Windows 95/98/ME A question on going from ME to XP

  • Thread starter Thread starter SSJ04 Mewtwo
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SSJ04 Mewtwo

A while back we tried to get DSL running on this ME box. During the process
of installing the modem for some reason or another the modem couldn't find
the correct protocols to use to connect. The tech guy they sent out
couldn't get the ting to work.

Now, here's where XP comes into play. The tech guy told us that if we were
to upgrade to XP that the ME network protocols that are missing that would
make the modem connect would still be used by XP. I believe the missing
protocols were deleted the day that we got Cox high speed internet and that
was six years ago. Now, would it be better for me to install ME over the
top of itself or get a XP upgrade to fix this and was the tech guy full of

BTW, is there another type of start-up disk besides the emergency start up
one? I think he was confusing that with a restoration disk that comes with
boxes that weren't built from the ground up like this one is.
I suspect the problem has nothing to do with "protocols" but rather has a
lot to do with the modem driver and if USB, given that your system appears
to be an OEM install (that is the PC came with Win Me pre-installed), that
the problem could well be that the modem could not find certain Win Me
files required for usb operation. If this is the case then this should be
easy to fix.
Mike Maltby

SSJ04 Mewtwo <> wrote:

> A while back we tried to get DSL running on this ME box. During the
> process of installing the modem for some reason or another the modem
> couldn't find the correct protocols to use to connect. The tech guy
> they sent out couldn't get the ting to work.
> Now, here's where XP comes into play. The tech guy told us that if
> we were to upgrade to XP that the ME network protocols that are
> missing that would make the modem connect would still be used by XP.
> I believe the missing protocols were deleted the day that we got Cox
> high speed internet and that was six years ago. Now, would it be
> better for me to install ME over the top of itself or get a XP
> upgrade to fix this and was the tech guy full of BS?
> BTW, is there another type of start-up disk besides the emergency
> start up one? I think he was confusing that with a restoration disk
> that comes with boxes that weren't built from the ground up like this
> one is.
Start with a winsock fix:

Download, unzip and launch.

Click the FIX button and reboot when finished.



"SSJ04 Mewtwo" <> wrote in message
>A while back we tried to get DSL running on this ME box. During the
> of installing the modem for some reason or another the modem couldn't find
> the correct protocols to use to connect. The tech guy they sent out
> couldn't get the ting to work.
> Now, here's where XP comes into play. The tech guy told us that if we
> were
> to upgrade to XP that the ME network protocols that are missing that would
> make the modem connect would still be used by XP. I believe the missing
> protocols were deleted the day that we got Cox high speed internet and
> that
> was six years ago. Now, would it be better for me to install ME over the
> top of itself or get a XP upgrade to fix this and was the tech guy full of
> BS?
> BTW, is there another type of start-up disk besides the emergency start up
> one? I think he was confusing that with a restoration disk that comes
> with
> boxes that weren't built from the ground up like this one is.
Mike M <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote:

I suspect the problem has nothing to do with "protocols" but rather has a
lot to do with the modem driver and if USB, given that your system appears
to be an OEM install (that is the PC came with Win Me pre-installed), that
the problem could well be that the modem could not find certain Win Me
files required for USB operation. If this is the case then this should be
easy to fix.

You're right, it was a USB modem, but it also could be connected to the
network card as well. So even though that during the installation when it
brought up an empty list view to choose a protocol it still could be an USB
problem? Alright, how would I fix this? I also have a scanner and a camera
that uses the USB ports just fine.
If all that is missing is a protocol, the only one of which that should be
relevant is TCP/IP then add it manually and then bind it to the modem or
NIC. What do you see for Configuration when you right click and select
Properties on Network Neighbourhood? It's bit difficult to guide you as I
no longer have a Win Me box here with any sort of modem attached, just a
network card.

I think your problem could still be an install problem rather than due to
your having removed a protocol. Just out of curiosity could you please
look for a file named BASE2.CAB and post back its location if found. By
default it should be in either C:\Windows\Options\Install or
C:\Windows\Options\Install but the computer builder may have relocated the
folder containing this file.and placed it elsewhere.

