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Microsoft Support & Discussions

Microsoft Windows, Windows Server software, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Azure or any other Microsoft product discussions and help.

  1. Guest twilight guardian
    Started by Guest twilight guardian,

    I'm so glad I found this information or else I might have had to send it away and loose all of my information. But, now that I have pressed F8 and done what I was told, what happens next? -- twilight guardian ------------------------------------------------------------------------ twilight guardian's Profile: http://forums.techarena.in/member.php?userid=27582 View this thread: http://forums.techarena.in/showthread.php?t=345172 http://forums.techarena.in

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  2. Guest Axismax
    Started by Guest Axismax,

    When I click on Computer, I now get a grouping called "unspecified" in addition to the normal C drive and DVD that used to appear. The items include App data, Documents (twice), and a total of 30+ other file folders. These did not used to be here. Is this a setting that I've accidently made, or what is causing this? Please help if you can......

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  3. Guest hpcustomer@gmail.com
    Started by Guest hpcustomer@gmail.com,

    Vista is logging onto a SBS 2k3 domain. When it comes time to change the password the password is changed however Vista hangs at either the 'changing password' screen, or the 'welcome' screen forever, i have waited 30 minutes with no results. I know the password has changed cause I can logon elsewhere. If I power off and reboot I will not be able to logon unless I use a different user like Administrator. The only solution I have found is unplug the nic, power up, logon (with new password (and it works)), then plug in the nic and reboot. I don't see any glaring errors in any eventlog. This happens every 90 days, to every vista user. This happens on 3 differ…

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  4. Guest Art M
    Started by Guest Art M,

    I have an ipod 5g. I was not having any problems for awhile but now Windows does recognize my ipod. Nothing I do seems to work. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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  5. Guest Art M
    Started by Guest Art M,

    I have an ipod 5g. I was not having any problems for awhile but now Windows does recognize my ipod. Nothing I do seems to work. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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  6. Guest goodbois
    Started by Guest goodbois,

    I tried your suggestions and my desktop background won't change,I can change solid colours but can't put up any pics...This is very frustrating!Is there a check box somewhere that needs check/unchecked??I've tried all obvios solutions!! P.s I'm running Vista Home Premium

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  7. Guest Alex Batlle
    Started by Guest Alex Batlle,

    I have a 250 gigabyte hard drive. My bios in my computer recognizes it. but when i am gonna install windows xp pro. but i get an error message that the windows xp says hard drive not detected.

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  8. Guest Paul
    Started by Guest Paul,

    While trying to down load updates I get this error# 8E5E0147. I can't find that code so as to fix it. Can anyone help? Thanks

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  9. Guest Eric
    Started by Guest Eric,

    Hi, How do i increase my Buffer Cache Memory????

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  10. Guest Eric
    Started by Guest Eric,

    Hi, How do i increase my Buffer Cache Memory????

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  11. Guest Eric
    Started by Guest Eric,

    How do I increase my Buffer CAche Memory

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  12. Guest Eric
    Started by Guest Eric,

    How do I increase my Buffer CAche Memory

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  13. Guest Greybeard
    Started by Guest Greybeard,

    I have a Brother printer with two trays containing different paper. On XP I added the printer, changed the name to include the tray selection, than added the printer again, changed its name for the other tray. Then programs could be set to always use the appropriate printer name to get paper from a specific tray. On Vista I added the printer once (with new down loaded driver from Brother) changed its name and set the prreferences to one tray. Then I added the printer again, set preferences, changed its name and tried a test page. Nothing happened and in the Printer list on Control Panel the second printer name shows Error instead of Ready. The first name s…

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  14. Guest philrazor
    Started by Guest philrazor,

    when i bought the computer it was working just fine, now after a month or so, i wanted to use it back again because i thought it might help, but i can't get it to work anymore. then thing is when i try to select it on the scroll down menu from where you set up the display... i have the italian version, don't know the exact translation, but in the window that let's you chose the aspect, i select aero, but it just does not work... i have followed all the directions in the help files. but no help.

