A Little Off Topic...


Active Member
Jun 19, 2011
New Zealand
Hey everyone, i know this is a little off topic but i know most here know heaps!

Hope you dont mind me posting this here and hope you can help!

i have a problem and have spent all night trying to solve this issue!


I have a form in the index page for "Request a Quote" this is a clone of the contact form. I then also have a contact form in the footer on he site. Both seem to send mail fine, however

- The quote form displays the success message fine, but its the wrong message. It displays that all fields are required however they are all there and the message is sent.

- The footer contact form on the other hand does the opposite almost. The message displays the correct message however on a new page which is incorrect. This should be working as the contact form does on the CONTACT page which is currently the only page working on the site.

Can someone PLEASE helo me, Ive played around all night with the divs repositioning the

Any help much appreciated!

Thanks Guys!