As a test, what happens if you right click on Network Neighbourhood,
select and open Properties, open the Configuration tab and then click Add?
Do you get presented with the option to add a Client, Protocol or Service?
If yes, select Protocol, click Add, do you see a selection of six
protocols that can be added?
Mike Maltby

SSJ04 Mewtwo <> wrote:

> You're right, it was a USB modem, but it also could be connected to
> the network card as well. So even though that during the
> installation when it brought up an empty list view to choose a
> protocol it still could be an USB problem? Alright, how would I fix
> this? I also have a scanner and a camera that uses the USB ports
> just fine.
Mike M <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> Wrote:

look for a file named BASE2.CAB and post back its location if found.

I couldn't find that .cab file.

As a test, what happens if you right click on Network Neighborhood,
select and open Properties, open the Configuration tab and then click Add?
Do you get presented with the option to add a Client, Protocol or Service?
If yes, select Protocol, click Add, do you see a selection of six
protocols that can be added?

I got past the first step, but when I went to protocols I saw zero instead
of the six..
OK, the problem is that you don't have the Win Me install files on your PC
which means that when you go to add a component and it needs a Win Me file
that is not already present it is unable to extract the file from the Win
Me cab set which is how the system was designed to operate by Microsoft.
Either the user mistakenly chose to delete the folder containing BASE2.CAB
(and all the other cab files) thinking they served no purpose and to gain
some space, about 153MB, or the OEM (computer manufacturer) failed to
install Win Me as they should have and removed or deleted this folder.
Either way you're fubared unless your recovery CD or whatever contains an
accessible folder (possibly called Win9x) that contains these cab files
(about 20 odd plus setup.exe and a few others) in which case post back and
I'll explain what you need to do.

Out of curiosity, if you are familiar with the program regedit, what data
do you see for the value SourcePath found at
Does that folder exist and if so what does it contain?
Mike Maltby

SSJ04 Mewtwo <> wrote:

> I got past the first step, but when I went to protocols I saw zero
> instead of the six..
Mike M <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only>

Out of curiosity, if you are familiar with the program regedit, what data
do you see for the value SourcePath found at
Does that folder exist and if so what does it contain?

Yes I am and here is the file list:


I do have the WinME setup CD if that'll help.
The correct folder list is as follows for a clean Win Me install.
Installing certain patches from the Windows Update site will add further
files to both Windows\Options\Install and Windows\Options\Cabs but perhaps
not to the folder if located elsewhere.

