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124882 topics in this forum
Can i connect my Windows Xp Home machine to SBS server, or is Windows XP supports connecting to thru LAN
Can i connect my Windows Xp Home machine to SBS server, or is Windows XP supports connecting to thru LAN
hi all, i need to find what process is use my com 1 port, i'm unable to find an utility to use for this prupose, anybody know how i can solve this problem?? thanks all Giulio
Hi, We have a couple of remote offices, and the users have notebooks and connect to the main office via TS. Our TS server has a mapped drive to a disk that is backed up nightly to tape and users are encouraged to store documents there for backup purposes, and work on those files via a TS connection. However, these are mobile users, who don't always have internet access and have to store those files locally on the notebook, and therefore have no way to then "copy" them to the TS mapped drive. What are my possible workarounds to this if any? Thanks, Mike
When I started the download of the latest Direct X from the download started correctly and the software indicated it was searching for the components to download. Then I get an error messeage saying the components can not be downloaded right now and try again later. Only when I try again and again I still get the error to try again later. I think this download page is not working correctly. The error message also says check your internet connection but that is working just fine and each time I try to download the latest Direct X it always starts to download just fine but then it says it is searching for components to download but it can't fin…
Vista will no longer receive updates. Windows update states install new version of installer, when you do, it fails with the error code 800F081F. .. Any ideas to correct this issue?
i keep getting ie 7, cant display page http 403 can someone help. it says forbiden http 403 thank you.
have 2 x 500GB Hard Drives partitioned into 4 drives. Restarted machine and lost all drives, except for the c drive. Disk Manager only allows for partition deletion, not re-assigning. Does any one know how to get back.
have 2 x 500GB Hard Drives partitioned into 4 drives. Restarted machine and lost all drives, except for the c drive. Disk Manager only allows for partition deletion, not re-assigning. Does any one know how to get back.
I'm setting up a notebook and trying to set-up "offline files." I have enabled Offline Files in the Folder Options and checked all the boxes. According to all the manuals, the next step would be to select the desired directory and choose "Make Available Offline" or something to this extent from the File Menu. This option is not availbe. I've tried selecting the entire network share/drive, a folder on the share, and a file on the share. Nothing. Any ideas?
I'm setting up a notebook and trying to set-up "offline files." I have enabled Offline Files in the Folder Options and checked all the boxes. According to all the manuals, the next step would be to select the desired directory and choose "Make Available Offline" or something to this extent from the File Menu. This option is not availbe. I've tried selecting the entire network share/drive, a folder on the share, and a file on the share. Nothing. Any ideas?
I read a tech article, stating that Vista can only be virtualized on the Business and Ultimate (> $300) packages. They make an excuse about security being the reason, but the analysts think it is so that people will not virtualize Vista on MAC AND LINUX boxes, and use the Windows 10% of the time. I have the Business Vista (got it from upgrades to Dell boxes $10.00), and it works fine...although it is a pig (Memory Hog). So MS is holding on to their marketshare by their fingernails, putting more FUD out there, saying that we are unsecure. My firewall say differently, so I will continue to virtualize at will. It is too bad that the "FLAGSHIP" produ…
Hey guys I currently have Windows XP Home Edition and use a Dell Dimension 5150. At the moment i have an administrators account and a guest account which both crop up at start up for you to choose which one you want. However sometimes when i switch my pc on it gets stuck on 'starting up...' , never actually reaching the login phase. However if i restart my PC during this time, my PC will boot up as normal. It is temperamental, however i don't really like restarting my PC like this as i'm scared it'll get damaged. Was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to fix this or ways i could figure out what was wrong? Thanks
I had taken my computer to the shop because it kept rebooting every few minutes and when I got it back I noticed the system restore had been turned off. I finally got it turned back on and am having problems with the computer rebooting often. Does system restoe have anything to do with the rebooting?? Thanks
