about Intel Motherboards


Active Member
Mar 4, 2004
Are they any good? Im about to buy one for a P-IV 2.8G 533Mhz, I cant remember the other specs since I have them at home...please throw your thoughts
Yes they are. They are very good, but, a bit more expensive than others.
You might want to consider an 800Mhz processor. They don't cost much more then what you are getting and they are hyperthreading enabled.
Intel boards are typically more stable, and usually just as quick as other runners. The 800Mhz front-side bus speed is also a feature you should definately consider, as it will be the speed for whatever new speeds of P4 are released in the next year or so (though I can't remember the last time that my mobo was compatible with a processor upgrade ...). Apart from Intel, I have heard very good things about Asus motherboards.
well I did it, just bought it..the 533Mhz and it says supports hyperthreading...so anyway..whats that? whats hyperthreading...i thought the threading was made in the processor...
Hyperthreading is a feature of newer Pentium 4 processors that presents 1 chip to the operating system as multiple CPUs. This is accomplished by using areas of the CPU that are idle to process instructions for the second processor. In multithreaded applications (such as multitasking, or high-end graphics) you can yield a significant speed increase.
thanks for replying, any useful links for more info...?(besides intel's site) I would like to hear from a second party...