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Microsoft Support & Discussions

Microsoft Windows, Windows Server software, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Azure or any other Microsoft product discussions and help.

  1. Guest otis
    Started by Guest otis,

    2 issues. 1 any way to change from bytes to packet? 2 "repair finished" box doesn't always clear. Hangs with 'Cancel" button instead of 'Close' thanx

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  2. Guest Malestrom
    Started by Guest Malestrom,

    Hello, I do disk cleanup regularly, well anyway, sometimes, out of the blue, it will freeze, take like 10 min, then system error reports archives and such with say like 43GB each.... Now, if I delete these, it delete half the files and stuff on my system, wallpapers, programs, everything..... My HDD won't gain any space...I cleanuped up over 214MB and such off my thing, I didn't check the error reports in fear of loosing me files again.... This problem has been the result of the last FIVE system restores I've had to deal with....please can someone help me... Symptoms... I click run disk cleanup, it takes awhile, out of bad luck or something, maybe…

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  3. Guest Dan Irwin
    Started by Guest Dan Irwin,

    Hi, I've been using the 3rd party program OnTop to make any program I want stay on top of others by force, now I am looking for something to force any program I want to dock on the side of the screen the way AIM does. I want this mostyly for Photoshop and GIMP where the tools are always in a seprate window than the photos I'm editing thanks for the help, Dan

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  4. Guest Dan Irwin
    Started by Guest Dan Irwin,

    Hi, I've been using the 3rd party program OnTop to make any program I want stay on top of others by force, now I am looking for something to force any program I want to dock on the side of the screen the way AIM does. I want this mostyly for Photoshop and GIMP where the tools are always in a seprate window than the photos I'm editing thanks for the help, Dan

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  5. Guest Bill
    Started by Guest Bill,

    Is anyone able to use "firewire" connection for a MY BOOK drive with Vista? The specs say "Vista supported" but it seems to work only with USB. Upon calling WD tech they report no Vista firewire drivers are avialable from them but such can be download from Micro Soft.I am not able to locate on MS. Any help?

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  6. Guest PegM_4
    Started by Guest PegM_4,

    My husband keeps having trouble with the text pointer splitting. This is the small I beam type that is used when typing text. Each time he is just typing and suddenly there is about a ½" space between the 2 parts of the I beam. The problem shows up in Word, his browser and anyplace where he needs to enter text. He has tried to change settings in his Control Panel>Mouse>Pointer Options, but that won't fix it. The only thing that seems to work for him is to shut the computer down then reboot. A simple reboot doesn't solve the problem, it has to be shut down first. Any ideas what might cause this? Thank you PegM -- PegM_4

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  7. Guest David Sherman
    Started by Guest David Sherman,

    What is the name of the control Panel applet where I can access the applet for Software Explore that is installed by Microsoft defender? Example is Start, run, main.cpl thanks

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  8. Guest David Sherman
    Started by Guest David Sherman,

    What is the name of the control Panel applet where I can access the applet for Software Explore that is installed by Microsoft defender? Example is Start, run, main.cpl thanks

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  9. Guest Nolan
    Started by Guest Nolan,

    I'm afraid I shut off my PC after it refused to shut down after more than 3 hours. I suffered through a lot of corrupted files, but was finally able to get it to bootup and repair some of the damage that occurred. Now my only issues are; my D drive shows up in blue font in MY COMPUTER and the first two files on it are blue as well. Under properties of both C and D drives the defrag is not available. Under Device Manager D drive's properties DEVICE USAGE block is grayed out and can't be changed. Worst of all is that when I try to run the XP CD I get the message that the version of Windows on the PC is newer than the CD and all files will be erased. Another biggie …

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  10. Guest Bill Snow
    Started by Guest Bill Snow,

    Downloaded the link from an old PC Mag.com article for the "pcnineoneone" tweak (see below) but have not been able to get it to work. Can someone help? Control Your Desktop Icons 11.05.02 When you temporarily change your desktop to a lower resolution-while using Safe mode, for example-Windows can wreak havoc with your careful positioning of desktop icons. A free download, available at http://www.pcnineoneone.com/tweaks/layout.zip, lets you save and later restore your icon layout. Download Layout.zip and unzip it to extract two files. Move Layout.dll to the Windows\System32 folder. Double-click on Layout.reg to add it to the Registry. If you now righ…

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  11. Guest Bill Snow
    Started by Guest Bill Snow,

    Downloaded the link from an old PC Mag.com article for the "pcnineoneone" tweak (see below) but have not been able to get it to work. Can someone help? Control Your Desktop Icons 11.05.02 When you temporarily change your desktop to a lower resolution-while using Safe mode, for example-Windows can wreak havoc with your careful positioning of desktop icons. A free download, available at http://www.pcnineoneone.com/tweaks/layout.zip, lets you save and later restore your icon layout. Download Layout.zip and unzip it to extract two files. Move Layout.dll to the Windows\System32 folder. Double-click on Layout.reg to add it to the R…

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  12. Guest thegoose
    Started by Guest thegoose,

    I have a flash drive that I'm editing the MP3 tags using Windows Explorer(Windows XP Home edition w/SP2). Everything goes along well for awhile for a number of the files and then the popup window to edit the tag doesn't show anymore. Repeated attempts are to no avail. I then have to restart. But before Windows shuts down, the Edit tag window will appear but too late - shutdown and restart. Anyone have any ideas what's happening in Windows explorere.

