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Microsoft Support & Discussions

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  1. Guest NachoMSFT
    Started by Guest NachoMSFT,

    Current Viva customers invited to join the 300+ Viva customers who impact Viva engineering teams across the Viva Suite Microsoft’s NDA Viva Customer Connection Program (VCCP) currently connects over 300 Viva customer organizations directly with Viva product teams, early and often throughout Viva product planning and development. If your organization is using at least one Viva app, VCCP may be a great fit for you. VCCP’s goal? For customers, like you, to provide Viva product teams with honest and actionable feedback engineers can implement prior to product release. Customers using at least one Viva app in any capacity are invited to join the NDA V…

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  2. Guest John_Mighell
    Started by Guest John_Mighell,

    As part of our first Viva Summit, we’re excited to announce a set of new features and engagement opportunities with Microsoft Viva Learning. You can watch the full session at aka.ms/MicrosoftVivaSummit to see how Viva can help you grow and engage your workforce, including a panel discussion with Johann Laville – Chief Learning Officer at Merck and John George – Chief Information Officer at ICF. Announcing Academies in Viva Learning We’re excited to announce a new way of organizing and delivering learning resources within Viva Learning. Announced today and available soon, academies enhance organizations’ ability to curate role and line-of-business specific exper…

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  3. Guest TranissaCreme_PMM
    Started by Guest TranissaCreme_PMM,

    Welcome to a new world of work, where productivity and employee engagement are key to success, especially in turbulent times. Our latest Work Trends Index report highlights the resilience and performance of engaged workforces and their impact on a company's financial performance. Together, Viva Glint, Viva Insights, and Viva Pulse help organizations drive engagement and positive business outcomes by gaining a rich understanding of the employee experience and turning insights into action for continuous improvement. Introducing Microsoft Viva Glint Today at the Microsoft Viva Summit, we announced that Viva Glint will come to the Viva suite this summ…

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  4. Guest JustinBlack

    When Glint joined the LinkedIn family in 2018, it was because we saw the promise of bringing together the world’s leading employee engagement platform with LinkedIn’s suite of talent products, enabling us to deliver a holistic view of talent inside and outside an organization, and to help leaders support and develop the people they hire. Our teams have delivered on this promise, helping organizations navigate the chaos of a pandemic world by listening and responding to their people and developing core skills to future-proof their teams. We’re proud of the organizations that we’ve been able to help, and we are excited for the expanded reach and scale of Glint to reali…

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  5. Guest melissabarry
    Started by Guest melissabarry,

    Perhaps no one is better suited to offer tips for happiness and success in your career than people who study people at work. People scientists are modern experts in employee engagement, psychology, and people analytics. They help individuals and organizations thrive by building positive mindsets and effective work cultures. Of course, they each bring their own life experiences and wisdom to what they do, which leads to this roundup of advice. Here are 20 favorite tips from Viva Glint’s People Science team to be your best self and inspire others around you. Continue to check out the Viva Community for more tips and inspiration from the People Science team. …

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  6. Guest Judy_Weiner

    The data is clear—successful managers are the secret sauce for high-performing teams and organizations. People who recommend their manager are 2.3x more likely to demonstrate employee engagement—a key driver of business success—compared to those who don’t. Do you know the most important way managers can foster employee engagement? It’s listening to their people’s feedback and working to collaboratively take action to improve the team’s engagement. But all too often, managers—especially those who are new in their jobs—don’t know how to begin. Roadblocks prevent action. Viva Glint’s Manager Empowerment bundle is an end-to-end guided experience that significan…

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  7. Guest nirjatrivedi

    We’re entering a new age of work, one that requires clarity, alignment, and a sense of purpose to employees and organizations. By centering actionable goals in our work, we address many of the challenges we’re hearing from customers like: Only 39% of employees fully understand their company goals which makes it impossible to connect the work they are doing every day to the work that drives business impact Employees want more visibility into progress towards goals at the team and organization level. The #1 thing practitioners would change about the goal-setting and management process is having more frequent updates on their goal progress. Leaders are looking for…

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  8. Guest davidshin
    Started by Guest davidshin,

    Microsoft Viva Sales is reimagining sales. By bringing customer relationship management (CRM) data and artificial intelligence (AI) seamlessly into every salesperson’s flow of work, Viva Sales helps sellers focus time on what matters most: making meaningful connections, building trust, and moving deals forward. This month, we’re thrilled to share a suite of new features and improvements across Viva Sales that together empower sellers to work more effectively and efficiently than ever before. Today’s Viva Sales enhancements come as part of a broader set of AI updates to the Viva platform announced today, which you can read about here. Simplify meeting preparation…

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  9. Guest SamCundall
    Started by Guest SamCundall,