BASE2 CAB 2,239,963 08/06/00 17:00 BASE2.CAB
CATALOG CAB 2,033,798 08/06/00 17:00 CATALOG.CAB
CLEANHD TXT 13,809 08/06/00 17:00 CLEANHD.TXT
DELTEMP COM 496 08/06/00 17:00 DELTEMP.COM
DOSSETUP BIN 85,404 08/06/00 17:00 DOSSETUP.BIN
DRIVER5 CAB 6,123,008 08/06/00 17:00 DRIVER5.CAB
DRIVER6 CAB 8,192,000 08/06/00 17:00 DRIVER6.CAB
DRIVER7 CAB 1,928,446 08/06/00 17:00 DRIVER7.CAB
EXTRACT EXE 53,767 08/06/00 17:00 EXTRACT.EXE
FORMAT COM 49,415 08/06/00 17:00 FORMAT.COM
INTL TXT 6,965 08/06/00 17:00 INTL.TXT
MINI CAB 686,680 08/06/00 17:00 MINI.CAB
NET3 CAB 1,190,400 08/06/00 17:00 NET3.CAB
NET4 CAB 2,068,753 08/06/00 17:00 NET4.CAB
OEMSETUP BIN 3,270 08/06/00 17:00 OEMSETUP.BIN
OEMSETUP EXE 76,604 08/06/00 17:00 OEMSETUP.EXE
PRECOPY1 CAB 2,696,962 08/06/00 17:00 PRECOPY1.CAB
SAVE32 COM 920 08/06/00 17:00 SAVE32.COM
SCANDISK EXE 245,324 08/06/00 17:00 SCANDISK.EXE
SCANDISK PIF 2,857 08/06/00 17:00 SCANDISK.PIF
SCANPROG EXE 4,630 08/06/00 17:00 SCANPROG.EXE
SCANREG EXE 172,494 08/06/00 17:00 SCANREG.EXE
SETUP EXE 5,712 08/06/00 17:00 SETUP.EXE
SETUP TXT 37,455 08/06/00 17:00 SETUP.TXT
SETUP0 WAV 439,824 08/06/00 17:00 SETUP0.WAV
SMARTDRV EXE 45,379 08/06/00 17:00 SMARTDRV.EXE
SUBACK BIN 244,918 08/06/00 17:00 SUBACK.BIN
SUBACK16 BIN 122,998 08/06/00 17:00 SUBACK16.BIN
SUHELPER BIN 1,488 08/06/00 17:00 SUHELPER.BIN
W9XSETUP BIN 187,520 08/06/00 17:00 W9XSETUP.BIN
WB16OFF EXE 537 08/06/00 17:00 WB16OFF.EXE
WIN1024 BIN 18,720 08/06/00 17:00 WIN1024.BIN
WIN640 BIN 7,788 08/06/00 17:00 WIN640.BIN
WIN800 BIN 11,664 08/06/00 17:00 WIN800.BIN
WINME WMV 11,624,034 08/06/00 17:00 WINME.WMV
WIN_10 CAB 8,192,000 08/06/00 17:00 WIN_10.CAB
WIN_11 CAB 8,192,000 08/06/00 17:00 WIN_11.CAB
WIN_12 CAB 8,192,000 08/06/00 17:00 WIN_12.CAB
WIN_13 CAB 8,192,000 08/06/00 17:00 WIN_13.CAB
WIN_14 CAB 8,192,000 08/06/00 17:00 WIN_14.CAB
WIN_15 CAB 8,192,000 08/06/00 17:00 WIN_15.CAB
WIN_16 CAB 8,192,000 08/06/00 17:00 WIN_16.CAB
WIN_17 CAB 8,192,000 08/06/00 17:00 WIN_17.CAB
WIN_18 CAB 8,192,000 08/06/00 17:00 WIN_18.CAB
WIN_19 CAB 8,192,000 08/06/00 17:00 WIN_19.CAB
WIN_20 CAB 8,192,000 08/06/00 17:00 WIN_20.CAB
WIN_21 CAB 8,192,000 08/06/00 17:00 WIN_21.CAB
WIN_22 CAB 6,166,571 08/06/00 17:00 WIN_22.CAB
WIN_8 CAB 6,263,296 08/06/00 17:00 WIN_8.CAB
WIN_9 CAB 8,192,000 08/06/00 17:00 WIN_9.CAB
WIN_OL CAB 1,049,932 08/06/00 17:00 WIN_OL.CAB
XMSMMGR EXE 14,144 08/06/00 17:00 XMSMMGR.EXE

52 file(s) 160,613,945 bytes

A fully updated Win Me install running IE6 SP1 could be expected to have
had the following 24 files added to the folder. Additional patches and
some drivers will also add files to the folder.

