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Free PC Help Forum is a community to get free computer help for all. Whether a novice or an expert everyone is welcome.

  1. Started by DSTM,

    Does any one use Sticky Notes on their Desktop? I find it very handy for important appointments as it is easy to forget sometimes.:thumbsup:.

  2. Hi! I want a software program that will find every registry entry that a software program puts in my registry. I want it to make a complete list of all the entries that I can delete after I uninstall a program I no longer want on my computer. Is that to much to ask for? Wise uninstaller and Revo and all the other uninstallers leave registry entries behind after you use them to uninstall a program you no longer want. If you install and uninstall a lot of programs, these left over registry entries will build up over time. I know you can use a virtual machine to test software.I'm talking about a program you have installed and have been running, but now you no longer want th…

  3. Started by N3,

    I have tried Firefox & Cyberfox & have decided to go to Internet Explorer. How do I transfer my information from one browser to another? The majority of my desktop icons are from firefox. Can I leave them as is? Is there a procedure one has to follow to accomplish the above? I read that there is a program called "Buddy Profile" that allows one to change from one browser to another. Unfortunately I am unfamiliar with that program. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks.

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  4. Sometimes when clicking a url that's presented on ETS i'll get the the following: Example: " Redirecting you to http://mandrillapp.com/track/click/30500127/freepchelp.forum?p=eyJzIjoiOUtqalVnZGJBTnoyeDdVQXo4Y1NhT1BEV240IiwidiI6MSwicCI6IntcInVcIjozMDUwMDEyNyxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwOlxcXC9cXFwvd3d3LmV4dH" Generally i only have to wait about 1-2 seconds before the site appears. Is this normal? I can live with it.

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  5. Started by N3,

    Please disregard. Things got messed up!,

  6. Started by GimboV,

    Did someone say Schwartz? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjVatNQr-GM View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjVatNQr-GM

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  7. There’s nothing like the fresh, clean feeling of unboxing a brand-new computer or smartphone. Too bad the feeling usually comes to an end the moment you hit the power button. Almost every Windows computer and Android device on the market is cluttered with “bloatware,” programs that you never installed, never requested, and may not want. These can include preinstalled games, browser toolbars, or trial versions of antivirus programs. Software companies pay the computer makers to include these extras, and given PC makers’ paper-thin profit margins, they are glad to cash the checks. Lenovo admitted that a bit of bloatware preinstalled on its machines could have helped…

  8. Started by allheart55 Cindy E,

    Found this dog yesterday afternoon. Has a collar thing on him but nothing else. I'm not really a dog expert but I think it might be some kind of lab mix. He's not aggressive or anything so I think he might have gotten out in the night or something. Message me if he is yours.

  9. Started by GimboV,

    Thought I would throw up a link for a 64bit browser built on firefox. I hear good things about the browser but haven't used it yet. If anyone gives it a try let me know the results. https://www.waterfoxproject.org/

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  10. I'm trying to download the "SeaMonkey" browser & i'm getting this message.. "This program is blocked by group policy. For more information, contact your system administrator". It appears other internet users are also getting this message when trying to download various software.

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  11. Started by shortordercook,

    the problem area will be: http://www.ebay.com/itm/271790145742?ru=http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&ghostText=&_sacat=0&_nkw=271790145742&_rdc=1

  12. That is the last date Windows Insiders, the nearly 2.8 million people testing Windows 10, received a new build of the upcoming operating system. 40 days; 5 weeks and 5 days; 960 hours; 57,600 minutes, 3,456,000 seconds All represent the number of days since that last public build was made available. I know for me I am ready for a new build about 7 to 10 days after the last. In that time frame I have usually poked around enough to see what has changed and compared it to the previous build. That means I am watching Twitter closely to catch any screenshots from leaked builds that might slip out of Redmond and occasionally a solid video will surface showing of fea…

  13. Hi Cindy thinks I'm to quite so I'm starting a thread. I have started one similar to this before. I'm hoping more members will participate and add to this. I'm sure all you geeks know about these things. Maybe some visitors will find some things interesting. I have copied this from the internet.;) When using safe mode to troubleshoot problems with your computer, you might find the following tools and features helpful. Open Recovery by clicking the Start button , and then clicking Control Panel. In the search box, type recovery, and then click Recovery. You can use Recovery to restore the state of your computer's system to a previous point in time, or restore th…

  14. I have a new computer being built, finally, but trying to just keep this one alive till I get it. Then, will practice on this one, and learn how to install...etc, etc.. new hard drive... and ...?

