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Microsoft Support & Discussions

Microsoft Windows, Windows Server software, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Azure or any other Microsoft product discussions and help.

  1. Guest Liana_Anca_Tomescu

    Introduction This article is a continuation of Microsoft Defender PoC Series which provides you guidelines on how to perform a proof of concept for a specific Microsoft Defender plan. For a more comprehensive approach where you need to validate Microsoft Defender for Cloud, please read How to Effectively Perform an Microsoft Defender for Cloud PoC article. Importance of DevSecOps There are two Source Code Management platforms currently supported by Defender for DevOps – GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Azure DevOps Services. This article will go into detail about GitHub Enterprise Cloud. Microsoft Defender for DevOps with GitHub allows security t…

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  2. Guest TapioH
    Started by Guest TapioH,

    Huomaattehan, että jo pidettyjen Kumppanituntien tallenteet löytyvät samasta rekisteröitymislinkistä alla. Jatkossa Kumppanitunnit järjestetään suoraan Cloud Champion -sivustolla, josta ne ovat kätevästi saatavilla tallenteina heti livelähetyksen jälkeen. Muistathan rekisteröityä CloudChampion-alustalle ensimmäisellä kerralla, jonka jälkeen pääset aina sisältöön sekä tallenteisiin käsiksi. Pääset rekisteröitymään, "Register now" kohdasta. Täytä tietosi ja valitse Distributor kohtaan - Other. Kumppanitunti on joka toinen perjantai, klo 10.00-11.00, järjestettävä tekninen webinaari. Webinaarissa keskitymme Microsoftin ratkaisualueiden mielenkiintoisiin uutuuksiin. Kum…

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  3. Guest jangelfdez
    Started by Guest jangelfdez,

    Azure offers access to 7 distinct VM categories, including Compute Optimized, Memory Optimized, and Accelerated Compute, comprising over 50 different families such as Fsv2-series, Edv4-series, and ND A100 v4-series. Each family has a variety of SKUs available, resulting in a wide range of choices. Determining the optimal VM for your workload can be a challenging task without clear guidance on how to filter out unsuitable VM categories and families. This article presents a concise overview of the key factors to consider when selecting the appropriate SKU for your application. It outlines a systematic methodology for filtering out unsuitable VM categories, then narro…

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  4. Guest Mary_Reynolds
    Started by Guest Mary_Reynolds,

    The research we commissioned to ‘green IT’ analyst firm Px3 determined that Windows 365 can significantly reduce greenhouse emissions at scale, reducing both energy use and embodied emissions. Read the full report HERE Continue reading...

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  5. Guest BrandonWilson
    Started by Guest BrandonWilson,

    Hi everyone! Brandon Wilson here once again with this month’s “Check This Out!” (CTO!) guide. These posts are only intended to be your guide, to lead you to some content of interest, and are just a way we are trying to help our readers a bit more, whether that is learning, troubleshooting, or just finding new content sources! We will give you a bit of a taste of the blog content itself, provide you a way to get to the source content directly, and help to introduce you to some other blogs you may not be aware of that you might find helpful. If you have been a long-time reader, then you will find this series to be very similar to our prior series “Infrastructure + Securi…

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  6. Guest abrilurena

    GitHub Copilot un programador de pares de Inteligencia Artificial que te ayuda a escribir código más rápido y con menos trabajo. Puede ayudarte mientras trabajas porque te ofrece sugerencias mientras programas Hay más de 100 beneficios de diferentes compañías que como beneficios gratuitos en el GitHub Student Developer Pack. Estos beneficios son estrictamente para estudiantes. Por lo tanto, antes de que puedas acceder a él, debes probar tu identidad de estudiante a través del correo electrónico registrado de tu escuela o mediante un proceso de identificación para personas cuya escuela no ofrece correo electrónico escolar. Los siguientes pasos son para es…

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  7. Guest SamuelSoto
    Started by Guest SamuelSoto,

    As businesses switch to digital platforms, the risk of cyber-attacks has increased. IT teams have the enormous task of keeping servers secure from adversaries who are continuously finding new ways to break into systems and abuse vulnerabilities, a task that becomes exponentially more difficult to effectively perform as enterprise environments increase their complexity. Automation and optimization must be implemented if a team aims to be successful in their vulnerability management efforts against an ever-changing threat landscape. This post will discuss how Microsoft Defender for Servers, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Azure Automation Services and Azure Arc can automat…

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  8. Guest Walter Oliver
    Started by Guest Walter Oliver,

    Hello everyone, We are pleased to announce that we have extended our support for minor Kubernetes versions for a period of up to one year, commencing with v1.23.x. In order to facilitate this, we have added a range of enhancements to our AKS hybrid platform which include: We have lifted a restriction that limited users from updating AKS hybrid management clusters when you have a target cluster that's running on a version that has been deprecated in the latest release. With the new change, update will proceed as long as the workload cluster's version is still a supported minor version. With the current release, while updates will continue to be executed in a…

