I've got a 4GB Winserver 2008, SP 2, 64 bit system that mysteriously shuts down and restarts at random intervals from a few days to a few months appart. It has APC powerchute installed and a check of it's log does not reveal any power outages or battery back up tests. We've confirmed that the UPS has sufficient power for this system.
How do I figure out if I'm looking at a hardware problem, (One tech recommended adding a second redundant powersupply)or a software problem? The only other software installed on this machine is Filemaker Server 10 and the techsupport boards over in Filemaker land aren't reporting any mysterious shut down issues there.
The restarts have always occurred at night though a restart during the day when it supports a point of sale environment would be disastrous. Last Friday's shutdown damaged a database file which we fortunately were able to replace with a back up.