  15. Started by AWS,

    I know Cindy uses this. I am starting to use IE more and more. I do have custom accelerators to filer websites. Problem is it leaves empty spaces all over the sites when it removes ads. I am used to Adblock on Firefox and Chrome which removes not only the ad it also removes the ad container. So before I go to installing this does it remove everything so I'm not left with a bunch of empty space when an ad is removed? Will I be able to then remove the other filter lists I have enabled? Last question. Does this work as well as Adblock and will I be able to use this as a replacement for Firefox?

  16. I read this a while back and used it to overclock an older Intel Xeon. It's been updated for newer processor and still is the best overclocking guide I have see. Full guide here.

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  17. Started by Rich-M,

    I have been convinced my old HP Proliant server with 2 Core2Duos @ 2.4 Ghz and 32Gb 667Ddr2 ram has sent my electric bill through the roof for several years now. In the summer it heats the entire room it's in and makes it tough for the AC to even work in that room so I decided I don't need that furnace any more.It will be fun getting rid of it as I cannot lift it. This little unit weighing 18lbs vs the 89 lb barn burner with a bit of work not only will let the room cool, but it takes up less than half the space and in a 2 BR condo on a slab, every inch is necessary. I put this in the Promotional Forum but here are the stats: Lenovo ThinkServer TS140 70A4001MUX Inte…

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  18. Started by GimboV,

    Is it a bird? A plane? No it's Superfish! http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/superfish-hasnt-caught-yet-ssl-hijacking-explained/

  19. Started by donetao,

    I have read that for maintenance you should run a chkdsk once a month. Here's mine and a Zip file at the bottom showing you how to find the chkdsk log. All comments are always welcome for discussion. This is what I've read about chkdsk. It makes sense to run chdsk /r from time to time to scan for bad sectors which occur also on modern hardware. This takes a lot of time as the entire disk is read. When CHKDSK finds bad sectors it will log the affected files to the system log so you know which files are damaged. Once bad sectors are found on a disk it is likely to fail soon and copying all valuable data off it ASAP is a good idea. Log Name: Application Source: …

  20. Started by donetao,

    Hi How do we get people to find us on Google?? What do we have to do to get more visitors? I know I'm not very patient. Just wondering how can we grow a little faster?? You have all those connections on Linkedin Rich. Can any of them help, like your friend from Macrium?? I know many of you have registered on other forums. Are you inviting them to join us?? I am!:think: PS Are those Robots helping us??Seems we have more of them then we do visitors. I hope the Robots read this thread.;)

  21. Started by allheart55 Cindy E,

    They are forecasting another 16 to 20 inches of snow between now and Tuesday afternoon. We already have almost five inches and I'm not looking for more. Enough is enough. People are getting stocked up. I guess everyone had the same idea as me. No surprise there.....

  22. Thanks to the recent Lenovo debacle, more of the consumer industry has become aware of the unwanted applications that come preinstalled on almost every available PC. This is not a new thing, by any means. Who remembers when it started exactly? In the early days, the software would come in the box on CDs and you could install them if you wanted. I think that's where most of the AOL CDs ended up. But, somewhere along the line, manufacturers started preinstalling those applications. At first, it was in the form of desktop shortcuts. The installation bits were included on the PC hard drive, and when you clicked on the desktop shortcut the application would allow you to op…

  23. Started by GimboV,

    Free digital magazine. I have been a reader of Computer Power Users for years. I will admit their writings have been a little lacking since going free compared to some other magazines out there. However, I feverishly await the next issue to see what's new and happening. Upon going to the site, click on the magazine in the newsstand (Upper left corner) and you will be presented with the latest digital copy for viewing. After that you will see tools on the left hand side which even allow you to download the issue. If you are interested in back issues just change the format in the address to the issue of interest. I.E. the format for the issue address is CP____1503__/ wh…

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  24. Started by donetao,

    Hi! Trying to get some action going on the forum! Pretty boring lately;don't you think? Can you read this?? Are you in the 55%. I can read it just fine. How about you?? if yuo can raed tihs, you hvae a sgtrane mnid, too. Can you raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the hua…

  25. The efforts by Lenovo just one week after admitting fault in the Superfish debacle now focuses on what they plan to do in the future. According to a company spokesperson that begins with offering a free six month subscription to the McAfee LiveSafe service (or extending it for current users) and they plan to provide the details about that within the next week. McAfee LiveSafe is described as an identity protection service and just happens to be one of the pre-installed pieces of software on Lenovo consumer PC's (http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/mcafee/) with a 30 day trial. Interesting. Also in today's statement from Lenovo they say their goal is to become the leade…