Everything posted by AWS
Networking section.
I was thinking about adding a networking forum. I'll see about doing it this weekend.
Useless and low quality software
That's the way they build them. They want you to buy new every cou0ple years and make it hard to upgrade anythiing. Not to mention they bundle all the software on a recovery disk and when you do a restore if everything isn't exactly as they put them the stuff will not reload. The last pre-built I bought was an IBM 486sx. The only way to go is build your own.
Setting Loss in WinXP
Years back there was a virus that would change icons randomly. It was a Win 95 virus and while it was annoying it didn't do any real damage. I haven't heard of this happening in XP, but, you never know. Might want to check for a virus.
Access denied to hard drive
I have seen this happen before when a box is a member of a domain. You could try and rejoin the domain and then set the drive for sharing. This should give you access to it again.
Monitoring remote shutdown
A non-admin should not be able to shutdown the box. Check your security settings. Active directory has a habit of messing up local security policies.
Help with adding drives
You can only install 2 drives per IDE channel. Motherboards have 2 IDE channels so you can only connect 2 drives to each. The only solution would be to add a PCI controller card and connect the 2 drives to it. If your motherboard has raid functionality then you could connect your hard drives to the raid controller and configure a raid array and then connect your 2 other drives to the onboard IDE controller.
Xtreme VB Chat hosted by Extreme Tech
I'd add them both.
Xtreme VB Chat hosted by Extreme Tech
It must be your browser security settings. Put extremetechsupport.com in your trusted host file and it should work.
Bridging a network
What was the problem? I'm not that familiar with Cisco and cbos. I assume you had a bad host map causing the problem.
Issue with serving through Linksys router
Make sure block wan request is disabled. Set your server to listen on port 8080, open up that port in the router and see if you can connect. With the recent outbreak of new and modified worms some ISP that didn't block ports are doing so now. If you can connect on 8080 then 80 is probably blocked.
CPU where have you gone?
Make sure HT is enabled in the bios. If it is then check in device manager to make sure you has ACPI MultiProcessor under PC tab.
Delayed Write Failure
See this thread: http://extremetechsupport.org/forum/showthread.phtml?t=81
Mouse Not Detected Sometimes
You might want to check and see if there is a new version of motherboard drivers. Could be the driver that Windows is loading isn't compaitible. Load the drivers off the motherboard cd or download them from Intel and try them out.
Delayed Write Failure
Seagate drives are usually pretty good though I have seen people having problems with them.
Delayed Write Failure
To increase PF: Right click My Computer > Advanced tab > First settings button > Advanced tab > last option is to change PF size and choose which partition to put it on.
Delayed Write Failure
While I was researching this I found 2 possible solutions. One is to increase the pagefile and if possible to move it to another partition and to shutoff drive cache features. This one will more than likely work. Some people with the external firewire problem said it cleared up the problems. The other was that this affected motherboards that used the Via chipset. Since you don't have a Via chipset then that is out.
Delayed Write Failure
If your motherboard is using a Via chipset then update to the latest version of drivers and it should fix the problem.
Mouse Not Detected Sometimes
Driver probably isn't loading or the bios isn't initializing the serial port. Might want to try a bios upgrade and mouse driver update.
Problem with boot..
You might want to try and reset the bios setting to default. I have this happen intermitently with one of my computers. For some reason during post my cdrw isn't detected. The computer will take 15 minutes or longer to start. I had to flash to an older bios for the board to fix it. By setting bios to default value the bios will give you an f2 stop error and let you know what is causing the problem.
subclassing and hooking
You might want to stop by http://visualbasicforum.com to get help with this.
Strange problem with athlon AMD xp 2600
Did you set the jumpers on the motherboard so that you can set the multiplier? That could be the reason some options are not available. Try setting the multiplier at 11.5 and fsb at 166. You might need a bios update to eneable all the settings. One other thing you could try is to let the bios detect cpu speed automatically.
RAM not detected
Put one stick in at a time and see if it boots. It could be one of the sticks in not compatible with the board. If it boots with each stick then head into bios and set the latency settings to spec according to the ram specs which are on the sticker.
Space - My New Frontier
I heard good things being said of Hitachi 15 IN LCDs. They are cheat too.
XP SP2 Beta Out
Yes you can turn it off. It is turned on by default ater install.
What do you think?
It works right. I just tested it and the only new postwas the last one I made.