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  15. Guest Vin
    Started by Guest Vin,

    Hi, I am running Windows 2003 small business servers. I have clients using both windows XP and Vista basic home. Here is my issue: It's started on July 2, 2007. Every day about every 2-4 hours a get an error in the event view: EventID 1517 Windows saved user domain\username registry while an application or service was still using the registry during log off. The memory used by the user's registry has not been freed. The registry will be unloaded when it is no longer in use. I downloaded the Microsoft UPHClean-Setup but could not install it on my laptop running Windows Vista. Anyone know how to resolve this issue? My server is locking up because…

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  16. Guest jrmpt
    Started by Guest jrmpt,

    I recently purchased the above product, but when I try to format it in NTFS on my desktop (Windows XP SP2) I get the error, "The operation did not complete because the partition or volume is not enabled. To enable the partition or volume, restart the computer." It still doesn't work when I restart the computer. It DOES work on my wife's laptop, so I know the drive works. I found a thread in this group that may help if I was able to communicate with either party but I have been unsuccessful: [Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general From: Eli <E...@discussions.microsoft.com> Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 00:30:03 -0700 Local: Tues, Apr 10 2007 3:30 a…

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  17. Guest jrmpt
    Started by Guest jrmpt,

    I recently purchased the above product, but when I try to format it in NTFS on my desktop (Windows XP SP2) I get the error, "The operation did not complete because the partition or volume is not enabled. To enable the partition or volume, restart the computer." It still doesn't work when I restart the computer. It DOES work on my wife's laptop, so I know the drive works. I found a thread in this group that may help if I was able to communicate with either party but I have been unsuccessful: [Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general From: Eli <E...@discussions.microsoft.com> Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 00:30:03 -0700 Local: Tues, Apr 10 2007 3:30 a…

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  18. Guest wmitty
    Started by Guest wmitty,

    svchost.exe Instruction at 0x7c918fea fails at this location because cannot wite to memory location 0x00000010. Any idea why this keeps happening?

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  19. Guest wmitty
    Started by Guest wmitty,

    svchost.exe Instruction at 0x7c918fea fails at this location because cannot wite to memory location 0x00000010. Any idea why this keeps happening?

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  20. Guest dotsusama@gmail.com
    Started by Guest dotsusama@gmail.com,

    As the subject suggests, I have a computer that is having difficulty with the left arrow key. To be more specific, it will randomly act as if it is "stuck", but the key and keyboard itself are fine. The keyboard works in another machine with no difficulty, and other keyboards exhibit the same problem with this computer. The keyboard in question is a Logitech Media Elite keyboard ( http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16823126178 ) and has the latest drivers for XP Pro, which I've reinstalled at least twice - the drivers, not Windows. I have nothing else installed that should affect keyboard functionality, and have made great pains to ensure any …

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  21. Guest xDiamond
    Started by Guest xDiamond,

    Ok. I play MapleStory. And I always AFK on it and leave it running. And, I never had issues til recently. I goto bed or whatever. And, I come back. My screen is black. And I move my mouse and my game is frozen. And I gotta reboot. I change my power plan so it never shuts my monitor off(I'm using a desktop PC) but somehow the power plan resets? And it's set at 20mins again X_x It's quite annoying. Any solution for this? I tried finding one. I'm not even entirely sure what the issue is. T_T Any help would be nice. I'm using Vista Home Premium and a HP Pav desktop. Thanks in advance.

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  22. Guest No.Thanks@Here.com
    Started by Guest No.Thanks@Here.com,

    I have remapped one of the buttons on my keyboard (the Messenger one) to start a program that I use daily during work. I have Vista 64 Ultimate and the latest MS keyboard software installed, btw, but every time I boot up or come out of sleep mode this button won't work unless I start the keyboard app and then close it. Then it will start the program until it goes into sleep mode or reboots. Quite annoying. The other buttons for Internet and Email work just fine with the alternates to MS's stuff that I use but not this custom configured one. Anyone have any ideas or is it up to Microsoft to resolve? Thanks for your help. Avatar

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  23. Guest Chris
    Started by Guest Chris,

    I have following objectguid as hex guid: D4 16 D8 5C D0 D6 EC 47 91 89 13 B8 36 74 F3 C1. How to convert it into string GUID format as xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx I found an article (MS KB 325648) to convert string GUID to Hex string form. But in my case I need to reverse. Thanks.

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  24. Guest Chris
    Started by Guest Chris,

    I have following objectguid as hex guid: D4 16 D8 5C D0 D6 EC 47 91 89 13 B8 36 74 F3 C1. How to convert it into string GUID format as xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx I found an article (MS KB 325648) to convert string GUID to Hex string form. But in my case I need to reverse. Thanks.

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  25. Guest prubin@equilter.com
    Started by Guest prubin@equilter.com,

    It seems that when excel has a file opened, the WinXP search cannot find it. If you close the file in excel, WinXP suddenly sees it again. Is there any way to search for files, whether or not they're opened in Excel?

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