CRYPT32 DLL 468,752 09-12-02 3:51p CRYPT32.DLL
CRYPTDLG DLL 90,384 09-25-02 12:36p CRYPTDLG.DLL
DUNZIP32 DLL 98,064 06-18-02 4:33p DUNZIP32.DLL
DZIP32 DLL 130,320 06-18-02 4:33p DZIP32.DLL
HELPCTR EXE 499,984 01-08-03 9:24a HELPCTR.EXE
HH EXE 10,752 04-13-05 5:06p hh.exe
HHCTRL OCX 519,168 04-14-05 12:44p hhctrl.ocx
HHCTRLUI DLL 88,064 05-20-02 11:09a HHCTRLUI.DLL
HHSETUP DLL 38,912 04-14-05 12:44p hhsetup.dll
HLINK DLL 68,096 11-16-04 1:32p HLINK.DLL
HTML32 CNV 311,864 06-26-03 10:19p HTML32.CNV
IFSMGR VXD 185,910 09-19-00 2:10p IFSMGR.VXD
ITIRCL DLL 143,872 04-14-05 12:44p itircl.dll
ITSS DLL 128,000 04-14-05 12:44p itss.dll
KB918547 EXE 8,256 04-24-06 2:24a KB918547.EXE
MOVIEMK EXE 774,219 01-12-01 3:18p MovieMk.exe
MSCONV97 DLL 116,288 06-26-03 10:19p MSCONV97.DLL
NWLINK VXD 51,535 11-28-00 7:10p NWLINK.VXD
Q918547 DLL 4,288 04-24-06 2:24a Q918547.dll
SMGR DLL 225,552 02-23-01 1:45p SMGR.DLL
SSDPAPI DLL 39,184 12-13-01 5:37p SSDPAPI.DLL
SSDPSRV EXE 57,104 12-13-01 5:38p SSDPSRV.EXE
T2EMBED DLL 163,600 11-24-05 4:54p t2embed.dll
UPNP DLL 133,904 12-13-01 5:39p UPNP.DLL
VMOUSE VXD 30,565 04-04-02 10:03a VMOUSE.VXD
VSERVER VXD 112,896 01-04-01 6:06p VSERVER.VXD
XENROLL DLL 1 72,664 07-09-02 8:45a XENROLL.DLL
ZIPFLDR DLL 193,296 09-10-02 4:13p ZIPFLDR.DLL

> I do have the WinME setup CD if that'll help.

If you have a Win Me CD rather than an OEM recovery CD, copy the contents
of the Win9x folder (omitting the OLS folder and perhaps WINME.WMV if
space is tight) to the location contained in the value SourcePath.
Alternatively choose a location to suit your needs (it does not have to be
on C: if you have more than one drive), copy the contents of the Win9x
folder on the CD to that location and then, most importantly, set
SourcePath's data to your chosen location.

Please post back with details of how you get on.
Mike Maltby

SSJ04 Mewtwo <> wrote:

> Mike M <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only>
> Out of curiosity, if you are familiar with the program regedit, what
> data do you see for the value SourcePath found at
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup
> Does that folder exist and if so what does it contain?
> Yes I am and here is the file list:
> WIN_17.CAB
> WIN_18.CAB
> I do have the WinME setup CD if that'll help.
Hey Mike,

I copied all those files excluding the ones in the OLS folder. I had enough
room for WINME.WMV.

I went back to My Network Places's properties and tried it again but still
zero showing in the list view after clicking on protocols.
Try uninstalling a networking component such as a network card or modem,
perhaps by deleting the relevant entry in the Device Manager, reboot and
then reinstall. Hopefully this should now rebuild the missing components.
Mike Maltby

SSJ04 Mewtwo <> wrote:

> Hey Mike,
> I copied all those files excluding the ones in the OLS folder. I had
> enough room for WINME.WMV.
> I went back to My Network Places's properties and tried it again but
> still zero showing in the list view after clicking on protocols.
Mike M <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote:

Try uninstalling a networking component such as a network card or modem,
perhaps by deleting the relevant entry in the Device Manager, reboot and
then reinstall. Hopefully this should now rebuild the missing components.

Tried removing my dial-up modem and re-installing it. No change.
It would appear that not only were the Win Me installation files missing
from your PC but also some at least of the INF files that should have been
placed in the Windows\Inf folder when Win Me was installed. Check whether
you have a copy of the files nettrans.inf (protocols), netcli.inf
(clients) and netserv.inf (services) in the C:\Windows\Inf folder, if not
extract new copies from PRECOPY1.CAB by double clicking on PRECOPY1.CAB
and when the cab file opens dragging copies of the three files to

Now check what protocols, services and clients are available.