    We're celebrating #NationalHighFiveDay today by introducing an exciting and unique way to interact with your team members using new Together Emojis in Microsoft Teams. The new Together Emoji for high fives is currently rolling out and will be available to users soon! What are Together Emojis? “Together Emojis” are a unique concept conceived by myself and my colleague Nico Nuzzaci in 2016 to bridge the gap across the communication stream. For a long time, when you send an emoji in chat, it stays on the left or right and has always felt disconnected to us. We wanted a way for people to come together when they are apart using digital communication to foster a g…

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  10. Guest JaimeGonzales
    Started by Guest JaimeGonzales,

    When we refer to People Success at Microsoft Viva, we’re talking about enabling people to bring their best selves to work—in order to do their best work. That kind of atmosphere looks different from one organization to another. But our experience tells us there’s both a universal definition of People Success as well as six core elements that organizations can use to build their own thriving People Success culture. What is People Success? People Success—is it a journey? A destination? A feeling? We’d say yes to all three. People Success happens when people bring their best selves to work to do their best work. So how do organizations get to Peo…

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  11. Guest MichaelHoward-MSFT
    Started by Guest MichaelHoward-MSFT,

    Invariably, when I ask people what Transport Layer Security (TLS) does, they say something like, “it protects my credit card info when I buy things online.” The response is not incorrect, but it’s not the whole story, either, and let’s just ignore the server-side credit card protection requirements and PCI compliance for a moment. TLS provide three security services, with an optional fourth. The first is server authentication, in other words, “is the server I connect to the real server?” The second is channel encryption. The third is channel integrity protection. The fourth option is client authentication, in other words, the server requires the clien…

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  12. Welcome to the “Director’s cut” of the 2022 Windows Server Summit. I am going through and posting each of the sessions (and my comments) that were part of the event that took place December 6th, 2022. Now we're into some meat and potatoes kinda stuff with Sonia and Orin taking you on a whirlwind tour of how to modernize you Windows File Server. Things they cover include: Migrating file shares with Storage Migration Service, Securing your server with Connection Security Rules and how to keep things orderly by implementing File screens. They've got demos, some practical advice and a tip of the hat to some things you might have forgotten are possible on Windows…

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  13. Guest AmritpalSinghNaroo
    Started by Guest AmritpalSinghNaroo,

    Azure provides built-in diagnostics to assist with debugging an App Service web app. The primary aim of this blog is to guide one step-by-step to add instrumentation to your application, as well as how to access the information logged. Step 1: Go to >App Service Logs> Enable Application Logging (Blob) and select the desired Blob Storage and the Container and select the Level of logging. For more information on different types of logs you can refer this document. Step 2: Below is the code we have deployed a .Net Core MVC web application in a Windows App Service. public IActionResult Index() { _logge…

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  14. Guest PieterVanhove
    Started by Guest PieterVanhove,

    This article will guide you through the steps to convert your existing data into tamper proof data by using the ledger feature. To enable ledger for a specific table, you can migrate the data from an existing regular table to a ledger table, and then replace the original table with the ledger table. We have built the tools to help you do that. To convert a regular table into a ledger table, Microsoft recommends using the sys.sp_copy_data_in_batches stored procedure. It copies data from the source table to the target ledger table (updatable or append-only) after verifying that their schema is identical in terms of number of columns, column names and their data types…

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  15. Guest Bruno Gabrielli
    Started by Guest Bruno Gabrielli,

    Hello followers and welcome back to this new post of mine Today I am going to share with you an interesting experience in configuring the Logs ingestion using the new API in Azure Monitor in a data collection rule created using ARM templates. In my previous HTTP Data Collector API in a real customer scenario post, I showed a possible use of the old HTTP Data Collector API but since things changed a lot with the release of the Azure Monitor Agent I decided to give the new Logs Ingestion API a try. I basically followed the Tutorial: Send data to Azure Monitor Logs using REST API (Resource Manager templates) public documentation which is pretty exhausti…

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  16. Guest RachelIrabor
    Started by Guest RachelIrabor,

    This is part of the Let's Build Together: LowCode Edition show where you learn how you can use applications and services in Power Platform to accelerate digital transformation of business processes. This show is designed to walk you through how to build End to End solutions using Microsoft Power Apps, automate their processes with Microsoft Power Automate in a span of just 2 weeks. Power Platform skills will open doors for you in your career Use Case Project – Mobile Sales Application Watch Live Practical Guide on-demand Solution Considerations before development Before you build an application, you should have some thought and break down …

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  17. Guest Sandeep_Goyal

    Symptom Azure B2C Signout was not working for an application. Application was throwing "AADB2C90272: the id_token_hint parameter has not been specified in the request. Please provide token and try again." error. Please find below screen shot for your reference. Cause We did the analsis and found incorrect "Require ID Token in logout requests" property of "Sign up and sign in" userflow. "Require ID Token in logout requests" property was selected as "Yes". Please find below screen shot and steps to validate/update "Require ID Token in logout requests" Session Behavior. Choose All services in the top-left corner of the Azure portal, and then sea…

