Acer Laptop XP SP3 issues


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
Hi All

I have an Acer Aspire 1650 running Windows XP

The kids have used it for a while and they started complaining that it was not shutting down properly and the keyboard was being really slow to type on etc.

So, I played around with it for a while and made sure that the Accessibility settings were OFF for Sticky Keys and FilterKeys etc.

Confirmed that these were unchecked. Even went into the registry to set the settings from posts I had found on the web. Still taking 3 seconds or so to register a key stroke.

The other issue is that when you shut the thing down is has the following as Not Responding.

Sometimes SystemTray

When I started the machine in Safemode all worked well and shut down correctly.

After playing about a bit, I decided to take the machine back to it's factory settings. Alt and F10 on startup and reinstalled the OS - XP SP2

Did that and all was working well, shutting down correctly and keyboard working well.

Then the Updates applied SP3 and now the exact same issues occur.

Back to cant type and on shutdown the same Explorer.exe and HiddenFaxWindow not responding.

What can I do?

This is a fresh install of the OS from the Acer procedure, and applying the
SP3 that causes the issue.

Any help would be greatly appreatiated!!



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