I can't help but wonder what other files are missing or have been removed
from the system. Hopefully none.
Mike Maltby

SSJ04 Mewtwo <> wrote:

> Mike M <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote:
> Try uninstalling a networking component such as a network card or
> modem, perhaps by deleting the relevant entry in the Device Manager,
> reboot and then reinstall. Hopefully this should now rebuild the
> missing components.
> Tried removing my dial-up modem and re-installing it. No change.
Mike M <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote

It would appear that not only were the Win Me installation files missing
from your PC but also some at least of the INF files that should have been
placed in the Windows\Inf folder when Win Me was installed. Check whether
you have a copy of the files nettrans.inf (protocols), netcli.inf
(clients) and netserv.inf (services) in the C:\Windows\Inf folder, if not
extract new copies from PRECOPY1.CAB by double clicking on PRECOPY1.CAB
and when the cab file opens dragging copies of the three files to

I was able to find netcli.inf in the .cab file but I didn't see the other
two files. I found a netserve.inf file that maybe the one, but I can't find
one that is close to the file name of "nettrans.inf"
SSJ04 Mewtwo <> wrote:

> I was able to find netcli.inf in the .cab file but I didn't see the
> other two files. I found a netserve.inf file that maybe the one, but
> I can't find one that is close to the file name of "nettrans.inf"

As I stated earlier all three files are in PRECOPY1.CAB.

Contents of the File
1394 inf 7,964 06-08-00 5:00p 1394.inf
61883 inf 1,328 06-08-00 5:00p 61883.inf
Netcem33 inf 2,460 06-08-00 5:00p Netcem33.inf
Netcli inf 15,034 06-08-00 5:00p Netcli.inf <<<<<<<<<<
Netcli3 inf 22,387 06-08-00 5:00p Netcli3.inf
Netrtsnt inf 8,178 06-08-00 5:00p Netrtsnt.inf
Netservr inf 12,018 06-08-00 5:00p Netservr.inf <<<<<<<<
Netsilc inf 4,718 06-08-00 5:00p Netsilc.inf
Nettdkp inf 2,875 06-08-00 5:00p Nettdkp.inf
Nettrans inf 35,672 06-08-00 5:00p Nettrans.inf <<<<<<<
Nettsbnt inf 2,751 06-08-00 5:00p Nettsbnt.inf
Wstcodec inf 2,356 06-08-00 5:00p Wstcodec.inf
Wupdate inf 6,846 06-08-00 5:00p Wupdate.inf

Mike Maltby
Ok Mike, I found all three files.

For Clients I have:

Client for Microsoft Networks
Client for NetWare Networks

For protocols there are two list views. The first just has Microsoft in it
and the second has the following:

IPX/SPX compatible protocol

For services I have:

File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
File and Printer Sharing for NetWare Networks

So says the cat
Looks as if you may now almost be back in business as TCP/IP and Client
for Microsoft Networks are what are needed for most net connections but
see below. If you then wanted to share Files or Printers then you would,
of course, need File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks.

Let me check with a Win Me box that has just a modem. Right clicking on
Network Neighbourhood shows:
Client for Microsoft Networks
Intel NIC (bound to TCP/IP)
TCP/IP (bound to Client for MS Networks & File & printer sharing)
File and printer sharing for MS Networks

> For Clients I have:
> Client for Microsoft Networks
> Client for NetWare Networks

I also have Microsoft Family Logon as an option. If required extract a
copy of NETFAM.INF from PRECOPY1.CAB and place in the C\Windows\Inf

> For protocols there are two list views. The first just has Microsoft
> in it

That's correct for a default install.

> and the second has the following:
> IPX/SPX compatible protocol

I also have
ATM Call Manager (ATMUNI.INF)
ATM LAN Emulation Client (NETLANE.INF)
If required extract a copy of ATMUNI.INF and/or NETLANE.INF from
PRECOPY1.CAB and/or NETPPPOA.INF from WIN_18.CAB and place them in the
C\Windows\Inf folder.

