A Microsoft no-no

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I am looking for a forum where I can ask questions about Linux. If anyone
knows of a good board please provide me with a link to it. Thanks.
"Ross" <Ross@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> I am looking for a forum where I can ask questions about Linux. If anyone
> knows of a good board please provide me with a link to it. Thanks.

In your news reader simply key in Linux

in your newsgroup search...you will see there are quite a few groups to
choose from

here are a few:



Ross wrote:
> I am looking for a forum where I can ask questions about Linux. If anyone
> knows of a good board please provide me with a link to it. Thanks.

If your first thought about asking questions about Linux is to post in a
Microsoft newsgroup, you probably aren't going to do very well with
Linux. Use Google Groups to find newsgroups for your particular distro.
If you have never used Linux and you need general information, start here:


Elephant Boy Computers
"Don't Panic!"
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User
Ross wrote:
> I am looking for a forum where I can ask questions about Linux. If anyone
> knows of a good board please provide me with a link to it. Thanks.

Do you know which version of Linux you're interested in? I'm pretty
happy with Ubuntu and the newsgroup is alt.os.linux.ubuntu You can also
find more web forums at


Alias, the version I am trying to install is "Linux XP 2007" I bought it off
Ebay. Below is the problem I am having:

I have booted my emachine (T3065) with the Linux CD. The pc freezes at
"processing unused kernel memory" and "please correct and rerun lilo". I am
not sure how to get past this problem. All help appreciated.

"Alias" wrote:

> Ross wrote:
> > I am looking for a forum where I can ask questions about Linux. If anyone
> > knows of a good board please provide me with a link to it. Thanks.

> Do you know which version of Linux you're interested in? I'm pretty
> happy with Ubuntu and the newsgroup is alt.os.linux.ubuntu You can also
> find more web forums at
> http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/webforums
> Alias

"Ross" <Ross@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> Alias, the version I am trying to install is "Linux XP 2007" I bought it
> off
> Ebay. Below is the problem I am having:
> I have booted my emachine (T3065) with the Linux CD. The pc freezes at
> "processing unused kernel memory" and "please correct and rerun lilo". I
> am
> not sure how to get past this problem. All help appreciated.
> "Alias" wrote:
>> Ross wrote:
>> > I am looking for a forum where I can ask questions about Linux. If
>> > anyone
>> > knows of a good board please provide me with a link to it. Thanks.

>> Do you know which version of Linux you're interested in? I'm pretty
>> happy with Ubuntu and the newsgroup is alt.os.linux.ubuntu You can also
>> find more web forums at
>> http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/webforums
>> Alias
Ross wrote:
> Alias, the version I am trying to install is "Linux XP 2007" I bought it off
> Ebay. Below is the problem I am having:
> I have booted my emachine (T3065) with the Linux CD. The pc freezes at
> "processing unused kernel memory" and "please correct and rerun lilo". I am
> not sure how to get past this problem. All help appreciated.

You *bought* a Linux distro?!! Whatever for? I Googled "Linux XP 2007"
and I see an article from a year ago at Linux.com.


It didn't get a very good review. Not a wise choice.

You'd be far better off using a well-known, proven distro like
Ubuntu/Kubuntu, SUSE, or Fedora. Start with a "live CD" to see if your
eMachine (which has fairly proprietary hardware) will even run well with
Linux. Ubuntu has a live CD and Knoppix also is an excellent live CD.
Although Knoppix wasn't really designed to be installed on the hard
drive, it is extremely complete and will give you a good taste of Linux
without affecting your Windows install.

Linux is not Windows. You need to educate yourself. Go to the links I
already gave you and start reading. And here's one more link that is a
must-read for someone considering posting to Linux Usenet groups:


If you post to one of the Linux newsgroups the way you posted here, the
nicest response you'll get will be something on the order of:

man lilo

So now you have lots of places to get basic information about Linux. Go
to it.

Elephant Boy Computers
"Don't Panic!"
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User