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Everything posted by ICTCity

  1. Depending on what type of authentication you have selected during install, you may have or not the permission to login. If you have selected WINDOWS AUTHENTICATION, be sure that during install you have selected at least one user to connect to DB. try to login with username SA and the pass you may inserted during setup.
  2. It should work with this: On ISA > Create a new user (New User Set Wizard) Name it domain users or what you prefer. I can remember there's a windows with the possibility to add a user, you have to look in domain for "domain users" and then click check names. Once finish, you can easly set permission to that "group" (better, user). Sorry but I don't have a ISA server right now... Hope this help.
  3. if it is just a server (not a DC), remove from domain and, if you can, delete the computer object from AD. Then, rejoin.
  4. Mhhh this make me think that your string is correct... Do you installed the last framework version? It should be 4. Also, the error you have should be OBJECT MOVED HERE and not object REmoved here. Is it correct?
  5. Take a look here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd723678(v=WS.10).aspx
  6. I assume you can see nothing in event viewer...
  7. Errors and warnings are importants, but in many cases they don't cause troubles with operations. We will see )
  8. Well, I never tried to authenticate without username / password or at least windows auth. I just think you may have created a connection in visual studio (from the wizard) and you have the connection from there. Once you launch the program without visual studio, it doesn't know how to authenticate. Can you post the error message?
  9. I have no idea. The only thing that I can read is "CRITICAL_OBJECT_TERMINATION" which means nothing to me! You could use WinDbg but honestly I don't think you will find something more...
  10. Can you please upload the DMP file?
  11. It looks like you may have some HW problem... try to change the cable first, then, if you can, change the NIC, you should have more than one NIC because of it is a server... I also suggest you to download the diagnostic tool from the official website of your NIC. For example, HP has a utility to check your NIC status. Let me know!
  12. Well, in your network properties (DNS server), simply change the DNS from to I think this will help in some way, but actually I can't understand the cause of your problem... Where I live it's quite late, I have to sleep a bit. Keep posting, I will answer tomorrow. Cheers
  13. Everything depends on how much you want to spend. Virtualizing and using a shared storage is good thing for many reason, but pay attention: - when you virtualize, you can create a pool with N servers (let's say 2), you attacch a shared storage (SAN). You create 3 VM (1 for IIS, 1 for exchange, 1 for SQL), this is just an example. Now your VMs are running on the SERVER1 which is the POOL's master, the second server is waiting for jobs (actually it can do something...). The SERVER1 fails (hardware problem), your Virtual System (let's say XenServer), move the VMs on the other server. You are up & running. This is the scenario evaluated by many people, BUT WAIT, what about a windows failure? I mean, something get corrupted, you can restart the VM but you have a bluescreen... what's next? Your SAN / HA / FT is almost unuseful. Here we have to use other technologies, for example clustering, CDR (exchange) or others, but all this technologies should be applied togheter. From my experiece, I used Citrix's products. Take a look here: http://www.citrix.com/English/ps2/products/product.asp?contentID=21679&ntref=prod_top Also check access gateway. Let me know.
  14. wait. Do you have the same message on DNS log? Can you temporarly replace your router with another one? I think your problem can be related to the router... but this only if the error message has gone. Windows FW is ok.
  15. easy. You have trouble with name resolution (DNS), from here the error "cannot create socket". When you PING DNS is just used one time to resolve the name to IP address, once done, the result is stored in a cache. When you ping and search, the DNS request is "overflowing" your bandwidth.
  16. Just to make a try... Change the "All ip address" to the IPv4 address. run this: ipconfig /registerdns restart DNS service. Are you running any FW / AV?
  17. I have the same though. Read my "last" post regarding the binding and so on...
  18. Ok, let's try this: Open DNS Manager, right-click the DNS server name, then click Properties. Click the Interfaces tab, you should see the IP address of your system (, if not, correct it. Then: Open Control Panel, Network, select the Bindings tab and verify that the bindings for all protocols to network adapters exist. Let me know.
  19. I don't think so. When you disabled FW, you haven't resolved your problem. have you followed the guide found in the link above? What I mean is that MAYBE the problem is the "blank" authentication...
  20. First post the output of: ipconfig /all Then try this: ipconfig /flushdns open internet explorer > delelete ALL browsing history Try to open www.google.com (it should be SLOOOOW) If it fails, no problem, we don't care about this. Now on Internet Explorer put on the URL bar this: (this is the yahoo's IP) and tell me if it is a bit faster.
  21. if you don't redirect profiles on a server or a network share... yes. Well, I don't think you will have troubles, the error simply indicates that a computer cannot be verified with its SID. Unless people are able to login with their account, you can ignore this problem. If I'm not wrong, SID are used to avoid the entire authentication process. Anyway, if this fails, Windows will try to use user's credentials. I'm not sure... Anyway, this problem is because your DC has created another DB with differents SIDs.
  22. I mean, try with one pc... just to see if this resolve your problem.
  23. Oh well, try to un-join that pc from domain. Delete the COMPUTER's entry from AD, then re-add the pc and your problem should be solved.
  24. Hi, Before going further, open task manager > RESOURCE MONITOR. You have 5 TABS. First of all on OVERVIEW you have 4 bars and on the right there's a small blue square which indicates the percentile of usage. Take a look if there's something high (when I say high, I mean >= 50%). This EXCEPT the network. For network you have to determine first your network's speed. Let's say you have a 5M connection, if you see the 5% on the blue square, it means your bandwidth is full! (5% of 100), if you have a 1gb NIC, you will have 0,5% and so on. If you think there's something unusual, go to the relative tab and check WHICH process is using your resource. Let me know if you need help!
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