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  13. Guest thegoose
    Started by Guest thegoose,

    I have a flash drive that I'm editing the MP3 tags using Windows Explorer(Windows XP Home edition w/SP2). Everything goes along well for awhile for a number of the files and then the popup window to edit the tag doesn't show anymore. Repeated attempts are to no avail. I then have to restart. But before Windows shuts down, the Edit tag window will appear but too late - shutdown and restart. Anyone have any ideas what's happening in Windows explorere.

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  14. Guest rjboney
    Started by Guest rjboney,

    Java does not work for only one Vista user acct. I found this out while trying to play POGO.com games. I got error msg [java not found or not working. Pogo had worked prior to today. Something has changed, but I can not figure it out. Every thing works ok if I logout and log in under another user acct. I have full administer rights under my user acct. I am running Vista Ultimate build 6000 windows IE7.0 Version: 7.0.6000.16473 Cipher Strength: 256-bit Update Version:0 Java Version 1.6.0 (build 1.6.0_01-b06) Enabled in java control for IE, IE7.0, and everywhere I have tried to find it. system information. OS Name Microsoft® Windows VistaT …

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  15. Guest Tamires Solteira
    Started by Guest Tamires Solteira,

    oi meu anjo...tudo bem? sua a postagem foi muito útil... -- Tvasconcelos "Carlos" escreveu: > Available language packs > CD 1: German, Japanese (448 MB ISO image) > http://download.microsoft.com/download/4/a/c/4acd4568-e929-44cd-96ef-54f24ad0565b/ARMMUIx1.iso > > CD 2: French, Spanish, Italian (554 MB ISO image) > http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/9/0/19079c17-80cd-401c-986d-24f6bd9bb43e/ARMMUIx2.iso > > CD 3: Korean, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional (561 MB ISO image) > http://download.microsoft.com/download/f/d/a/fdac56ee-928a-4d51-9d6d-c7c64e9f5bae/ARMMUIx3.iso > > CD 4: Swedish (161 MB ISO image)…

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  16. Guest Louis
    Started by Guest Louis,

    Hi, We have any users using laptop in our environment. We plan to use ADMT 3 in a further migration to migrate everything to a new domain but what about offline folders configured on laptop computers ? Is there a way tu ensure that offline folders are working correctly after users and laptop are migrated to new domain ? Thanks

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  17. Guest Louis
    Started by Guest Louis,

    Hi, We have any users using laptop in our environment. We plan to use ADMT 3 in a further migration to migrate everything to a new domain but what about offline folders configured on laptop computers ? Is there a way tu ensure that offline folders are working correctly after users and laptop are migrated to new domain ? Thanks

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  18. AP - The rate of broadband adoption is slowing in the United States, partly because service providers already have grabbed the easiest converts, a study has found. Link To Original Article

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  19. AP - A music download site that was the poster child for U.S. anti-piracy crusaders and an obstacle to Russia's bid to join the World Trade Organization has been shut down by Russian authorities, according to the U.S. government. Link To Original Article

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  20. [/url]AP - Apple Inc.'s shares jumped in high-volume trading Tuesday after researchers said the company will reap a gross profit margin in excess of 55 percent on its 8 gigabyte iPhones. Link To Original Article

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  21. AP - With Hollywood studios still split over competing formats for high-definition DVDs, Warner Bros. will delay the launch of a dual-format disc until next year. Link To Original Article

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  22. [/url]AP - Europe's major consumer group BEUC said Wednesday that it feared Internet search engine Google Inc.'s takeover of online ad tracker DoubleClick Inc. would damage European Union privacy rights and limit consumers' choice of Web content. Link To Original Article

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  23. Instead of kicking back for the July 4th holiday, Steve Ballmer should be going bat**** crazy right now. If you're Microsoft's CEO, the finding by Evans Data of a falloff in the number of developers writing apps for Windows desktop computers makes for grim reading. The study, which ... Link To Original Article

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  24. Reuters - Research In Motion Ltd. has won permission to sell its BlackBerry device in China after eight years of effort, the Globe and Mail newspaper said on Wednesday. Link To Original Article

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  25. Struggling PlanetOut said Monday that it has struck a deal to raise $26 million in new funds from private investors. The publicly traded company, which runs the PlanetOut and Gay.com Web sites, as well as Out and The Advocate magazines, has seen its revenue drop and its losses widen ... Link To Original Article

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