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Microsoft Support & Discussions

Microsoft Windows, Windows Server software, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Azure or any other Microsoft product discussions and help.

  1. Guest Tim
    Started by Guest Tim,

    I was having a problem with my Windows Onecare Live software and was finally told to do a repair with my Windows XP SP2. So, I did. Now I cannot get any updates. They all come back failed. Any help.

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  2. Guest bob clere
    Started by Guest bob clere,

    Since the latest updates were installed my right mouse button is dead in Windows Explorer, the delete key is likewise dead. Any suggestions?

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  3. Guest Ozark  American
    Started by Guest Ozark American,

    Vista Home Premium. I have installed a new mouse, Logitech G7, and setpoint 4 software. Now the computer boots up with monitor display at 8 bit. I set it to 32 bit and every time I change task it goes to 8 bit. I am not up to doing much technical stuff. In the BIOS I changed the display from forced to current, (I have no idea what that means) but I can see no change.

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  4. Guest Rich Barry
    Started by Guest Rich Barry,

    It may be the Monitor Power Cord or Cable that connects to the Graphics Card. Inspect the Cord and Cable thoroughly for any signs of a problem. "qwerty" <qwerty@ihopethisisnotadomain.com> wrote in message news:Xns996CC2C628164p3ifw90nsdek@ >I have a monitor that used to work fine, but now when the > computer starts up, the monitor switches off immediately, > without even showing the bios screens. If I unplug it from the > computer it shows the "signal not found" screen fine. Once I > plug it in again, it switches off immediately. > > The monitor is a LG Studioworks 700S. I tried it on other > computers and it show…

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  5. Guest z5166
    Started by Guest z5166,

    I am new to windows vista basic version . I cannot see any of the stndard views of files & folders in the Windows Gallery or Media Player- any suggestions how I can please.

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  6. Guest Charlie
    Started by Guest Charlie,

    I recently installed a HP6980 printer on my home network. I can print from two computers but not from one. I am running with a Linksys router and switch and have Windows XP on all computers. All the applications I try to print from give me different error messages but basically say they can't print because of an error with the printer. The error messages don't really say anything specific. The HP install went fine with no errors or issues. I can see and configure the printer in the control panel. I can ping the IP address of the printer. All other computers on the network can print to the printer. There are no listings in the Event Logs. I have stopped and re…

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  7. Guest Charlie
    Started by Guest Charlie,

    I recently installed a HP6980 printer on my home network. I can print from two computers but not from one. I am running with a Linksys router and switch and have Windows XP on all computers. All the applications I try to print from give me different error messages but basically say they can't print because of an error with the printer. The error messages don't really say anything specific. The HP install went fine with no errors or issues. I can see and configure the printer in the control panel. I can ping the IP address of the printer. All other computers on the network can print to the printer. There are no listings in the Event Logs. I have stopped a…

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  8. Guest Quba
    Started by Guest Quba,

    Hi everyone, I have a problem with connecting to internet by squid proxy server. While I'am trying to log in to proxy, after confirming the authorization the web isn't starting. It's just view a message: "Url could not be retrieved, access denied, contact to your proxy admin". I'm wondering is solution of the problem on terminal (maybe some application blocked some ports) or on proxy side (admin disabled access from this end-terminal). I especially turn this question to admins, please help.

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  9. Guest Quba
    Started by Guest Quba,

    Hi everyone, I have a problem with connecting to internet by squid proxy server. While I'am trying to log in to proxy, after confirming the authorization the web isn't starting. It's just view a message: "Url could not be retrieved, access denied, contact to your proxy admin". I'm wondering is solution of the problem on terminal (maybe some application blocked some ports) or on proxy side (admin disabled access from this end-terminal). I especially turn this question to admins, please help.

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  10. Guest Jeje
    Started by Guest Jeje,

    Hi, When I download and activate the search add-on to search and scan UNC shared folders, Vista lock the files when I edit them. For example, I open a word document from an UNC folder, and when I try to save it, Vista says the file is allready open. So I have to save the file under another file name. If I deactivate the search to scan my UNC folders, then everything works fine. any idea of what can I do? thanks. Jerome.

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  11. Guest Gina Whipp
    Started by Guest Gina Whipp,

    It was suggested by the 'creator' I post this question here to see if anyone has run across this issue and found a solution... Hello All, Maybe someone has come across this problem before. I have been using Stephen Lebans ReportToPDF for sometime now and LOVE IT (Thanks Stephen!!!). I have an Access database, tables on SQL Server and front being accessed thru Terminal Services with an HP LaserJet 4 printer. When I send the report to .pdf the font changes from Times New Roman to Arial! The .snp is in Times New Roman, so my thought is it's not the utility or Access and I just want a confirmation and to know if anyone has run into this problem and has a sug…

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  12. Guest notaguru
    Started by Guest notaguru,

    This newsgroup is very useful for me, but it's been time consuming running past the many messages that have nothing to do with the subject at hand. You'd think that linux is a messianic movement! I've shrunk my scanning time 40% by using (for the first time ever!) Thunderbird's usenet client filters, plonking subjects LINUX, UBUNTU, and certain senders who have never generated a single on-topic post. Ike

