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Everything posted by AWS

  1. Sounds like a DNS problem. WinPOET sometimes doesn't pull the dns server info. You should consider switching to RASPPPOE or if you use XP use its builtin pppoe software.
  2. You can telnet in to do it. That would be the only way I can think of.
  3. You'll be able to put it in another newer system and it will run right along side a sata drive if you choose to run sata in the future.
  4. Here is MS hotfix to enabled 48bit lba in XP to fix the 127 Gig limit: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;303013&Product=winxp
  5. You have enable netbois in network properties of the 98 box and make sure you have the network components installed. You should be able to share the files from the xp box to the 98 box. You won't be able to share from 98 to xp because 98 can't read ntfs. To share the connection use ICS in XP. It's in the advanced tab of network properties.
  6. IIS isn't doing it. It is your browser cacheing the file. Make sure you have "Cache Thumbnails" unchecked in the browser advanced options.
  7. Clear you browser cache. Any change you make will show instantly. Something I have found since I switched to IIS last year. If you overwrite files sometimes it doesn't work. I now delete the file I want to overwrite and then upload the new one.
  8. The upgrade will be available to anyone. You can download the public beta of XP 64. Check out MS site. There will be only one version of XP x86/64. Intel will have to follow AMD standards or be without an OS if they introduce something different. There is already a 64bit XP, but, it is for the Intel Itanium. That is a true 64bit processor, not based on x86. Not to worry your system will not become obsolete when the giant releases their x86/64 chip. The final release will be sometime this year. My bet is you'll see XP x86/64 be released shortly after Intel releases their chip which will be second quarter this year. Longhorn is the OS for 2006.
  9. Check out http://bioscentral.com/beepcodes/amibeep.htm. From the site: Check the memory.
  10. You'll have to move them around until you hit the correct combo. Line line out would be for speakers and line in for mic. Probably 2 pins for each. Is there any markings on the female connectors? There should be marker in and out with mic pin being marked different.
  11. They'll plug into the soundcard. If your motherboard has onboard sound they plug into the sound header on the board. Usually this is found near the back of the board.
  12. If it changed your background then head into your display settings and change the background. Also download HiJackThis and scan your computer. Post the log here. This checks for any malware that may be running. Download and run CWShredder to fix anything that might have been installed by CoolWebSearch. It sounds like this is what happened. Also might want to download AdAware.
  13. I think its more of a problem with win98. The Ensonig sound card could be bad also, but, I remember seeing something about that card not being compatible with win98. Something to do with the codecs the card uses.
  14. My son posted that it's a problem with XP if you don't have sp1 installed. XP doesn't recognize a disk larger than 137Gig. Try to upgrade to sp1 and see if it the rest of the disk will show up.
  15. I've seen them. The major difference is the placement of the cpu and pci slots. The design is to take advantage of advanced air flow techniques and new heatpipe design. The placement of the cpu in the front of the board makes it possible to draw air into the heatpipe from an opening in the front of the case and then exhauted into the case without affecting case temps. I just built a Shuttle XPC. This has the cpu in the back of the box. There is a heatpipe system that installs to the rear of the case with a 90mm fan that blows air through the pipes and onto the integrated heatsink. This system is fully enclosed. Air is blown through the heatsink through a set of pipes. Exhaust is through another set of pipes that is directed to the sides of the case. The cpu temps with this system is between 28C and 35C and case temp at 30C to 38C. In comparison the temps of my dual Xeon are 49C to 53C and case temp 40C to 45C. BTX boards will make it easy for case manufacturers to integrate an advanced cooling system because of cpu placement.
  16. Answered in this thread: http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/showthread.phtml?t=86 See my last post.
  17. Here is a link to the bios downloads: http://www.abit-usa.com/products/mb/bios.php?categories=1&model=5 Looks like IC7 BIOS 20will fix your problem.
  18. Yea. That is a bug with the bios. Head to to motherboard site and download the latest bios and after the flash that should clear up. The new bios should also fix the cpu problem.
  19. OK. There is the problem. If you can, take the hd out of the new box and put it back in the old. Boot up the old box and open device manager and uninstall everything. Once you do that shut the old box down and put the hd back in the new one. Boot it up. You should get into Windows now and it will install all your hardware. The above sometimes works and sometimes doesn't If it doesn't then format and do a clean install.
  20. Use load optimized defaults option in bios and try that. That motherboard is compatible with 800mhz processors. Your problem clockspeed is set too high causing it to reboot. One other thing. Are you trying to load Windows that was installed on the hd out of the other box?
  21. I've just built a p4 3.0 and it has a 240 watt ps. You could try it to see if it powers up the new system. If you have a volt meter you can check the power supply with it. If you don't, discoonect everything except the main power plug and one case fan. If the the fan spins up then plug one thing at a time. If it doesn't power up after you plug something in then that part is the problem. It could be that the power supply can't power everything.
  22. If the fans don't spin then the power supply is bad or you forgot to turn on the switch on the back of the power supply. I don't think you have a bad processor or any bad components. The fact that the fan on the PS doesn't spin tells me it's a power supply problem.
  23. Change the server back from pasv and leave the client set pasv. Socket error means the client can't open a connection to the server. You probaly also get a timeout error to go along with it.
  24. Have you tried to set your ftp client to use pasv? If the server is behind a firewall you'll need to enable pasv. On the lan you don't need it.
  25. I had the same problem with 2003. Go into the IIS manager and stop IIS. Restart IIS and each site. It should work now.
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