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  1. They are both going to want to use \WINDOWS as the folder name-- obviously you will need to change the name for one of them (I'd suggest changing XP's to \WINNT since that is the name that was used by older versions of the NT family (NT and 2000)) Installing two OSes on one partition is possible but is officially not recommended by Microsoft (or myself!) http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/pro/using/howto/gettingstarted/multiboot.asp http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/pro/using/howto/gettingstarted/meandxp.asp It's best to partition the drive-- either by wiping it and creating partitions, or using a 3rd party tool like Partition Magic (costs $ but easy) or Ranish (free but complicated)
  2. If I recall correctly: In the Network Control panel, choose Add... then Service and the WINS. You may need the Windows CD. You will then see WINS Manager in the Administrative Tools which you can use to configure it. Make sure the machine has a static IP. You will also need to configure the clients to use this WINS server (either by changing their static settings or making the appropriate changes to your DHCP scope to point to the IP of the WINS server.)
  3. There are several ways-- you can use the Computer Management MMC (a bit tedious), a third-party tool like Hyena (it does a lot more... but $$$) or the Microsoft way: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;272530
  4. Have a look here: "How to take ownership of files in Windows XP" http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=308421