Acer 11.6" Chromebook 4GB 16GB | C710-2457

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Came in the mail yesterday. Cost was less than a Windows or Office DVD. Refurbished, not new.

Price :
Now:US $119.99

Screen Size: 11.6"
Screen Resolution: 1366 x 768
Processor Type: Intel
Processor Model: Celeron 847
Processor Speed: 1.1GHz
Processor Core: Dual-core
Cache: 2MB
Operating System: Chrome OS
System Memory (RAM): 4GB
RAM Expandable To: 4GB
Type of Memory (RAM): DDR3
Hard Drive Type: SSD
Hard Drive Size: 16GB
Hard Drive RPM: Not Available
Optical Drive Type: Not Available
Optical Drive Speeds: Not Available
Digital Media Reader: Yes
Graphics: Intel HD
Video Memory: Shared
Built-in Webcam: Yes
Networking: Integrated 10/100Mbps
Wireless Networking: Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n
Bluetooth-Enabled: Not Available
USB Ports: 3
Battery Life: 3.5hrs
System Version: Not Available
HDMI Output: Yes
Included Software: Not Available
Graphics Chip: Not Available
Display Screen Type: Active Matrix TFT Color LCD LED
Display Screen Technology: CineCrystal
ENERGYSTAR Qualified: Yes
Dimensions: 11.2" x 1.1" x 8.0"
Product Weight: 3lbs
Product Number: C710-2457

Pros: Good Battery Life (on this one I bought anyways)
Boots in a couple of seconds like a arm device (this one is dual core Celeron)
Plays mp4,,avi,mp3 OK. I have not had it long enough yet to test this thing really well yet to see what ChromeOS is capable of. This is all new turf to tread for for me. Play Store.Chrome Web Store. Google Docs is your office.
Everything/Hardware works OOTB because this is a preinstalled setup tested piece of gear. Dumbed down initial fireup. Dumbed down wifi connect. It was a breeze for this Linux user.

Play Store. Chrome Web Store. I have no interest in playing Angry Birds and 1/2 of the apps others take a interest in.
No .pls support in their media player for my saved shoutcast stations that will play in xmms and mocp in my Linux installs.
Notice I am not calling this a Linux install?
No real terminal. Cntrl+Alt+t opens a tab in chromium and gives you a weak ass terminal

Welcome to crosh, the Chrome OS developer shell.

If you got here by mistake, don't panic! Just close this tab and carry on.

Type 'help' for a list of commands.

crosh> help_advanced

battery_test [<test length>]
Tests battery discharge rate for given number of seconds. No argument will
default to 300s test.

bt_console [<agent capability>]
Enters a Bluetooth debugging console. Optional argument specifies the
capability of a pairing agent the console will provide; see the Bluetooth
Core specification for valid options.

chaps_debug [start|stop|<log_level>]
Sets the chapsd logging level. No arguments will start verbose logging.

Shows connectivity status. "connectivity help" for more details

experimental_storage < status | enable | disable >
Enable or disable experimental storage features.

ff_debug [<tag_expr>] [--help] [--list_valid_tags] [--reset]
Add and remove flimflam debugging tags.

Performs extensive memory testing on the available free memory.

modem <command> [args...]
Interact with the 3G modem. Run "modem help" for detailed help.

modem_set_carrier carrier-name
Configures the modem for the specified carrier.

network_diag [--date] [--flimflam] [--link] [--show-macs] [--wifi] [--help]
[--wifi-mon] <host>
A function that performs a suite of network diagnostics. Saves a copy
of the output to your download directory.

network_logging <wifi | cellular | ethernet>
A function that enables a predefined set of tags useful for
debugging the specified device.

p2p_update [enable|disable]
Enables or disables the peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing of updates over the local
network. This will both, attempt to get updates from other peers in the
network and share the downloaded updates with them. Run this command without
arguments to see the current state.

rlz < status | enable | disable >
Enable or disable RLZ.

Attempt to rollback to the previous update cached on your system. Only
available on non-stable channels and non-enterprise enrolled devices. Please
note that this will powerwash your device.

route [-n] [-6]
Display the routing tables.

set_apn [-n <network-id>] [-u <username>] [-p <password>] <apn>
Set the APN to use when connecting to the network specified by <network-id>.
If <network-id> is not specified, use the network-id of the currently
registered network.

set_apn -c
Clear the APN to be used, so that the default APN will be used instead.

set_arpgw <true | false>
Turn on extra network state checking to make sure the default gateway
is reachable.

set_cellular_ppp [-u <username>] [-p <password>]
Set the PPP username and/or password for an existing cellular connection.
If neither -u nor -p is provided, show the existing PPP username for
the cellular connection.

set_cellular_ppp -c
Clear any existing PPP username and PPP password for an existing cellular

set_time [<time string>]
Sets the system time if the the system has been unable to get it from the
network. The <time string> uses the format of the GNU coreutils date command.

sound <command> <argument>
Low level sound configuration. Can be used to play/record audio samples
and enable beam forming on Pixel.
"sound beamforming <on|off>" will enable/disable the feature.
"sound record [duration]" will start recording.
"sound play <filename>" will play the recorded audio samples.

Reads storage device SMART health status, vendor attributes, and error log.

Performs a short offline SMART test.

Performs an extensive readability test.

syslog <message>
Logs a message to syslog.

Returns the current synchronization state for the time service.

tpcontrol {status|taptoclick [on|off]|sensitivity [1-5]|set <property> <value>}
tpcontrol {syntp [on|off]}
Manually adjust advanced touchpad settings.

tracepath [-n] <destination>[/port]
Trace the path/route to a network host.

update_over_cellular [enable|disable]
Enables or disables the auto updates over cellular networks. Run without
arguments to see the current state.

Uploads available crash reports to the crash server.

wpa_debug [<debug_level>] [--help] [--list_valid_level] [--reset]
Set wpa_supplicant debugging level.

xset m [acc_mult[/acc_div] [thr]]
xset m default
Tweak the mouse acceleration rate.

xset r rate [delay [rate]]
Tweak autorepeat rates. The delay is the number of milliseconds before
autorepeat starts. The rate is the number of repeats per second.
xset r [keycode] <on|off>
Turn autorepeat on/off. If keycode is specified, it affects only that
key. If not specified, it affects global behavior.
I kinda like and am kinda put off by this thing. Learning new tricks can be kinda dis-concerting so it is Like being a new Linux user again because this OS handles things differently.

I can see the attraction to migrating Windows users as this is really dumbed down once you start to figure things out. It just seems a bit limited to me but I'll hold judgement on a new developing operating system that is still newborn in my point of view.

I will be researching developer Mode.
How to Install Linux on a Chromebook and Unlock Its Full Potential

Mainly to run a class 10 Sandisk Ultra SD Flash card with

that on it. I have a 32gig class 4 SD card inserted to boost the internal 16 gig SSD drive storage capability. But it will be replaced when I dual boot ChromeOS and MX-14 with persistence on this. From what I read. This slows the boot time down a bit from stock. But nothing ventured, nothing gained.

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There always flexible. There is my review. :lol:

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