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85810 topics in this forum
The iPhone 6 Plus is something new. With a 5.5-inch Retina HD display, powerful Apple A8 processor, speedy LTE Advanced and 802.11ac Wi-Fi, and iOS 8, it's going to appeal to people who want something between a big phone and a tiny tablet. But is that you? We take a look at the size, one-handed ease of use, split view in landscape, camera, and more. Sit back, crab a snack, and hit play! Continue reading...
NSFW is a weekly op-ed column in which I talk about whatever's on my mind. Sometimes it'll have something to do with the technology we cover here on iMore; sometimes it'll be whatever pops into my head. Your questions, comments and observations are welcome. A new rumor spread this week that the iPhone 6 Plus was prone to bending, mostly on the strength of a YouTube video that showed an iPhone 6 Plus user bending his. Almost instantly a new meme was born — Bendgate. Or, perhaps more topically relevant, Bendghazi. The incident demonstrates more about how we process information now than anything to do with Apple's manufacturing processes. These days word on the Inter…
This case and holster combo for the iPhone 5/5S features a textured exterior for an enhanced grip along with a durable rotating clip to attach to your belt, pocket or purse. Choose between 7 different colors and get yours today for only $8.95! Continue reading...
#bendgate has gone viral, appearing in everything from social networks to late night talk shows, but how much force does it really take to bend an iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, and how does that compare to other popular phones? Apple has already shown off their facility, but now some independent tests have put them up against the iPhone 5, HTC One M8, LG G3, and the Samsung Galaxy Note 3. So, how did they all fare? Consumer Reports: The iPhone 6 Plus, the more robust of the new iPhones in our testing, started to deform when we reached 90 pounds of force, and came apart with 110 pounds of force. With those numbers, it slightly outperformed the HTC One (which is largely…
Samsung is widely regarded as having copied Apple's iPhone with their original Galaxy S products in order to gain broader, faster entry into the smartphone market. From device design to icon design to accessory design, Samsung inarguably copied Apple designs to a sometimes ludicrous degree. Yet many would argue Apple copies as well, in feature set if not in design. So why is it Samsung earns the ire of the designer community while Apple typically enjoys widespread praise? Is it just bias, or is there something fundamentally different about the way each companies copy? That's the topic Dave Wiskus explores in the second episode of his new series, Better Elevation. Check…
Carrot Fit is one of the latest fitness trackers that integrates with iOS 8.0.2 and Apple's HealthKit. Carrot is an unorthodox fitness coach that has its own humor-injected artificial intelligence that tries to motivate you with hilarious phrases to help you achieve your own fitness goals. Through inspiration, threats, ridicule, and bribery, nothing appears to be off limits as Carrot tries to get you more active. Thanks to Apple's HealthKit, the app works in the background even when it's not actively opened and information is synchronized with Apple's Health app on iOS 8.0.2. The sarcastic A.I. construct CARROT will now be able to track fitness activities perfo…
Debug is a casual, conversational interview show featuring the best developers in the business about the amazing apps they make and why and how they make them. On this episode Don Melton, former Director of Internet Technologies at Apple, and Nitin Ganatra, former Director of iOS Apps at Apple, talk about presenting to Steve Jobs, web vs. native, implementing gestures, the importance of affordances, and more. Subscribe in iTunes Subscribe in RSS Download directly Follow on Twitter Show notes Debug 11: Don Melton and Safari Debug 39: Nitin Ganatra episode I: System 7 to Carbon Debug 40: Nitin Ganatra episode II: OS X to iOS Debug 41: Nitin Ganatra episode …
You have a MacBook Air or a MacBook Pro. Using it on your desk can be a pain in the neck, literally, if you bend your neck too far down to see the screen. The solution? A stand. Certainly any height adjustment will do — you can stack some phone books (remember those?) or a box underneath your MacBook and level the screen with your eye line. But some companies make stands especially designed for the MacBook — here's a roundup of some of my favorites. Elevator - Griffin Technology This oldy but goodie lifts your MacBook up about five and a half inches. The design includes two aluminum rails connected a pieces of transparent plastic. Rubberized padding on the top…
If you're looking for the best iPhone apps to help you take advantage of all the new camera features that iOS 8 offers, you've come to the right place. For times when you want to adjust exposure on the fly, or have complete control over things like shutter speed and white balance, you'll need to turn to an App Store app to fill your needs. Now thanks to iOS 8, third party camera apps have even more potential than ever. These are currently the camera apps we find best take advantage of all iOS 8 has to offer! VSCO Cam VSCO Cam now offers manual camera controls for focus, shutter speed, white balance, and exposure compensation. Just launch the camera portion of …