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  13. Guest KCav
    Started by Guest KCav,

    Warning messages keep appearing in Event Viewer|Applications that say, " caused by services running in a user's account. To find out which services are running in a user account I looked in AdminTools|Services. Next I went to the cmd and entered net start. All I see are serices running in either Local or System. I sure I am missing some basic undersatnding of what was ment by the Description in the warning. Can someone help me? -- KC

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  14. Guest KCav
    Started by Guest KCav,

    Warning messages keep appearing in Event Viewer|Applications that say, " caused by services running in a user's account. To find out which services are running in a user account I looked in AdminTools|Services. Next I went to the cmd and entered net start. All I see are serices running in either Local or System. I sure I am missing some basic undersatnding of what was ment by the Description in the warning. Can someone help me? -- KC

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  15. Guest KCav
    Started by Guest KCav,

    I have a notebook on which Telephony works and one on which it does not. The path to executable Telephoney Serice is C:\WINDOWS\Systm32\svchost.exe. The one that doesn't work has -k tapisrv to svchost.exe. The one that does work has -K netsvcs. Where do these modifiers come from? -- KC

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  16. Guest KCav
    Started by Guest KCav,

    I have a notebook on which Telephony works and one on which it does not. The path to executable Telephoney Serice is C:\WINDOWS\Systm32\svchost.exe. The one that doesn't work has -k tapisrv to svchost.exe. The one that does work has -K netsvcs. Where do these modifiers come from? -- KC

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  17. Guest Mac
    Started by Guest Mac,

    Hi, Let me preface this with I'm a graphics guy, not a technical one so forgive me if I sound like an idiot. I've created 4 new icons (.ico files) for our small department to use as folder icons on our department shared drive. Another person in the dept has the icon files saved to her desktop too, and we can each change the folder icons on our respective computers, but the folders I create in the shared drive show up on her computer with the default Windows folder icon just as folders she creates appear with the default icon on my screen. If I change a folder icon to one of Windows other standard icons, all of us see it the same way, so my guess is our…

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  18. Guest John Brown
    Started by Guest John Brown,

    Why, after setting updates to "Automatic", does it require an admin to start the updates? XP just downloads the updates and sits around with it until an admin logs in the computer.

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  19. Guest james
    Started by Guest james,

    Hi, When I try to put my laptop in standby mode I get the message "The service 'microsoft.net framework v1.1.4322 update' is preventing the machine from entering standby. Try stopping the service and try again". Anyone knows how I stop this service? Many thanks in advance for your help.

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  20. Guest Steve
    Started by Guest Steve,

    I implemented Windows updates yesterday, (KB39373, KB936357, and KB890830) and after restart, I start Lotus Notes. It comes up, and lets me log in but then, the window does not completely paint, and it is consuming most of my CPU. I can click on items in my In-box, but they never display. When I close Notes, it closes just fine...not hung. I restored my system to a prior checkpoint, but the problem still exists. Any notion what is going on with these updates that will cause Notes to tank like this? Thanks.

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  21. Guest Fishermun
    Started by Guest Fishermun,

    The Windows update notification icon showed updates were available for me to download. I looked at them, then started the download. I had all 9 of them selected. 6 of the 9 were downloaded and installed. I have tried several times to download the last 3 without any success. I have zonealarm, and have stopped zonealarm, restarted my laptop and tried to download the last 3 updates, still no luck. I also turned off AVG free, still no luck. It looks like the updates are being downloaded, but there is no data coming to this laptop. It is like my laptop is not connecting to there (Microsofts server). But as soon as I "Stop the update/Installation", I can surf th…

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  22. Guest Raj
    Started by Guest Raj,

    I have just bought a new P4 compaq machine with vista business, i have loaded as normally do with xp. Connection to the pc is through utp cable from switch. I have 2 servers Main & Exchange. At 1st i was not able to get the main server & Internet Connection. I managed to configure main server now i'm unable to get internet connection. I have a wireless connection which is connected to router & then to a switch & then to the pc. Kindly assit on how to go about it.

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  23. Guest g.hellmann
    Started by Guest g.hellmann,

    With our application we tryed to open com1 while using the on-screen keyboard. The port couldn´t be open. The device manager didn´t show the use of the port. Instead of our appliction we tryed it with hyperterminal. The message was "com1 is occupied from another application". After closing the on-screen keyboard hyperterminal was able to open the port. Is it a known bug ? How to fix it (using both com1 and on-screen keyboard) ??

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  24. Guest Erik
    Started by Guest Erik,

    Hello, I have a serious problem: When I activate te windows update service, my pc starts with constant rebooting. The moment I stop the automatic update service. The problem is over, but I cannot updat my windows XP prof What can I do? -- Erik

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  25. Guest Saverio A.
    Started by Guest Saverio A.,

    How to run a file bat automatically before the closing of Vista, in XP it was possible with Gpedit but in Vista no idea thanks

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