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There remains a perception, among many owners of Apple devices and products, that they are immune from the malware, security flaws, and viruses that often hit the competition. Sadly, that’s not true. An iOS device or a Mac can be just as vulnerable to a flaw as any other — and right now, yours is. As Quartz reports, all anyone needs to exploit this vulnerability is a phone number. And with that phone number — which is easy enough to find, guess, or just pick randomly — a hacker can access every stored password on the device. The problem is not entirely unlike the Stagefright bug that hit the world’s Android users last year. In both instances, the flaw has to do with…
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Mozilla is planning to end full support for Adobe's Flash software in its Firefox browser from next month. In August, it will block the Flash-powered parts of webpages that were "not essential to the user experience". The browser developer said its action would mean webpages loaded more quickly and made crashes less likely. In 2017, it said it planned to introduce a system that would mean users must click to activate Flash no matter where it was used on a webpage. In a blogpost, Firefox developer Benjamin Smedberg said its first step would tackle the Flash-based parts of a webpage that users did not see. This includes files used to help with tracking and follo…
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Old Professional Photographs of USA Cities These are photos taken by professional photographers. Notice how sharp and clear most of the photos are and these are 100 years old. There aren't many old photos this good, remember they didn't have film or digital photo cards in those days. Most probable is that these were glass plate images that were taken thru a “pin hole” type camera and the opening was timed just right to get a good exposure. Developing was another tedious task during which they had to be careful not to break the glass plates!
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Is there a company whose name is more synonymous with the Internet than Google? The company’s name has actually become a verb in most people’s vocabulary. Need to find something online? You don’t search for it; you Google it. You probably use Google all the time, but how much do you know about the history of it? Check out the infographic below for 55 facts about the search engine king that you probably didn’t know. It’s quite interesting. Share Tweet Pin Text Stumble Bookmark Mail Source: makeuseof
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The MacKeeper utility suite, which claims to help Mac users stop security threats, find duplicate files, and help you uninstall unwanted apps, doesn't have the best reputation. One reason is that many users in the past encountered it after being hit by over-aggressive "scare ads" that appeared designed to frighten consumers into installing the product. Invariably, MacKeeper's developers have pointed the finger of blame for the underhand tactics at affiliates. Claims have also been made that MacKeeper was turning a blind eye to what was happening in the product's name. Last year, ZeoBIT - the creators of MacKeeper who sold the software to Kromtech in April 2013 - …
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After "upgrading" my ASUS Windows 7 laptop to W10, it won't shut down fully. The hard drive access light continues to blink and the power indicator is illuminated. I've let it continue for over an hour. This has happened each time I've shut down since the upgrade. I've only shut it down twice since the upgrade,' I've noticed that my Windows 8 laptop that was upgraded to Windows 10 also does this once in a while. Any one else have this problem or have a suggestion to resolve it?
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Crooks continue to bank on the Pokemon hype We already know that crooks are using the Pokemon GO apps to spread remote access trojans via third-party app stores, but now, one of those malware-infected apps has made its way to the official Google Play Store. Following a report from ESET, Google intervened and removed the app, along with two others that distributed scareware. Pokemon-themed app distributed clickjacking malware The malicious app's name was Pokemon GO Ultimate and promised users to allow them to play the game, even if not yet available in their country. Because Pokemon GO is only available in the US, Australia, New Zealand, Germany and the …
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I have in this machine a AMD Radeon 7800 series twin fan GPU. Works brilliant but very slight vibration from one blade missing off one of the fans. (Not saying how that happened) Never found the blade. Maybe dismantle the card I may still find it. If not, I was thinking of super glueing a counter weight to stop the vibration. Any better ideas?
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If you’ve been delaying your upgrade to Windows 10, Microsoft has just outlined a pretty sweet deal. For a limited time (lasts until July 29, 2016), if you bring your current PC into a Microsoft Store, employees will upgrade it by close of business or they’ll give you a free Dell Inspiron 15. There are obviously a few caveats that come with the deal. They are… PC must be checked into the Answer Desk at a participating retail store before 12 noon local time. If your PC isn't compatible with Windows 10, they'll recycle it and give you $150 toward the purchase of a new PC If the store runs out of Dell Inspiron 15 PCs, Microsoft reserves the right to select the free …
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Fast food giant Wendy’s says that it now believes that more than 1000 of its restaurants across the United States have fallen victim to a hacking gang, who used malware to steal customers’ credit and debit card information. In a statement posted on Wendy’s website, president and CEO Todd Penegor apologize's to affected customers, and explains that the company has been investigating the data breach since earlier this year: Wendy’s first reported unusual payment card activity affecting some restaurants in February 2016. In May, we confirmed that we had found evidence of malware being installed on some restaurants’ point-of-sale systems, and had worked with our invest…
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RansomNoteCleaner Windows app cleans up the ransom note spam left behind after removing a ransomware infection Security researcher Michael Gillespie, one of the people responsible for creating several free ransomware decrypters, along with the awesome ID Ransomware service, has put together a new tool that automatically scans and deletes ransom notes from your PC. When any type of ransomware malware infects your computer, it usually leaves ransom notes in the forms of text, HTML, or image files behind. A tool to automate the ransomware clean-up operation While some ransomware variants leave ransom notes in just a few folders, like your Desktop, because it'…
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Built a computer using DDR2 Motherboard, (Gigabyte GA-M61PME-S2),Phenom CPU,(Phenom x4 9750) and 2X2 GIG sticks DDR2 800 memory. Installed a SSD drive. Bios only has IDE and Raid, no ACHI.:weep: Installed Windows7 SP1 X64 bit. My question is, am I better running the Memory in "Ganged Mode" or "Unganged Mode" Thanks.