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  18. Guest Sandeep_Goyal

    Symptom We had an issue where IIS was throwing below error. Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 800700b7 Please find below screen shot for reference. WAS service was unable to start with error "Cannot create a file when that file already exists". Please find below screen shot for reference. Cause Duplicate schema configuration xml file exists in "C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\schema" folder. Please find below screen shot for your reference. Resolution Remove the duplicate schema configuration xml file fro…

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  19. Guest Microsoft Excel
    Started by Guest Microsoft Excel,

    Did you know these conditional formatting tips? In this article, you'll discover methods for highlighting patterns in your data, emphasizing insights or trends with the use of colors, icons or formulas. These 4 tips cover common scenarios at home or in small businesses, like managing expenses, home renovation and more. Highlight the highest expenses in scenarios like personal budgeting Create icons based on data values in scenarios like product ratings Highlight rows using formulas in scenarios like home renovation Getting Started To get started, click on the template. Go to File › Save As › Download a Copy Go to OneDrive Select Upload › Files …

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  20. Guest smallangi
    Started by Guest smallangi,

    Translate documents using Azure Document Translation Azure Document Translation service enables the translation of multiple and complex documents across all supported languages and dialects while preserving the original document structure and data format. However, it currently does not support the translation of text from images in digital documents. To address this, there are two options: Convert the digital document into a scanned document in its entirety. Split the document into two files and process them separately: One file containing all pages that only have text. The digital pages are preserved in their original form. The Document Translation service tak…

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  21. Guest Masafumi_Hori

    こんにちは。日本マイクロソフト SQL Server サポートチームです。 事象: イメージのランダム化を強制する(必須ASLR) に「既定でオンにする」を設定した場合、SQL Server 2016 ならびにSQL Server 2019 のExpress Edition の日本語版のインストーラ(SQLEXPR_x64_JPN.exe) の起動に失敗します。 なお、イメージのランダム化を強制する(必須ASLR) の規定値は「既定でオフにする」であり、既定値では発生しません。 また、SQL Server 2014、SQL Server 2017、SQL Server 2022 のExpress Edition の日本語版のインストーラー(SQLEXPR_x64_JPN.exe) では発生しません。 ※ 公開時点 イメージのランダム化を強制する(必須ASLR)の設定手順は以下となります。 スタートメニューより[設定] -> [更新とセキュリティ] -> [Windows セキュリティ] -> [アプリとブラウザーの制御] -> [Exploit Protection の設定] -> [システム設定] -> [イメージのランダム化を強制する (必須ASLR)]  図.Windows セキュリティ画面(ご参考)   原因: SQL Server のセットアップは、イメージのランダム化を強制する(必須…

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  22. Guest Naga_Yenamandra

    Research suggests that ratings and reviews are critical in identifying trustworthy products. Customers can see these reviews across various industries and outlets, from Amazon's e-commerce platform, to TripAdvisor, and Yelp. This suggests that a similar approach can be adopted and ratings will be crucial to provide trust and confidence to users discovering data assets in Microsoft Purview data catalog for usage either in an analytical pipeline, reporting dashboard, etc. Imagine you are a data analyst tasked with building customer usage metrics for the last six months. Using Microsoft Purview data catalog, you can now search and find all the customer related data a…

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  23. Guest Sarah_Doerge

    Thank you for being a part of the HLS Teams Productivity Summit. We are pleased to provide you with a copy of today's presentation and recording, which you can find below. Session Details: In this session Microsoft Technical Specialist Michael Gannotti walks attendees through the Microsoft Viva Suite of Modules and explains which portions come with existing subscriptions (seeded) and which are Premium services. Target Audience: Everyone Bio: Microsoft Principal Technical Specialist for the Microsoft Corporation. Michael has been a frequent speaker in the areas of employee experience, Microsoft technology, social media, mobility, and devices. Michael is w…

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  24. Guest Sarah_Doerge

    Thank you for being a part of the HLS Teams Productivity Summit. We are pleased to provide you with a copy of today's presentation and recording, which you can find below. Session Title: Enhance your deployment with new Teams Premium features Session Details: Six years ago, we embarked on an exciting journey with Microsoft Teams to build a hub for collaboration and teamwork using Microsoft Teams. Our work is far from over. We continue to listen, learn, and innovate so all organizations can thrive in an ever-changing workplace. Tune into this session as Teams Engineering provides updates on the new features being rolled into Microsoft Teams. Example of i…

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  25. Guest aurnovcy

    Tired of manually onboarding and configuring Azure services for your Arc-enabled servers? With Azure Automanage Machine Best Practices, you can point, click, set, and forget to extend Azure security, monitoring, and governance services to servers anywhere. Directly from Azure portal, you can generate an extensible onboarding script can be run on Windows and Linux servers running on-premises or other clouds like AWS, GCP, and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Within the single server onboarding experience for Azure Arc, you can select to enable Azure Automanage as you onboard machines to Azure Arc. This means you can go onboard your Azure Arc-enabled servers to Azure ser…

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