Through a new decision made by the European Aviation Safety Agency, or EASA, the doors may be opening up to in-flight phone calls, emails, and streaming video on a flight in Europe in the future. Though EASA had allowed the use of personal electronic devices (PEDs) on flights in airplane mode last year, the new ruling on Friday would allow these devices to remain on whether or not they are placed into a transmission-restrictive airplane mode. EASA announced on its website: From the 26 September 2014 EASA has made it possible for airlines to allow passengers to use their PEDs throughout the flight, regardless of whether the device is transmitting or not, i.e. in…
We know that Microsoft is very eager to move past the less-than-enthusiastic reception that greeted Windows 8 and introduce us to Windows 9. And it looks like that day can’t come soon enough either, because the NPD Group has found that while PC sales surprisingly recovered during the back-to-school shopping season this year, the big winners weren’t Windows PCs — instead, they were Macs and Chromebooks. RELATED: Here comes Windows 9: Microsoft will unveil its new OS on September 30th “U.S. consumer retail PC sales grew almost 3 percent during the 10 week Back-to-School period (week of July 4th through Labor Day week) after declining by 2.5 percent in the previous yea…
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Multiple Windows 9 reports have suggested that Microsoft is considering releasing the upcoming platform as a free download to certain existing Windows users. Some said that Windows 8 will get Windows 9 free of charge, while others claimed the company is also considering some sort of special offers for existing Windows XP users. A report from Indonesian online publication Detik said earlier this week that President of Microsoft Indonesia Andreas Diantoro has confirmed this particular Windows 9 feature. According to Diantoro, the Windows 9 upgrade will be available free of charge to all existing Windows 8 users once it’s released. Apparently, users will be able to e…
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There was some hope that as UK mobile phone retailer Phones 4u shut down that those that had pre-ordered an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus from them would be made whole in one way or another. In fact, they had promised two weeks ago when all this went down that those pre-orders that had not yet shipped would be refunded. Well… not anymore. Phone 4u's previous web storefront has been replaced with a blunt message from the bankrupt firm's new joint administrators, offering a few quick answers about where things are going with the company and your purchases with them. When it comes to unshipped iPhone 6 pre-orders, it looks like the shell of the company that remains doesn't …
iOS 8 was released on September 17th and millions of iOS device users upgraded. That included iPhone 5 owners on T-Mobile who hoped to use Wi-Fi calling, only to find out their phones aren't supported. What's going on? What's Wi-Fi calling? Wi-Fi calling enables the iPhone to make and receive phone calls over Wi-Fi, instead of having to depend on a signal from a nearby cell tower. For many T-Mobile customers this is a godsend; the company's cell network does a notoriously poor job of penetrating buildings and working in rural areas, because of the GSM radio frequencies T-Mobile uses. Wi-Fi calling has been supported by other non-iOS smartphones sold by T-Mobile…
Just Dance Now recently launched for iOS and Android, which offers booty-shaking gameplay minus the console. Players use their smartphone as a motion controller, and any screen with browser access as the primary game display. You need to match up with the movements of the dancer on the TV, laptop, or tablet, and are scored based on how closely you mimic the movements. If you're feeling brave, you can share video clips of your sweet, sweet dance moves to social media. Some of the songs available at launch include LMFAO's Sexy and I Know It, Psy's Gentleman, and I Was Made for Lovin' You by Kiss. We got a look at Just Dance Now at E3, and back then it showed a lot of p…
One of the main reasons I've used third party mail apps such as Mailbox for such a long time is because the stock iOS Mail app has never made it easy to use archive and trash simultaneously. Sometimes I don't want to archive an email, I want to delete it. And other times I want to archive but not delete. If I can't have both options conveniently at my fingertips, that doesn't work for me. Luckily, iOS 8 brings swipe options that actually let archive and trash play nice together for the first time. You've just got to change a few settings first! Note: All email services are different but this method should work with any service that lets you have the choice between tr…
Software is buggy. Humans write and test software and humans are imperfect; as a result, so is software. This is the reality of software and should come as a surprise to nobody. What can be surprising are the kind of bugs we actually see make their way out into the wild. We've seen two very prominent examples this week. The first was the release of iOS 8.0.1 on Wednesday which broke cellular service and Touch ID for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus users. The very same day we saw a huge bug in bash publicly disclosed; a vulnerability leaving millions and millions of personal computers, servers, embedded systems, and who knows how many other types of Internet-connected devices o…