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In just 30 days the free offer of Windows 10 for those on Windows 7 and 8.1 systems will come to an end. Everything we have heard and seen from Microsoft over the last several weeks confirms that there are no plans to extend this offer in any manner whatsoever. In fact Yusuf Mehdi, Corporate VP of the Windows and Devices Group, said this back in early May: "The free upgrade offer to Windows 10 was a first for Microsoft, helping people upgrade faster than ever before. And time is running out. The free upgrade offer will end on July 29 and we want to make sure you don’t miss out." As of today, there are over 350 million active devices using Windows 10 according …
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The year long free upgrade offer to Windows 10 for Windows 7/8.1 users is coming to an end on 29 July. While I expect there will be a big push of upgrades leading up to the offers expiration in a little more than three weeks, most individuals who were likely to take advantage of the free offer have already done so. Others may be using the tactic of upgrading their current system to Windows 10 to get their Digital Entitlement/License and then reverting back to Windows 7 or 8.1 until they are ready to make the move up to Windows 10. However, there will be plenty of users who never heard about the free offer or simply opted to not change anything on their systems. F…
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Have you been flirting with a computer program behind your wife's back? "Life is short, have an affair" was the slogan of infidelity website Ashley Madison, which was famously hacked in 2015. What they didn't say was that you might be having a strictly online affair with a fake female profile, designed to trick you into entering your credit card details, under the misapprehension that you were chatting with a real woman rather than an algorithm. Now Reuters reports that Ashley Madison's parent company Avid is being investigated by the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) after class action law suits were filed in the United States and Canada on behalf of customers w…
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Time to pick out a Christmas tree with my 2 year old great grandson Trace.
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When the opportunity lends itself, saving an animal from a shelter is a wonderful thing to do. View:
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Is the site under some sort of maintenance or server move? For the last 3 days I've been getting the infamous "timed out" message and I cant get onto the and Dougie are seeing this. If there is some sort of server move/update or server maintenance going on....I suggest a home page for the site to say as much and a email sent out letting everyone know what's going on If this isn't a server update or maintenance issue....then there is a bug and it needs to be fixed. This is a super the point it's getting ridiculous and annoying.
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I would like to use two USB Headsets, so two people can watch a movie at the same time from one Computer. USB Hubs won't work. Don't want to use Desktop speakers because the constant noise I feel would frighten my Pet....... Windows7 x 64 Bit Windows only allows one audio Device at a time. Don't want to buy a USB Buddy Adaptor. Anyone one know of a way to trick Windows into allowing two Audio Devices at one time? Thanks.
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While Keurig is surely hoping there will come a day when its failed KOLD soda-making machine is but a misty, sparkling memory, it’s not the first company to reach for the stars, to fly too close to the sun, to try to capture lightning in a bottle… and fail utterly and completely, thereby forever securing a spot in the brand failure hall of fame, never to be forgotten. Keurig is far from alone, of course: many companies have tried to bank on former successes by coming up with some strange ideas. And so we present forthwith, 16 other examples of companies who thought they had the next big thing, only to fall flat on their faces. 1. The Ford Edsel Arend Vermazeren…
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One if my annoyances with Skype is that there is no spell checker to use when sending messages. I have found a small, Free spell checker specifically for Skype. I have been using it for 2 days without any difficulty. The one caveat is that it is based on American English. If you use the Queen's English spelling, it would probably be annoying. But from what I can see there is no down side and it does not interfere with Window Spell checker. It is available for Windows versions, NOT including Win 10.
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Malwarebytes, the leading advanced malware prevention and remediation solution, is now protecting and partnering with Circle-Sport Leavine Family Racing (CSLFR), a leading professional NASCAR car racing team. The team recently fell victim to ransomware, where a crucial subset of data was held hostage. The company turned to Malwarebytes in the wake of the attack, and now deploys Malwarebytes products on all company computers to protect its data. As crew chief, Dave Winston manages all track data from races, as well as data from test facilities and personnel information. Three company computers, all of which held Winston’s data, were recently infected by TeslaCrypt ranso…
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In recent months, in an apparent bid to accelerate adoption of Windows 10, Microsoft altered the way it asked users if they wanted to upgrade. It gave the Windows 10 update "recommended" status, normally reserved for critical security updates. If when prompted to update to Windows 10 users clicked the red "X", the upgrade would not immediately start. However, the update process would automatically be scheduled for a later time. From this week, Microsoft said it would change that process, admitting that it was confusing. "The new experience has clearer options to upgrade now, choose a time, or decline the free offer," said Terry Myerson, executive vice president, …
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