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  1. NForce Baby!!! Eh... Oh, it's not about AMD is it? I go with Intel. The thing is what features are utilized by the manufacturing vendor. Sometimes, to cut cost they don't utilize the max functionality of the chipset. For budget.. i'll go for Sis.
  2. I am running Windows 2000 server now and was wondering what are the plus of running 2003 before seriously considering buying it. How does the 2003 Server clustering works?
  3. This is kinda a dumb question but i'll just ask.. Who or what body actually take charge of and in the development of Linux Kernel in the Open Source Community?
  4. My god, this sure feels like a goldmine. Absolutely mind numbing stuff...
  5. I would be interested to know if all the Windows XP 64 driver sets from all vendors come as 64bit ready. If so, it would be enough to convince to get an AMD 64 with the new XP. As for security, talk about taking buffer overflow out the door and into the bin. It is good to see AMD has again gotten their act together since Athlon 1Ghz and beat Intel on desktop 64. The lower end AMD 64 way below $300 retail is another enticing factor. It makes economic sense for them as well.
  6. This is qute something as the new Windows 64bit XP is based on AMD 64bit architecture design. http://money.cnn.com/2003/12/22/technology/techinvestor/hellweg/index.htm What do you think?
  7. Cool.... It is about time... I have been eyeing a cheap and simple AMD Barton 2500+ on Abit NF7-S with 1 Gig. It is not for demonic worship of games, but more of a progressive upgrade of my programming workstation at home which is: Intel PIII 667 - 512 PC133 SDRAM with 128MB GeForce 4200 chipset dual output to 2 x 21" Fujitsu. Programming workstation. Now, that article makes me think again... Does anyone know how well nForce 3 motherboards performing and any reliability issues? If it is as sweet as i think it is... i believe i might head down to Athlon 64 3000+ myself. Or maybe i should just hop over to the AMD plant 30 minutes away and do some dumpster diving...
  8. Any idea about the clustering aspect of Windows Server 2003? I was thinking of testing out Beowulf clustering just to get a deeper understanding of what can i actually do with the concentrated processor power. The nagging issue with FreeBSD and stuff is Windows apps that requires a bit of juice at times and is Wondering about Windows 2003. Thanks.