A browser glitch "sometimes"?


Active Member
Apr 5, 2005
Asus A43S
Hey guys, this laptop originally came with win 7 but was upgraded to win 10 and was working slow so I did a reset. I am noticing that "sometimes" the browsers chrome, FF or IE will take a long time to open when I click on them. I am not understanding why only sometimes this is happening. The laptop is working great otherwise and when on the net, can anyone help solve this problem please?
For right now, I will disable automatic updates, thanks for the idea. My idea was that something is running in the background whenever that happens but is there any utility outside of TM which might show when that occurs?
Going off the net every now and then and I have to re-enter the network password, I reloading OS now
If it is the only computer on your network losing the connection to the internet then it is probably not the modem and/or router.

MS updates drivers. Perhaps your wireless driver was updated and is not using the one that is best for the system. If you've archived drivers, you might be able to see the version of wireless driver that Win 7 was using.

I'd advise you to turn off driver updates in Windows 10. My theory, if a driver is working, there is no reason to update it. I was burned in the past by installing a MS suggested driver. I don't do this any more.
I had turned off MS updates before switching to the other drive with win 7 an that didn't help, will report back .