ACEEventLog errors shown as information in Event Viewer in Windows 7


Active Member
Aug 12, 2014
Dorset, England, UK
Windows 7
Firefox 60.0
I have recently purchased a new desktop computer to replace my ailing Windows 7 SP1 Home Premium 32bit and installed Windows 7 SP1 professional 64 bit on it. Windows Update is up to date. The main specifications of the computer are as follows:

CPU: AMD A8-7650K Kaveri 28nm Technology
RAM: 8.00GB Single-Channel DDR3 @ 797MHz (11-11-11-28)
Graphics: 2269WM (1920x1080@60Hz)
1024MB ATI AMD Radeon R7 Graphics (ASUStek Computer Inc)
Storage: 931GB Western Digital WDC WD10 EZEX-08WN4A0 SATA Disk Device (SATA )
Optical Drives: ASUS DRW-24D5MT SATA CdRom Device

Audio: Realtek High Definition Audio

I tend to monitor the Event Viewer which highlighted a few minor problems with the new installation and which I have been able to overcome. However there seems to be a number of ACEEventLog errors occurring on most startups which I do not understand. There are too many to list so I will just include a sample which, hopefully, will give the forum experts a clue to what is happening. The errors are logged by Windows as 'information' rather than 'warnings' or 'errors' although the log does use the word 'error'. Despite the logs, I have found no problems in running the system.

Each log is listed as Log Type: ACEEventLog Event Type: Information and Source: ACEEventLogSource. The following shows three examples although there may well have been about thirty logs created in a just over 30 second period:

0000000028: 2018-05-24 17:09:40:895 Exception: No value exists with that name.
Exception Called by: ATI.ACE.CLI.Component.Dashboard.DBMainVMController::SaveContext processID:06072 threadID:(CCCThreadNew:Dashboard16) domainName:(CCC.exe ) assemblyName:(CLI.Component.Dashboard, Version=4.5.5541.38672, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=90ba9c70f846762e)

0000000030: 2018-05-24 12:44:45:029 Exception <Saving Xml Document>: Access to the path 'C:\ProgramData\ATI\ACE\Profiles.xml' is denied.
Exception Called by: System.Threading.ExecutionContext::RunInternal processID:06048 threadID:(22 ) domainName:(CCC.exe ) assemblyName:(mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089)

0000000031: 2018-05-24 17:02:44:817 Exception <WndProc - Source handler>: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Exception Called by: System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods::CallWindowProc processID:06048 threadID:(HotKeyForm8 ) domainName:(CCC.exe ) assemblyName:(System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089)

I would be grateful for any comments and advice. Is this something I can safely ignore or is there something I should do?

Thank you.
After you installed the Operating System did you install the correct drivers?

The ones that are showing are the Graphics Card one thing that you can try is remove them then reinstall.
You can also remove the reference from Device Manager and allow windows to re build it.

With some systems it depends on when the drives loads which is why they suggest that you load the driver in a certain order.
Hi Rustys,

After I installed the operating system and ran Windows Update, I ran the motherboard disc - I guess I selected a wrong item at this stage.

I have downloaded the AMD Clean-up Utility so I could run that to clear out everything relating to the AMD Catalyst Control Center (ccc.exe in the Event Viewer reports) and allow Windows to rebuild the graphics drivers much as you have suggested via device Manager. I'll report back.

Cheers, Kick.
Update and Report Back:

Hi Rustys,

I ran the AMD Clean-up Utility successfully and used the Windows graphic drivers to set my screen resolution. The long string of AceEventLog ccc.exe errors in the Event Viewer are no longer occurring other than the following:

3126 ACEEventLog Information 27/05/2018 08:47:20 ACEEventLogSource 0 0 Win7-PC 0 1236 0000000002: 2018-05-27 08:47:20:279 Read (l:-1,c:0): Could not find file 'C:\Users\CRN\AppData\Local\ATI\ACE\Manifest.XML'. Error Called by: ATI.ACE.CCC.Implementation.Manifest::GetXManifest processID:05312 threadID:(1 ) domainName:(CCC.exe ) assemblyName:(CCC.Implementation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=90ba9c70f846762e) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3125 ACEEventLog Information 27/05/2018 08:47:20 ACEEventLogSource 0 0 Win7-PC 0 1116 0000000001: 2018-05-27 08:47:20:263 No manifest file was found! Error Called by: ATI.ACE.CCC.Implementation.Manifest::GetXManifest processID:05312 threadID:(1 ) domainName:(CCC.exe ) assemblyName:(CCC.Implementation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=90ba9c70f846762e) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

There were a few additional related reports that showed up in the Event Viewer reports after the startup immediately after running of the AMD Clean-up Utility but these were reduced to the two above in the startup after disabling the AMD External Events Utility (those additional reports are in the attached text file).

The AMD External Events Utility is only disabled at present - is it safe to remove it completely? What process is causing the above Event Viewer reports and can that be disabled or even removed without causing problems?

The original problem is now resolved thanks to your advice - I realize the remaining issues are not serious but if possible, it would be good to tidy up.

Thanks, Chris.


The AMD External Events Utility is only disabled at present
From what I have been reading and different places that software has been causing issue for a lot of people.
What is does not to sure form what i have read control key board commands for the display settings. Control switch between dual video cards.

This could also be left overs that it is referencing to. When you can the Clean utility it may have gotten the software and missed the reference in the registry.
Hi Rustys,

I am not too clear about what you are saying in your last post but I think you are suggesting that the AMD Clean-up Utility, after running, has not cleared all registry items that it should have done.

As I said in my previous post, since running the clean-up utility and disabling the the AMD External Events Utility, the related Event Viewer reports have been reduced to just two that consistently appear with each system startup.

I note that CCC.exe still appears on my system in C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD\ATLACE\Core-Static\. Should the AMD Clean-up Utility have removed the AMD folder and all sub-folders and files? If so, would it be safe to just delete them and perhaps clean up the registry afterwards? CCC.exe also appears under 'Processes' in the Windows Task Manager - the right click menu gives various options including 'End process' and 'End process tree', should I click one of these?

Thanks for your continuing interest, regards, Kick.

Using MSConfig.exe > Startup, I've unticked 'Catalyst Control Center' which was still listed, despite me running the AMD Clean-up Utility, and that appears to have stopped the Event Viewer reports appearing on each system startup. I've been in touch with AMD support to see what advice they can offer but so far they have only pointed me to 'FAQs' which have not proved very helpful. Forums like this generally are much more useful.

regards, Kick.
I am not too clear about what you are saying in your last post but I think you are suggesting that the AMD Clean-up Utility, after running, has not cleared all registry items that it should have done.

The Catalyst Control Center is what is used to configure and make changes for the display settings.
Hi Rustys,

AMD support has responded again and gave me a link to the DDU Utility (Display Driver Uninstaller) which I ran in Safe Mode. This cleared out the residue. After resetting the monitor screen resolution and attending to an icon cache problem that ensued (putting black squares where removed shortcut arrows had been), all is now back to normal. Thanks for your interest, advice and moral support. I am pleased to be able to say the situation is resolved.

Regards, Kick.