3rd party apps & Windows 10 April


Active Member
Jan 4, 2013
Silver Spring MD
Windows 10
Chrome 66.0.3359.139
Is it true that Windows will allow only apps from the store, similar to android's play store?
I am having that trouble.
While it is true that some apps need to be installed from the Windows Store, I can go to a download page on the web, to install certain apps I want to have.
For instance, I downloaded and installed Revo Uninstaller from HERE
Some apps are not available from the Windows Store, in which case I go to the programmer's website.
In any case, always be careful where you download from as there a lot of unsafe sites out there.
I must have a setting wrong as I am warned not to install any 3rd party. I wish I could be more informative but I cannot remember the exact wording. It appeared in the notification area. The attempts were ClipClip and two others.
I usually right click and let MBAM scan before installing.
I used to use Revo but whenever I use it or the Windows part of Ccleaner I ended up with a dropped file so I leave the miniscule amount in the registry.

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