4 gig problem = green screen in windows media center for vista

  • Thread starter Thread starter William
  • Start date Start date


I have the HVR 1600 Hauppauge (WinTv) card. It works great with 2 gig ram -
when I put in my other 2 gig memory (total 4gig) the picture goes green and
the sound stutters and goes jittery. Is there or will there be a fix to this
"known" 4gig problem?

Vista 64x Home Premium
Intel QX6700
EVGA 680i mobo
4gig SLI Oz ram
EVGA 8800GTS 320
Hauppauge HVR 1600
Hi William,

What does Hauppauge support have to say about this issue with their
hardware. It sounds like there is a conflict in the use of addresses being
assigned. To my knowledge, this is not a "known" issue with Vista, and your
best approach is to start with the hardware vendor.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP
Windows help - www.rickrogers.org
My thoughts http://rick-mvp.blogspot.com

"William" <William@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
>I have the HVR 1600 Hauppauge (WinTv) card. It works great with 2 gig
>ram -
> when I put in my other 2 gig memory (total 4gig) the picture goes green
> and
> the sound stutters and goes jittery. Is there or will there be a fix to
> this
> "known" 4gig problem?
> Vista 64x Home Premium
> Intel QX6700
> EVGA 680i mobo
> 4gig SLI Oz ram
> EVGA 8800GTS 320
> Hauppauge HVR 1600
Go to the Performance utility in Control panel and 'update' your score. Make
a note of the memory score afterwards.

Now remove the 2gb installed recently, and 'update your score'. Compare the

If the score is higher with only 2gb installed, there is a good chance that
your memory is not matched well, and that could be causing your problems.

Also run memory tests on all of the RAM.

Mike Hall - MVP
Posting Productively.. http://www.dts-l.org/goodpost.htm

"William" <William@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
>I have the HVR 1600 Hauppauge (WinTv) card. It works great with 2 gig
>ram -
> when I put in my other 2 gig memory (total 4gig) the picture goes green
> and
> the sound stutters and goes jittery. Is there or will there be a fix to
> this
> "known" 4gig problem?
> Vista 64x Home Premium
> Intel QX6700
> EVGA 680i mobo
> 4gig SLI Oz ram
> EVGA 8800GTS 320
> Hauppauge HVR 1600
Thanks for your prompt replies. The issue is a "known" issue and apparently
there is talk between Hauppauge and MS to resolve it. Hauppauge says it is a
Vista 64 problem and not theirs. I do believe you are right, suggesting it
is a memory conflict of sorts I have read that elsewhere too. However,
there are no certain answers to any of the above - except that Hauppauge
"says" that it is a Vista problem. If it truly is a MS problem, I hope to
purse it more here.

To answer the other reply - more score is 5.4 with 4 gig and 5.0 with 2 gig.
So I don’t think the problem is there.

I have heard of some people reducing their memory via bios or some other
means - I don't know how to do that – in any case it is just a bandage
insufficient for the real problem so I don't want to waste this thread
necessarily about that.

Well - it says Vista compatible on the box - it’s got the WHQL - but results
suggest there is small validity in that claim.
I am still interested in pursuing this – so whatever you have to offer ……
The box says vista compatible and it's obviously NOT.

Obviously, the hardware manufacturer did NOT do their homework!

"William" wrote:

> Thanks for your prompt replies. The issue is a "known" issue and apparently
> there is talk between Hauppauge and MS to resolve it. Hauppauge says it is a
> Vista 64 problem and not theirs. I do believe you are right, suggesting it
> is a memory conflict of sorts I have read that elsewhere too. However,
> there are no certain answers to any of the above - except that Hauppauge
> "says" that it is a Vista problem. If it truly is a MS problem, I hope to
> purse it more here.
> To answer the other reply - more score is 5.4 with 4 gig and 5.0 with 2 gig.
> So I don’t think the problem is there.
> I have heard of some people reducing their memory via bios or some other
> means - I don't know how to do that – in any case it is just a bandage
> insufficient for the real problem so I don't want to waste this thread
> necessarily about that.
> Well - it says Vista compatible on the box - it’s got the WHQL - but results
> suggest there is small validity in that claim.
> I am still interested in pursuing this – so whatever you have to offer ……
> thanks
I as well see the problem on my system. I tested the "reduce memory"
work around by openning up MSCONFIG and going into the BOOT
section/Advanced and setting MAXMEM to 3072. It worked after a reboot
but I also had issues related to only 3 Gig of usable memory.

So long stroy short I am going to wait for a fix and I set my memory
back to 4 gig.

Yes I did the same - it is a shame to have to lose some memory - especially
when I am doing so much processing.

For those wondering how to do it - press start, type msconfig in the search
menu - press enter, press the boot tab, press the advanced options button,
and then change max memory to something under 4 gig. Actually, I think you
will find that no matter what you set it at it will like drop it all the way
down to 2.8 to 3.2 gig of ram.

Looks like we will have to wait for a fix - If it will ever come - hopefully
they Hauppauge wasn't lying.
i have same problem. hve 4gb and green screen. here's what is says on
Haupauge site:
"Note: If you are running Vista 64 bit and have 4GB of memory or higher
installed in the system, you will need to reduce the memory in the system to
remedy this problem. This is a known OS issue that is currently being looked

has anyone found a fix?