> For services I have:
> File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
> File and Printer Sharing for NetWare Networks

I also have Service for Netware Directory Services. If required extract a
copy of NDSCLI.INF from PRECOPY1.CAB and place in the C\Windows\Inf

If you have further problems in other areas remember that you may have one
or more INF files missing in which case you would need to try and
establish which one(s) and then extract new copies from PRECOPY1.CAB. You
shouldn't have problems with missing files now you've got the Win Me cab
set on the system and the correct(ed) entry in SetupPath in the registry
pointing to where you have stored the cab files.

Here's hoping that all is now well.
Mike Maltby

SSJ04 Mewtwo <> wrote:

> Ok Mike, I found all three files.
> For Clients I have:
> Client for Microsoft Networks
> Client for NetWare Networks
> For protocols there are two list views. The first just has Microsoft
> in it and the second has the following:
> IPX/SPX compatible protocol
> For services I have:
> File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
> File and Printer Sharing for NetWare Networks
Thanks Mike. I'll extract those files.

I did a count and there are only 87 .inf files in that folder. Should I
extract all of the .inf files in each .cab file? I know I'm having another
empty list view problem on the Windows setup tab under add/remove programs.
Would doing that fix it?

Alright, if we call Windstream again to have them send the DSL modem and
during setup it does the same thing again what should I do?

Also, I think my family would rather have the question of if we should
upgrade to XP and if the upgrade would undo the fix I've just done. I think
my sister is tired of being made fun of by having a box with an OS that most
people call subpar. IMO, Vista is more subpar than ME.
> Alright, if we call Windstream again to have them send the DSL modem
> and during setup it does the same thing again what should I do?

Make a note of the error and post back.

As to whether the system can be upgraded to XP this rather depends on the
hardware involved, details of which I know nothing so cannot comment.

> I did a count and there are only 87 .inf files in that folder.

An "out of the box" clean install of Win Me here shows 488 INF files dated
8 June 2000 in the Windows\Inf folder. PRECOPY1.CAB contains 370 INF
files, BASE2.CAB contains 2 INF files and WIN_18.CAB a further 166, a
total of 538. I don't think that any harm is likely to result from
extracting all of these and placing them in the Windows\Inf folder.

Incidentally Win Me is far from a sub-par operating system, most of those
who hold that view have either never used the system or did so using
inappropriate drivers or with Norton installed. Most adverse comments are
simply due to ignorance on the part of the person making the comment.
Nevertheless XP is without doubt better but does need slightly more modern
hardware. As to Vista, I have few printable comments to make, and
incidentally I was and continue to be a Microsoft beta tester and my
client operating system testing has included Win 98, 98SE, Win Me, XP
(inc. SP1, SP2 & SP3) and Vista (inc. SP1) so feel qualified to comment.
Vista is best when supplied as part of a new modern system rather than on
an upgraded PC.
Mike Maltby

SSJ04 Mewtwo <> wrote:

> Thanks Mike. I'll extract those files.
> I did a count and there are only 87 .inf files in that folder.
> Should I extract all of the .inf files in each .cab file? I know I'm
> having another empty list view problem on the Windows setup tab under
> add/remove programs. Would doing that fix it?
> Alright, if we call Windstream again to have them send the DSL modem
> and during setup it does the same thing again what should I do?
> Also, I think my family would rather have the question of if we should
> upgrade to XP and if the upgrade would undo the fix I've just done.
> I think my sister is tired of being made fun of by having a box with
> an OS that most people call subpar. IMO, Vista is more subpar than
> ME.
Mike M <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote:

An "out of the box" clean install of Win Me here shows 488 INF files dated
8 June 2000 in the Windows\Inf folder. PRECOPY1.CAB contains 370 INF
files, BASE2.CAB contains 2 INF files and WIN_18.CAB a further 166, a
total of 538. I don't think that any harm is likely to result from
extracting all of these and placing them in the Windows\Inf folder.

I just extracted all those files and went to the Windows Setup tab and to my
surprise the list view was no longer empty! :)

I re-installed the games since internet checkers went missing a while back.
Hm, this machine was built back in '01, the only concern I would have is
burner for it was only for ME and Win2k. Although, is it true that most
Win2k drivers work on XP?