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  9. Guest AzureSphereTeam
    Started by Guest AzureSphereTeam,

    The Azure Sphere update 23.05 is now available for evaluation via the Retail Eval feed. The retail evaluation period provides 14 days for backwards compatibility testing. During this time, please verify that your applications and devices operate properly with this release before it's deployed broadly via the Retail feed. The Retail feed will continue to deliver OS version 23.02 until we publish the 23.05 update in two weeks. Areas of special focus for compatibility testing with the 23.05 release should include apps and functionality utilizing: Azure IoT Hub wolfSSL API calls (such as custom TLS Client or Server) TLS connections UART For more i…

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  10. Guest Brady-B

    You can now, at-a-glance, see important dates about your ISV Success program benefits, read benefit overviews, act on a detailed activation walkthrough, and complete your activation, all in one place. In April, Azure Standard Support Plan and GitHub have been added to the list of fully automated ISV Success program benefits, joining Azure Sponsorship, Dynamics 365 Sandbox, Microsoft 365 Developer Subscriptions, the Application architecture design session, Application design review, the Application publishing consultation, and Marketplace listing optimization, meaning a smoother transition from activation to utilization for you and your team. What does this mean for…

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  11. Guest Mike_Browning
    Started by Guest Mike_Browning,

    Microsoft Defender External Attack Surface Management (Defender EASM) discovers and classifies assets and workloads across your organization's digital presence to enable teams to understand and prioritize exposed weaknesses in cloud, SaaS, and IaaS resources to strengthen security posture. Features recently added boost usability and enable exciting new ways for customers to leverage their inventory data and critical security insights derived from their organization's assets and workloads. Below, learn about these powerful new enhancements and how you can begin using them today. New Features Data Connections Defender EASM now offers data connection…

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  12. Guest perryleong

    Azure Virtual Machines are an excellent solution for hosting both new and legacy applications. However, as your services and workloads become more complex and demand increases, your costs may also rise. Azure provides a range of pricing models, services, and tools that can help you optimize the allocation of your cloud budget and get the most value for your money. Let’s explore Azure’s various cost-optimization options to see how they can significantly reduce your Azure compute costs. The major Azure cost optimization options can be grouped into three categories: VM services, pricing models and programs, and cost analysis tools. Let’s have a quick overvi…

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  13. Guest nishapillai
    Started by Guest nishapillai,

    Have you ever needed to test an API that you have exposed via Azure APIM? It can be a tedious and repetitive process… right? Not only do you have to redo testing after every minor change, but you also have to repeat it for each environment you deploy to. What if there was a way to automate the process with minimal coding? First, what exactly is Azure API Management (APIM), if you have not used it before? It's a fully managed service provided by Microsoft Azure that enables you to publish, secure, and manage APIs for your organization. By acting as a gateway between your backend services and the clients that consume them, APIM provides a centralized point o…

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  14. Guest Joe Lurie

    Does your organization share computing resources among employees or clients? There are many reasons to do this, with productivity and ease of management perhaps being some of yours. On the one hand, there are shared multi-user and guest Windows devices. On the other hand, there is Windows 365 Frontline, which is currently in public preview. It is designed for employees who work on a rotation schedule or part-time workers who don't require 24/7 dedicated Cloud PCs. Variety is the spice of life, they say! Time to learn: 53 minutes [attachment=39895:name]READ Manage multi-user and guest Windows devices Start here to learn about Shared PC mode. It's a way…

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  15. Guest Student_Developer_Team

    Today we meet Muhammad Sakib Khan Inan who recently graduated with a Bachelor of Science in computer science and engineering from East Delta University. Responses have been edited for clarity and length.  When you joined the Student Ambassador community in 2020, did you have specific goals you wanted to reach, such as a particular skill or quality? Before joining the community, one of the most important goals in my mind was to break the boundary of my community engagement circle and extend the diameter of it at an international level. I wanted to improve my presentation skills, public-speaking skills, and story-telling skills at an international lev…

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  16. Guest Student_Developer_Team
    Started by Guest Student_Developer_Team,

    Today we meet Luis Filipe who recently graduated with a degree in Computer Engineering from the Federal Institute of Science Education and Technology of Ceará, Brazil. Responses have been edited for clarity and length. What is your degree in? I graduated with a bachelor's degree in computer engineering from the Federal Institute of Science, Education and Technology of Ceará (IFCE ) in Brazil. When did you join the Student Ambassadors community? I joined the Student Ambassador community in January 2021, and loved every moment I could contribute to my community and fellow Ambassadors! What was being a Student Ambassador like? B…

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  17. Guest sayedimac
    Started by Guest sayedimac,