I had taken my computer to the shop because it kept rebooting every few minutes and when I got it back I noticed the system restore had been turned off. I finally got it turned back on and am having problems with the computer rebooting often. Does system restoe have anything to do with the rebooting?? Thanks
G'day Rick, Here I was yesterday thinking the I, "Robinson Crusoe" was alone with this problem. I just purchased a "Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Flash Drive" from New Egg, which on the "blurb" card in the packaging states "Fully Compatible with USB 1.1 and Hi-Speed USB 2.0" Even if my computer only had USB 1.1 controllers, it should work? Right? Wrong!!! Same Schmidt... Different Day!!! The reason I purchased this "Thumb Drive" was so I could carry big gobs of files (mainly photos) in my pocket as I traveled and be able to stuff my 'drive' into someone else's USB port and show them my photo collection etc. Chee! Have you or anyone else come up with some kind of answer to …
A user had a 20GB hard drive that was being max'd out. I added a 120 GB hdd and transferred a few folders to the new drive (now E:) Ther is still loads of space on the new hard disk. I tried creating a 2nd paging file on the new hdd (E:) in addition to the one on C: According to Microsoft, the system should use the paging file on the less frequently used drive - E: in this case. When I use MSINFO32, it lists the paging file as c:\pagefile.sys. Not referencing E: Would MSINFO32 show the currently used page file or would it always show c:\pagefile. I should add that the c: pagefile has a custom set size range for the pagefile but the one on …
A user had a 20GB hard drive that was being max'd out. I added a 120 GB hdd and transferred a few folders to the new drive (now E:) Ther is still loads of space on the new hard disk. I tried creating a 2nd paging file on the new hdd (E:) in addition to the one on C: According to Microsoft, the system should use the paging file on the less frequently used drive - E: in this case. When I use MSINFO32, it lists the paging file as c:\pagefile.sys. Not referencing E: Would MSINFO32 show the currently used page file or would it always show c:\pagefile. I should add that the c: pagefile has a custom set size range for the pagefile but the one on E: has …
Suddenly the option to be able to pin a program in the program list off of the start menu is missing. I've looked in the knowledge base but can find no specific reference to this. This is a new one on me. Does any MVP know how to fix this? Thanks.
Hello. I was wondering if there is a way to find out why my servers take so long to boot up. We bought them all at the same time and are all configured pretty much teh same and they all take approx 20 minutes to get to a long prompt. Thanks.
A blind friend of mine has a new computer with Win XP. He continues to use JUNO for e-mail. A few days ago JUNO reported the availability of new dialup numbers. I helped him choose the several local numbers (including the one he had been using) and correct dialing directions. We then clicked "Get New Mail". The computer connected to JUNO and appeared to download messages -- but very very slowly. After about 10 minutes the screen reached 100%. I closed that screen and was presented with another that reported -- Messages: 0 messages sent, 0 messages received Status: Mail transmission has been cancelled My friend and I are mystified and frustrated. Does any…
A blind friend of mine has a new computer with Win XP. He continues to use JUNO for e-mail. A few days ago JUNO reported the availability of new dialup numbers. I helped him choose the several local numbers (including the one he had been using) and correct dialing directions. We then clicked "Get New Mail". The computer connected to JUNO and appeared to download messages -- but very very slowly. After about 10 minutes the screen reached 100%. I closed that screen and was presented with another that reported -- Messages: 0 messages sent, 0 messages received Status: Mail transmission has been cancelled My friend and I are mystified and frustrated. Does any…
I turned my computer off and broght it back up and now for some reason I have to have a password to log on as owner. I never set a password on my computer to log in. Does anybody have any suggestions?
I turned my computer off and broght it back up and now for some reason I have to have a password to log on as owner. I never set a password on my computer to log in. Does anybody have any suggestions?
Hi The other day I left my computer running. All was fine. Came back a few hours later to find a blank screen. It has blank ever since. I can not get a hint of graphics from the computer. The monitor is fine. I unplugged it from the computer and it immediately asked me to check signal cable. I tried my laptop in the monitor and it was fine. I have just swapped graphics cards but still nothing. Not really sure what else to try. Please help. Thanks. I am (was) running an AMD 1800 XP processor with XP Pro, 1gb RAM and a Asus A7V8X-X motherboard. Many thanks in advance. Sam