The iMore show brings you everything you need to know about the week in iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple! On this episode We've got the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus and we're sharing our first thoughts. We're also talking iOS 8.0.1 update woes, #bendgate, shellshock, and the best apps and games for your new phone! Subscribe in iTunes: Audio Subscribe in RSS: Audio Download directly: Audio Show notes iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus Apple releases iOS 8.0.2, addresses previous update errors Apple: Most OS X users safe from 'Shellshock' exploit, patch coming quickly for advanced Unix users Best apps to show off your new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus! Best games to show off your…
If you live in a household where you need to monitor and control iTunes and App Store purchases that children are making, Family Sharing lets you do just that on any device that's running iOS 8 or higher. Once you've got it set up, you can even designate what adults in the group can make purchasing decisions for younger children. How to assign someone as a parent or guardian with Family Sharing in iOS 8 Note that in order to assign someone as a parent or guardian, you'll need to be the family organizer, in other words, the person that set up the Family Sharing group. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. Tap on iCloud. Tap on Family. Tap on the pe…
While I've been working away on my iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus reviews, Phil Nickinson from Android Central has been knocking out his Moto X review. (Yes, it's kinda like new iPad or HTC One, in that there's no way to differentiate it from last year's model other than to add a year designator — 2014 — behind it, which not only doesn't solve problems but causes them. Let's stop that, shall we?). So, what does Phil think of the new Moto X (2014)? If I'm going to use a phone this large, why not get a Samsung Galaxy S5 or LG G3 and get better cameras in the process? Or hold out a bit and get a Galaxy Note 4 with the pen input customizations? Or get a Nexus phone that get…
This unique lightning car charger features a coiled style cable that makes it compact and easy to use in the vehicle, a spare USB port on the charger for powering a second device and even has advanced circuitry which prevents overcharging and overheating. Yours today for just $17.95! Continue reading...
Every day dozens and dozens of new and updated apps and games hit the iOS and Mac App Stores. It's impossible to keep up with them all, but it's not impossible to pick out the very best. Here they are! Today we've got new games for iOS and OS X and new camera apps optimize for iOS 8! New and updated iOS apps AirSupply: Save Our Sheep: The Time Travel Clothing Company is stealing wool from kidnapped Quantum Sheep, and it's up to you to save them. Fly around in your jetpack and rescue sheep while defending against UFOs, bosses and other baddies. $1.99 - Download now Camera+ 6: Touch exposure and focus, shooting modes, digital zoom, front flash and many other…
Microsoft is expected to name its upcoming Windows release next week, but the company has accidentally listed a "Windows TH" site a little early today. Windows TH presumably stands for Windows Threshold, the codename of what many expect will become Windows 9. On a "Windows Technical Preview for Enterprise" site, Microsoft lists the Windows TH name, alongside details on "the next version of the Windows client operating system." While Microsoft will detail Windows Threshold on Tuesday at an event in San Francisco, the company isn't expected to release a preview of the operating system until early October. The Windows TH name is likely a placeholder, or it may indicate th…
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Microsoft is about to introduce Windows 9 next week at an event, ahead of its widespread release in 2015. The project for the next Windows operating system has been given the internal code name as Threshold. Microsoft watchers have noted that the next OS could indeed be a needed threshold move to win back business users who were put off by Windows 8 because of its tiles-based interface instead of the start menu they had relied on in Windows 7 and older Windows versions. The frustration was palpable last year, and one example was a posting in Micro Doctor, a technology solutions company, headlined "Windows 8.1 is a huge disappointment." Mark Richmond, CEO, said, "If…
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The price comparison website MySmartPrice is now enabling millions of consumers in India to check out better deals online, even when they have little connectivity. The web service will allow users to utilize WhatsApp, the massively popular cross-platform messenger, to make quick and speedy product price comparison searches. All that's required is to fire a message to 9332222222 with a query and MySmartPrice will return appropriate results. Replies will contain not only prices but also other specifications and related products found elsewhere. It's certainly a neat way of getting around barriers like data connectivity in India. Also, it works cross-platform too, so lo…