    Even if you’re completely new to Microsoft technology—or technology as a whole—Microsoft has some great tools and resources to assist you in getting skilled up, topic by topic, course by course, one certification at a time. One thing that could help is having a knowledge partner—someone who understands that you might be new to all this stuff. No matter what piques your interest, whether it’s development, AI, security, or another tech topic altogether, the Microsoft Learn Community is here to help. Microsoft—and more specifically, Microsoft Learn—can help you to build the skills you need to take your career to the next level or even to kick-start a new career in tec…

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  18. Guest Student_Developer_Team
    Started by Guest Student_Developer_Team,

    Today we meet Israel Ulelu who recently graduated from University of Nigeria with a degree in computer science and statistics. Responses have been edited for clarity and length. What is your degree in? I recently graduated with a bachelor's degree in computer science and statistics from the University of Nigeria. When did you join the Student Ambassadors community? I joined the Student Ambassadors Community in January 2020 just before the COVID -19 Pandemic. What was being a Student Ambassador like? It was a wonderful experience. The program provided me with a platform to connect with a network of Student Ambassadors from arou…

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  19. Guest Student_Developer_Team
    Started by Guest Student_Developer_Team,

    Today we meet Jasleen Sondhi who recently graduated with a Master of Science in Data Science from Christ University in India. Responses have been edited for clarity and length. Tell us your degree and what university you attend? I will graduate with a Master of Science in Data Science (MSc Data Science) from Christ University, in India. When did you join the Student Ambassadors community? I joined the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors community right amid the pandemic. I was pursuing my bachelor’s degree in physics, mathematics, and Computer Science at the time. I was unmotivated due to the pandemic and recovering from a medical condition and…

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  20. Guest Student_Developer_Team
    Started by Guest Student_Developer_Team,

    Today we meet Bruna Lanzarini who recently graduated with a degree in Information Systems from Faculdade de Informatica e Administracao Paulista in Brazil. Responses have been edited for clarity and length. What is your degree in? I graduated with a degree in Information Systems from the Faculdade de Informática e Administração Paulista (FIAP) in Brazil. When did you join the Student Ambassadors community? I joined the program in January 2020, through friends from my college who already participated and encouraged me to participate too. What was being a Student Ambassador like? It was gratifying, a welcoming place where I co…

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  21. Guest paulgarn
    Started by Guest paulgarn,

    At the recent Microsoft Secure event, we announced a new feature called Token Protection for sign-in sessions. This is the first in a series of Microsoft Entra features designed to combat token theft and replay attacks. As you may know, attacks involving token theft are becoming more frequent. To address this, we at Microsoft are making comprehensive investments to allow you to use Azure AD Conditional Access to better protect your critical resources. Our solutions aim to provide better security characteristics than previous approaches to combat token theft. This includes resistance to malware attacks on user devices that steal tokens and malicious insider…

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  22. Guest Student_Developer_Team
    Started by Guest Student_Developer_Team,

    Today we meet Raja Ahmed who recently graduated with a Bachelor of Science in computer engineering from the University of Engineering and Technology at the University of Peshawar in Pakistan. Responses have been edited for clarity and length. What is your degree in? I pursued my bachelor's in computer engineering from UET Peshawar, a tier-1 engineering school in Pakistan. Peshawar is probably among the oldest cities on the planet, with a diversified culture. When did you join the Student Ambassadors community? I joined the MLSA community back in 2019 when I was about to start my sophomore year and now it’s time to say goodbye after an a…

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  23. Guest Mary_Reynolds
    Started by Guest Mary_Reynolds,

    Please join us at One Microsoft Place to be inspired by Microsoft Specialists, our partners and our customers across Modern Work, Security, Azure and Business Applications to empower you and your organisation to achieve more. WHEN: 9:30 am – 3:15 pm, 23rd June 2023 WHERE: One Microsoft Place, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin, Ireland WHO: Decision makers and/or IT managers interested in current market trends Learn more and register now HERE Continue reading...

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  24. Guest Zachary Cavanell
    Started by Guest Zachary Cavanell,

    In Part 3 of our series, add Copilot to a simple app in Power Apps. Copilot user controls are rolling out now in preview. See how to add navigation between screens and conditional formatting using generative AI. Publish and share your app with your team, and integrate it with Microsoft Teams or Sharepoint to make it more discoverable. In Part 1 and 2 of the series, we showed the basics of how to build an inventory tracking app from scratch incorporating AI-driven Copilot capabilities. We added a mechanical parts table for data entry and sample data stored in Dataverse on the backend. Then, we added customizations such as new part records, a search function…

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  25. Guest Vytas Suopys

    Have you ever deployed a release to production only to find out a bug has escaped your testing process and now users are being severely impacted? In this post, I’ll discuss how to deploy a fix from your development Synapse Workspace into a production Synapse Workspace without adversely affecting ongoing development projects. This example uses Azure DevOps for CICD along with a Synapse extension for Azure DevOps: Synapse Workspace Deployment. In this example, I assume Synapse is already configured for source control with Azure DevOps Git and Build and Release pipelines are already defined in Azure DevOps. Instructions on how to apply this this can be found in the Az…

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