"William" wrote:

> Yes I did the same - it is a shame to have to lose some memory - especially
> when I am doing so much processing.
> For those wondering how to do it - press start, type msconfig in the search
> menu - press enter, press the boot tab, press the advanced options button,
> and then change max memory to something under 4 gig. Actually, I think you
> will find that no matter what you set it at it will like drop it all the way
> down to 2.8 to 3.2 gig of ram.
> Looks like we will have to wait for a fix - If it will ever come - hopefully
> they Hauppauge wasn't lying.
Just do the above mscongif modification - it will fix it - well - quasi-fix
it. I still have not found any proper solution. At least with the above you
don't have to manually take out your ram and leave it on the shelf to corrupt
i am going to send a request to Haupauge and ask when is the date for the
expected fix. if you all could do the same maybe we can nudge them

"Rod" wrote:

> i have same problem. hve 4gb and green screen. here's what is says on
> Haupauge site:
> "Note: If you are running Vista 64 bit and have 4GB of memory or higher
> installed in the system, you will need to reduce the memory in the system to
> remedy this problem. This is a known OS issue that is currently being looked
> into."
> has anyone found a fix?
> "William" wrote:
> > Yes I did the same - it is a shame to have to lose some memory - especially
> > when I am doing so much processing.
> >
> > For those wondering how to do it - press start, type msconfig in the search
> > menu - press enter, press the boot tab, press the advanced options button,
> > and then change max memory to something under 4 gig. Actually, I think you
> > will find that no matter what you set it at it will like drop it all the way
> > down to 2.8 to 3.2 gig of ram.
> >
> > Looks like we will have to wait for a fix - If it will ever come - hopefully
> > they Hauppauge wasn't lying.
yea, i did so. its a nice work around. thanks.

But ofcourse would like to use my full 6 GB - seems like its wasted.

"William" wrote:

> Just do the above mscongif modification - it will fix it - well - quasi-fix
> it. I still have not found any proper solution. At least with the above you
> don't have to manually take out your ram and leave it on the shelf to corrupt
Here's the fix:


of email Hauppague tech support and they should send u the link. Its a beta
driver but fixed for me. Ihave vista 64 and 6gb of memory and no more green
screen. : >

"Rod" wrote:

> i am going to send a request to Haupauge and ask when is the date for the
> expected fix. if you all could do the same maybe we can nudge them
> "Rod" wrote:
> > i have same problem. hve 4gb and green screen. here's what is says on
> > Haupauge site:
> > "Note: If you are running Vista 64 bit and have 4GB of memory or higher
> > installed in the system, you will need to reduce the memory in the system to
> > remedy this problem. This is a known OS issue that is currently being looked
> > into."
> >
> > has anyone found a fix?
> >
> >
> > "William" wrote:
> >
> > > Yes I did the same - it is a shame to have to lose some memory - especially
> > > when I am doing so much processing.
> > >
> > > For those wondering how to do it - press start, type msconfig in the search
> > > menu - press enter, press the boot tab, press the advanced options button,
> > > and then change max memory to something under 4 gig. Actually, I think you
> > > will find that no matter what you set it at it will like drop it all the way
> > > down to 2.8 to 3.2 gig of ram.
> > >
> > > Looks like we will have to wait for a fix - If it will ever come - hopefully
> > > they Hauppauge wasn't lying.
Rod you are a legend - it worked for me too. Thank goodness - however, I am
still somewhat disappointed that it took them so long - but onto a brighter
day - it worked!
What steps did you take to install... The installer throw an error
about an .inf file "Open Failed"


On Dec 17 2007, 4:38 pm, Rod <R...@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote:
> Here's the fix:
> ftp://wtv:Support...@www.hauppauge.com/Support/HVR1600/1600_64fix.zip
> of email Hauppague tech support and they should send u the link.  Its a beta
> driver but fixed for me. Ihavevista64 and 6gb of memory and no more green
> screen.      : >
> "Rod" wrote:
> > i am going to send a request to Haupauge and ask when is the date for the
> > expected fix.  if you all could do the same maybe we can nudge them

> > "Rod" wrote:

> > > i have same problem.  hve 4gb and green screen.  here's what is says on
> > > Haupauge site:
> > > "Note: If you are runningVista64 bit and have 4GB of memory or higher
> > > installed in the system, you will need to reduce the memory in the system to
> > > remedy this problem. This is a known OS issue that is currently being looked
> > > into."

> > > has anyone found a fix?

> > > "William" wrote:

> > > > Yes I did the same - it is a shame to have to lose some memory - especially
> > > > when I am doing so much processing.

> > > > For those wondering how to do it - press start, type msconfig in the search
> > > > menu - press enter, press the boot tab, press the advanced options button,
> > > > and then change max memory to something under4gig.  Actually, I think you
> > > > will find that no matter what you set it at it will like drop it all the way
> > > > down to 2.8 to 3.2gigof ram.

> > > > Looks like we will have to wait for a fix - If it will ever come - hopefully
> > > > they Hauppauge wasn't lying.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -
What I did was go to the device manager in
control-panel/system/device-manger. From there got to the TV-card device in
the Sound, video,...etc section. Then right click it and then select update
driver. Then choose the directory of the downloaded update.

I am sorry is I am not attuned to your computer savvy - just thought it
prudent to include a concise explanation in case you didn’t know how to get
from a to z.
to z.