doesn't seem to be any pattern to it. Some users will get it every day, others never. They all use identical machines.

So far, I've found the reg key that seems to be causing it - it's quite well burried and can only be changed remotely by a network admin (since registry editing is disabled for normal users and the key lies in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER tree).

The actual key from a machine that suffered the problem is as follows (from a remote registry perspective):

Code Snippet
[HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-753330934-4258766762-486604758-1958\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\Components]


That is what the key should look like when fixed (i.e. normal). For some reason - one which is completely inexplicable to me - the value of DeskHtmlVersion changes itself to 272, which will then cause the ADR wallpaper to reappear.

The "restore my active desktop" button simply generates a script error pointing at desktop.htt in the users app data folder and does nothing else. The only way to restore the user's normal background is to modify that registry key (or build them a new computer!).

Active desktop isn't actually used. Our company background is a small JPEG.

I need to find a permanent fix for this as it's driving me, my users and our bosses nuts! It reflects badly on us as a business and an IT dept when our clients see our staff with this as their background.

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