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Everything posted by Rich-M

  1. Yeah they all have their ups and downs but again I still say when I tested Avs regularly I always made a distinction between how an AV performs against virus and how it performs as software in general. Kav has always been a difficult program as software with many bad issues due to updates from time to time affecting other programs.
  2. Ok we keep trying until we get it right!
  3. Webshots shutdown as Webshots last year pissing me off big time. I had all the installers and over 3000 photos so I just kept using it. They went on to be "Smile" a lousy copy of various photo print websites shutting down all their old services. I saved out my photos and before they shut down they also permitted you to change your portfolio to normal jpegs for use also which I did so if either of you want the install or any libraries I have them. I have to tell you a funny story, I always put Webshots on every computer I refurbish or build and I have made sales based on it being there and when they screw it up I go out on service calls to fix what they did to it so it is more than great looking, it makes me money. But the funniest of all was a local Boro who I sold a refurbished desktop to the sanitation dept. When I was installing it the Boro Secretary was looking over my shoulder and began asking me questions about the animal pictures. I told her what it was. She then asked me if I could put that on her desktop and I said "sure" when I am done here. Then she said but "it will be gone when I get my new Dell desktop in January". I said "I can come out and put it back on for you ", I said. Then she says "can I buy a desktop from you?". I said "yes, and when I gave you the bids for refurbished I also gave you a bid for new custom desktop as well last week". Oh, she said "I didn't understand that I guess." A few minutes later she comes back over she asks me if I can beat $1100 and hands me the Dell invoice. I said "I offered you a better system then that for under $700 last month". "Ok I am going to get council to cancel this sale and buy yours but it will have this desktop in it right?" "Do you want me to give you a new estimate" I asked? "No, I won't need that", she said. That wound up being the desktop, a new monitor, and a laser printer before it was over. But it didn't end there. Every week for a few weeks I got calls from her sister, best friend, brother, nephew and one council member all of which wound up with new custom systems built and sold. All insisted they would only buy them with the Webshots desktop on them and I explained I put it on everything I build anyway. The tax collector had been my client for years and using the refurbished one when she was in the office once a week pushed her to order a newer desktop also, not because of Webshots though and she was due.
  4. Oh I misread that....it's a Bytec bracket: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817994140&cm_re=SSD_Mounting_bracket-_-17-994-140-_-Product
  5. In the simplest terms, cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer's hard drive.
  6. Me neither it could be in a different location in every bios but it is there usually around the boot drive order somewhere.
  7. How large is the disk Mike. Disks larger than 2.2 Gb have to be initialized as GPT. UEFI bios also has to be initialized to GPT which is why I said you must enable "legacy boot" to use normally to MBR.
  8. It's a 240 Gb PNY I bought from Tiger Direct for $99. It was one of my promo specials here in the Promo Forum.
  9. I use Webshots desktop so I have about 3000 different desktops that change every 15 minutes.
  10. Thast is my problem if I played games, I would be an addict and I would never stop. I am like an alcoholic to gaming potentially.
  11. Antivirus are personal and personally, I never thought Trend Micro was worth owning but I have to agree now on top of that, it is a real system drag besides like Norton and MacAfee.
  12. The server might be yours or someone else's Mike.
  13. Ha ha that's a riot using my photo of my new system...
  14. Same here Nod32 and the reason? We haven't seen a real virus in years but Antivirus does more than protect against virus and I always felt Nod32 had the best site protection which then makes it the best Antivirus against the real problem, namely Malware.
  15. Mike working in Windows 8 to boot to cd, and every pc is different, you have to kill secure boot in the bios and choose legacy boot so that you can boot to cd drive in the first place. On some laptops there is a button on the surface that will accomplish the same thing meaning setting up booting from optical drive. Sorry I didn't see this post earlier. As you both know the problem is the hard drive though.
  16. Those cooling numbers are phenomenal but I bet having the big case helps a lot too along with your tidiness of wires. I never paid much attention to that as long as the numbers were near normal but always have had front fan blowing in and rear blowing out even on units I don't consider it necessary. My photo on your desktop is hysterical, I am honored! If it wasn't such a bitch to put the side back on I'd update that. Next time I have to take it off I will do so.
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